The hang out with Vanessa

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Laura's POV

I am in my living room and Vanessa walked in with a smile.

Laura: I'm only doing this to make my best friend happy

Vanessa: Laura I am your sister and I will even prove it to you

Laura: how? You showed me something fake

Vanessa: it wasn't fake 

Laura: *sighs*

Me and Vanessa went to this place to prove to me that she is my sister.

Lady: hello

Vanessa: hi can we have the family tree for the Marano family?

Lady: umm I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that

Vanessa: please miss I need to prove to my sister 

Lady: okay but don't tell them

Laura: okay

The lady gave me a sheet and Vanessa took it and showed me I was shocked she is my sister she then gave the paper back.

Vanessa: thank you

Lady: no problem

We walked out of the building and we got in her car.

Vanessa: now do you believe me?

Laura: yes

Vanessa: *smiles*

Laura: I'm glad that you're here

Vanessa: me either 

Laura: I wondered what happened for you to be taken away?

Vanessa: not sure but let's not bring up the past let's focus on the future

Laura: yup 

Vanessa drove off to the fair that happens to be in town and we walked around I bumped into a guy I saw who it was and it was Ethan.

Ethan: hey Laura

Laura: hi Ethan

Ethan: who's this?

Laura: this is my older sister Vanessa

Ethan: everyone can tell you're sisters you're both beautiful.

???: why am I not surprised 

I turned my head and saw Ross with his sibilings Ross came to my side.

Ross: I told you that you haven't changed

Vanessa: umm what's going on?

Laura: Nessa this is something between Ross and Ethan because I don't even know what is going on

Ethan: can't I compliment anyone?

Ross: your "compliments" mean something else with you Ethan

Ethan: I told you I changed

Ross: I will never ever believe you 

Ethan: you believe me don't you Laur?

Laura: umm I don't know 

Ethan: what?

Laura: I don't know who to believe I'm sorry

???: Laura come here

I saw Mia I ran to her while Ross' sibilings and Vanessa was confused.

Riker: me and the others are gonna go get a drink we'll leave you 4 to it

They then walked away I hugged Mia she didn't look happy with Ethan and Ross.

Mia: arguing?

Laura: yeah 

Mia: come on

Me and Mia walked towards the guys and they were still arguing.

Mia: stop it

They faced Mia with a confused expression.

Mia: can't you guys see what you're doing to Laura she is torn in the middle and it doesn't help with you two arguing Ross you know how much Laura hates arguing.

Ross: I know 

Ethan: we are so sorry Laura

Laura: it's okay

Mia: me and Laura are gonna have some girl time 

Laura: *nods*

We walked away with Vanessa and I think Ross's sister joined.

Rydel: hi can I join you?

Vanessa: sure

Mia: seriously Laura they can't keep doing this

Laura: I know but they won't stop one of them buys me roses the other buys me a bear then one of them buy me chocolates and the other buys me some more flowers.

Mia: who brought the chocolates?

Laura: Ross

Mia: those two are gonna kill each other 

Rydel: what are you on about?

Mia: Ross and Ethan like Laura at the same time and they are tryna outdo each other and see who can get Laura's attention and "love"

Vanessa: but who do you like more?

Laura: I don't know 

Mia: she thinks of them as friends well brothers in a way

Laura: yeah

Rydel: I know my brother he won't ever give up if he likes a girl 

Mia: but with Ethan he doesn't give up either 

Laura: I just hate the fighting between them

Vanessa: but how can we make them stop

Mia: you won't they both want Laura and if Laura chooses one then the other will do anything to get Laura 

Laura: I'm sick and tired of this fighting .... I'm gonna talk to them

Mia: but Laura

Laura: no Mia I need to tell them

Mia: alright but at least let me come with you

Laura: fine

I walked off with Mia following I saw Ross and Ethan still arguing I grabbed them both and pulled them away from the crowd and away from the fair.

Laura: that's it I've had enough with you two fighting you both promised me that you wouldn't fight or argue but you two don't cearly know about promises now I will give you a warning if you don't stop fighting then I can't be friends with either one of you because you are like my brothers okay so stop tryna get my attention because I know your games fellas okay so stop.

I then walked away from them and I walked up to Vanessa.

Laura: Nessa

Vanessa: yeah

Laura: take me home please

Vanessa: alright 

Mia: bye Laura

Laura: bye

Me and Vanessa walked to her car and Nessa took me home.

*At Laura's house*

Nessa pulled up and I got out and walked inside my house and closed the door.

End of POV

Mia's POV

I walked up to Ethan and Ross.

Mia: have you seen what you have done?

Ethan: what?

Mia: Laura went up to her sister with tears in her eyes and now she's gone home and I don't think it's wise to talk to her after the mess you both caused.

I then walked away.

End of POV

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