Ethan attacks

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Laura's POV

I'm in my room when I heard a smash I didn't look so I grabbed my phone and turned out my bedroom light I slowly and quietly ran to my closet and locked the door. Oh my gosh I'm so scared I turned my phone on silent and I texted Ross.


Ross! Help me please

From Laura

After 2 minutes I had a reply from him.


What's wrong? Are you hurt?

From Ross

To Ross

No I'm fine but someone broke into my house can you please help me.

From Laura

To Laura

Right I'm coming I have my brothers with me 

From Ross

To Ross

Thank you

From Laura

I heard my front door open and shouting then I heard a body fall then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I got a text off Laura saying that she needed help I instantly replied and then when she told me someone broke into her house I got my brothers and my sister wanted to join so we ran to Laura's and I saw Ethan.

Ross: what are you doi

Ethan: none of your business

Ross: it's my business you broke into my best friends house 

Ethan: she's gonna regret turning me down

Ross: touch her and I'll break your arm

Ethan: like to see you try

He smirked at me then I tackled him to the ground.

Ross: Rydel find Laura

Rydel: will do

She ran up the stairs to find Laura while I put Ethan in his place.

End of POV

Rydel's POV

I ran up the stairs to find Laura I walked into her bedroom.

Rydel: Laura?

I heard breathing in the closet I tried the door but it was locked

Rydel: Laura if you are in there in please open the door I want to  help you 

I heard the door unlock and Laura had red eyes like she had been crying.

Rydel: Laura it's okay

Laura: who was it?

Rydel: come on 

We walked down the stairs and I saw Ross in a fight against Ethan I didn't dare move Ross then grabbed Ethan and threw him out of the house Ross turned to me and walked up to me.

Ross: are you okay?

Laura: I'm fine 

Ross: you sure

Laura: yeah it just scared me that someone broke into my house I thought it was him

Ross: don't worry he's gone besides like I told you if he wants to get to you he has to go through me

Laura: you're sweet Ross

I hugged him and he hugged back then I pulled away.

Ross: I will always protect you Laura 

Laura: *smiles* thanks Ross 

He smiled at me.

Ross: tell mum I'm staying here 

Rydel: okay but be careful

Ross: I will

They walked out and I looked at Ross.

Laura: are you sure you want to stay here?

Ross: Laura I want to keep you safe 

Laura: awe Ross 

Ross: I know I'm a nice guy

Laura: *giggles*

Ross smiled at me.

Laura: why are you smiling at me Ross?

Ross: just of goofy you are

Laura: *playfully rolls eyes*

Ross: what shall we do?

Laura: I was gonna watch a movie but then I heard Ethan break in

Ross: alright let's watch the movie

Laura: really? You would want to watch mamma Mia?

Ross: never watched it 

Laura: alright 

We walked up the stairs well after Ross locked everything up with the glass that has broken he put something where the window was and it covered everything.

Ross: there I can sort that out tomorrow 

Laura: I can sort that out Ross don't worry

Ross: no way Laur I won't let you do that you might hurt

Laura: I'll be fine when I do that

Ross: you know I won't give up

Laura: fine 

Ross: *smiles*

We entered my room and I set the TV and the movie up and I sat on my bed Ross sat next to me and I laid my head on his chest.

Laura: Ross I can't thank you enough

Ross: for what?

Laura: protecting me, saving me from my uncle and helping me

Ross: hey no problem you're my best friend and I will always protect that never forget that

Laura: *giggles* I won't forget that 

Ross: *smiles*

We watched the movie I saw the time it was 11:45pm I yawned.

Ross: go sleep Laur

Laura: but I need to put everything away

Ross: no you don't I will

Laura: but.....

Ross: Laur you're really tired and you have had a big shock today so why don't you get some sleep I can do it

Laura: but Ross I don't want you...

Ross: Laura 

Laura: *yawns* okay

I got in bed and fell asleep.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Laura went sleep so I took the DVD out of the player put it in the box and turned the TV off and then I turned the light off in Laura's room then I went into the guest room and turned the light on got in the bed and turned the lights.

End of POV

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