Laura's story in her old school

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Laura's POV

It is the last day of school well the week I'm glad that it is finally here anyway I got out of bed took a shower then changed into white crop top with dark blue skinny jeans with black boots that go to my knee with a little bit of heel I put on a leather jacket I curled my hair. I walked down the stairs and got an apple grabbed my bag, house keys and locker keys then I heard a car horn I looked out the window and saw Ross I walked out of the door then I saw Ethan's car pull up I was confused.

Ethan: Laura want a lift?

Laura: oh um thanks but no I have a lift off Ross

Ethan: alright

I got in Ross' car and he drove off.

Laura: what was that about?

Ross: not sure but I'd be careful he dated a girl and then broke up with her on the second week 

Laura: but he seems so sweet

Ross: he acts like that just to get girls then breaks their hearts

Laura: oh

*At school*

Ross pulled up and we walked inside the school I saw girls smiling I saw Taylor glaring.

Taylor: hey bitch

I rolled my eyes

Ross: ignore her 

Laura: Ross if she calls me anything else I'm gonna flip I'm not putting up with it anymore

Ross: I know but you will be bad as her

Laura: Ross look at the girls they are frightened of her 

Ross: I know 

Laura: please Ross back me up on this 

Ross: alright 

Laura: *hugs Ross* thank you

Taylor: bitch need ya man 

I pulled away from Ross and he gave me a small smile because I know he doesn't want me to get hurt again.

Laura: don't bring Ross into this Taylor this is between me and you 

Taylor: you stole Ross

Laura: excuse me I didn't steal anyone you are just a selfish, self centred little bitch who will throw a little fit if she doesn't get her own way people like you make me sick because you bully others just to make you feel better why don't you find yourself some real friends because they are using you because of your "popularity" so think about that. 

Taylor: you bitch *about to attack Laura*

Laura: *dodges her punch* see I want real friends who don't use me 

Taylor tried to hit me again but I dodged it again.

Laura: you seriously need to calm down because you are gonna cause an accident

Taylor: *glares*

Laura: if you want to throw verbal abuse turn to me because I won't let you hurt anyone else for that matter 

Taylor: oh really

Laura: yeah I won't let you hurt others just because you're inscure about yourself 

Taylor: *glares*

Laura: well go on then hit me because I can see it in your eyes that you want to hit me 

Taylor tried again but I again dodged it.

Laura: see Taylor you will always lose when you try to hit me because I am smart enough to know what moves you will do next so if you want to stay here and get embarrassed then be my guest but if you don't want to get shown up then I'd leave if I were you.

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