Ross protects Laura

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Laura's POV

I was walking down the corridor when someone pushed me into the wall I remembered my uncle I was not gonna cry in front of them anyway they started to hit me.

Sophia: you seriously need to get a life

Taylor: yeah i mean talking to my boyfriend

Sophia: and talking to Lynch the cutest guy in the school he doesn't like you

Taylor: go die


Laura's uncle: oh you piece of shit go die

*End of flashback*

I then felt an impact that I didn't want to feel again I got shoved into the lockers then I heard a voice that I needed right now.

???: knock it off!

The girls stopped and turned to the voice.

Sophia: oh hi Ross

Taylor: she was on the floor and we wanted to help her up

Ross: yeah right I don't believe you so move it NOW

They ran off and Ross kneeled down beside me and he helped me up.

Ross: it's okay Laura

I hugged him and he stroked my back.

Laura: I don't want to be here Ross

Ross: I know Laura

I pulled away from him.

Laura: take me home Ross I want to go back to being homeschooled.

Ross: Laura I can't let you do that 

Laura; I can't take it Ross 

Ross: come on let's go on the field

We walked on the field.

*On the field*

Me and Ross sat down and he held onto me.

Ross: I know 

Laura: I can't take it here Ross I get bullied for no reason and everytime I do I always remember him.

Ross: I know Laura but you can get through this and besides I will always be by your side to protect you

Laura: *smiles* thanks Ross but what if I'm at school and you're not

Ross: ttrust me I can sort that out

Laura: you're sweet Ross

Ross: *smiles* 

Ross helped me and calmed me down a little.

Ross: we have art

Laura: I don't want to go to art

Ross: okay let's skip

Laura: what?

Ross: you heard me 

Laura: are we allowed to do that?

Ross: not sure

Laura: what if we get caught?

Ross: we'll be up here no one comes here when it's lesson time

Laura: okay

The bell rang and we stayed up on the field. 

Laura: I just get these memories of him

Ross: he isn't here to hurt you and if he ever tries he has to go through me because I won't let him hurt you

Laura: really?

Ross: yeah of course Laura you're my best friend and I don't want to see you hurt

Laura: you're so sweet Ross

Ross: yeah I get told that a lot but it means nothing unless you say it 

Laura: *giggles*

Ross: *smiles*

Laura: I can't believe that we are here and not in art

Ross: I know but we won't get caught and if we do I will be by your side besides I will take the blame

Laura: I won't let you take the blame 

Ross: well I won't let you take the blame especially if it was my idea for this

Laura: I just don't want you to get in trouble

Ross: don't worry about me 

Laura: but....

Ross: Laura I don't care if I get hurt, get in trouble or whatever just as long as you are safe because you're my best friend and I don't want you getting hurt or in trouble.

Laura: Ross......

Ross: it's okay *hugs Laura*

Laura: *hugs back* thanks Ross

Ross: no problem

I pulled away and looked at Ross he is such a sweetheart. I then felt my phone buzz I looked at it and it was Ethan I ignored it I know I shouldn't because he is my other friend but I can't be bothered to answer my phone.

Ross: who was that?

Laura: Ethan

Ross: what does he want?

Laura: don't know I just looked at the name and then put my phone away

Ross: alright 

Laura: *smiles* don't think that I would replace you as my best friend 

Ross: *smiles*

Laura: you are the best Ross 

Ross: and you are amazing

Laura: *smiles*

We carried on talking about random stuff.

Laura: we have French next

Ross: well I'm not going so I'm staying up here

Laura: I'm staying with ya

Ross: you always stick by your friends?

Laura: yeah I never leave any of my friends behind

Ross: *smiles*

We carried on talking about random stuff we can talk about anything since we are really close.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Me and Laura are on the field talking away and we haven't got caught well I've done this before and I haven't gotten caught yet.

End of POV

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