Laura meets Raini and Calum

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Laura's POV

Me and Ross were at the park when I saw a girl and a guy walking towards us.

???: hey Ross

Ross: hey

???: who's this?

Ross: this is Laura

???: oh so your the girl that Ross was talking about

Laura: h..hi

???: I'm Raini and this is Calum

Laura: hi

Calum: nice to meet you

Laura: you too

Raini: we thought Ross was crazy a little when he said your name we didn't know who you were so we thought that

Ross: hey

Calum: sorry we were just telling the truth

Laura: *giggles*

We were talking.

Calum: let's go to the ice cream shop

Ross: ok

We walked to the ice cream shop when I saw Katya and Isabelle the two most popular girls in school the girls saw me and winked at me then when they saw Laura they glared.

Isabelle: hey Ross

Katya: hey Ross

Ross: what's up?

Katya: we want to know how you are?

Ross: I'm fine now I would like to hang out with my friends

Isabelle: who's this?

Laura: I'm Laura

Isabelle: it's a nice name

Laura: t...thanks

Katya: yeah it's a shame that your parents gave you that name to you since you are seriously ugly

I looked down and I felt someone lift my head up it was Ross.

Ross: don't listen to them

Calum: shut up Katya

Katya: nah

Raini: shut it or I will shut it for you

They laughed and walked away I gave a sad smile.

Raini: don't listen to them they are just wannabes

Calum: yeah besides if you are with Raini she will instantly shut them up

Raini: *rolls eyes* Calum is right though

Laura: thank you

We had some ice cream and we went to the beach which wasn't far we sat on the beach the moon was bright and it was reflecting off the water it was so beautiful I laid my head and Ross' shoulder he is such a sweetheart.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Laura laid her head on my shoulder and I saw her smiling I looked in her direction and saw she was looking at the moon I smiled as well.

Laura: this is so peaceful

Raini: we do nearly every night

Laura: *removes her head from Ross' shoulder* really?

Raini: yeah

Laura: wow

I smiled at Laura I then looked at the time.

Ross: we better go it's late

Calum: alright see you tomorrow

Ross: yup

Me and Laura got up with Raini and Calum following we went different ways well me and Laura went left while Calum and Raini went right since they live near each other.

Laura: Ross

Ross: yeah

Laura: thank you

Ross: for?

Laura: everything like saving me, helping me come outside

Ross: no problem

We got to my house and I walked in with Laura behind me I saw my mum.

Ross: hi mum

Stormie: Ross where have you been?

Ross: I'm sorry mum I went to the park with Raini and Calum I introduced Laura to them

Stormie: *smiles* at least you're safe

Ross: *nods* can Laura stay here tonight?

Stormie: of course she can sleep in Rydel's old bedroom

Ross: are you sure they are gone mum

Stormie: yes and they didn't seem happy when you weren't here to say goodbye to them

Ross: I know but I have to look after Laura until she is back to her normal self before any of that drama

Laura: Ross it's ok

Stormie: night

Ross: night mum

My mum walked up the stairs and I followed with Laura following me I showed her where Rydel's room is and she thanked me. I walked into my room.

End of POV

Laura's PoV

I heard a knock on the door so I opened it and it revealed Stormie.

Stormie: here is Rydel's old clothes

Stormie gave me the clothes and then she walked away I closed the door and changed into the clothes then I got in bed and fell asleep.

End of POV

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