Ross finds out

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Laura's POV

I am in my room with cuts on my arms, legs and face but mostly on my cheeks anyway there was a knock on the door so I walked down the stairs I was wearing a white crop top with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a pair of converses and to top it off I wore a leather jacket.

I got downstairs and open the front door and I immediatly regretted it since it was Ross I really didn't want him to see me like this.

Ross: hi Lau.....

Laura: what's wrong?

I acted like there is nothing wrong.

Ross: Laura what is wrong with your face?

Laura: excuse me?

Ross: I mean there is cuts on your face 

Laura: oh umm I was cleaning my room and I fell and cut my forehead and my cheek by accident

Ross: Laura you know I don't believe you

Laura: calling me a liar?

Ross: no it's just you have been acting weird 

Laura: I told you Ross I'm fine *fake smiles*

Ross: okay Laur but you know I'm here if you need me

Laura: I know Ross and thank you 

He then walked off I closed the door and sighed that was close Ross nearly found out. I really need to tell someone but who? I think I can tell Ross he is really nice and he has always helped me in a way.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I was in my living room when I heard a massive bang and I swear I heard a thud like a body or something heavy just fell to the ground.

???: you're useless little brat

I was curious.

End of POV

Laura's POV

My uncle came home drunk again *sighs* I hate this life that I'm living in. I heard the doors open and then slam shut he found me in my room I was curled in a corner I'm so scared he then grabbed me by my hair and threw me to the ground well near the door.

Laura's uncle: you're useless little brat

I had tears coming to the brim of my eyes.

Laura's uncle: I can't believe that I ever agree to look after you 

Oh yeah I forgot to mention my parents died in a car crash and that was when I was 6 and so my uncle said he would look after me and now look where that has got me.

Laura's uncle: what are you gonna do? Eh you gonna cry like you normally do you will cry because you're weak, pathetic you seriously need to lose weight bitch

I looked down and then I felt him grab my hair again and he pulled my face closer to his ugh I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

Laura's uncle: don't you dare look away from me when I am talking to you

He then pushed me away and my head hit the door I may have a scar or a bruise there but that isn't important now. I then got slashed by something he had in his hand I looked at my arm and saw a massive cut which was bleeding really fast. 

Laura's uncle: weak and pathetic that is all you'll ever be I'm going out

He stormed out of my room and I heard the front door open and then slammed shut.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I just watched what happened with Laura so when the guy left which I'm guessing is her uncle anyway I ran out of my house and ran over to Laura's and opened the door and ran upstairs and I saw Laura in the corner of her room in a ball crying I walked up to her and gently helped her up.

Laura: *crying* Ross?

Ross: shh it's okay Laura it's me 

Laura: what are you doing here?

Ross: I heard noises coming from your house and I wanted to see if everything was okay now let's take a look at the cut

I walked into her bathroom and found a bandage I dried up the blood and then I wrapped the bandage around her arm. Then we sat down on her bed and I held onto her.

Ross: don't worry Laur I am not going anywhere

Laura came closer to me she hesitated but I let her know I am here for her and I always will be she rested her head on my chest.

Ross: how long has this been going on?

Laura: about 6 years nearly 7 

Ross: Laura why didn't you go to the police?

Laura: I was scared on what he will do if he ever caught me near a police station so I stayed inside and never went out

Ross: I'm here for you and we will go to the police station together because I am not letting him hurt you anymore Laura you are my best friend and I want to protect you.

Laura: *smiles* thanks Ross 

I told Laura that I will stay by her side for tonight just in case he comes I texted my mum telling her I will be over at Laura's.

End of POV

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