Laura's uncle gets arrested/ Laura tells Ross her past

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Laura's PoV

Me, Ross and the officer were outside my house when I saw my uncle I buried my head in Ross's chest.

Ross: that's him *points to Laura's uncle*

Chief: thank you son

We got out while the officer got Laura's uncle. He took him to the car and pushed him in the back seat I saw Laura's uncle glare at her she was scared.

Ross: it's okay Laur he's gone

Laura: but what if he comes back?

Ross: then he'll have to go through me

Laura: Ross I can't let you do that I have been hurt before I can take it again

Ross: but you shouldn't

Laura: but?

Ross: everything will be okay if you stay with me 

Laura: *nods* okay I trust you which is rare 

Ross: what?

Laura: I have always had trust issues

Ross: don't worry you can trust me and my family we will be here for you 

Laura: thanks Ross

Ross: no problem 

Laura: *smiles*

I then remembered if I should tell Ross about my past I trust him but I don't know what I would do. I think I should tell him he deserves to know the truth and I need to tell him about how it came to this.

Ross: Laura?

Laura: *snaps back to reality* huh?

Ross: are you okay?


Ross: what's wrong?

Laura: well I need to tell you something

Ross: what is it?

Laura: I think I should tell you how it came to this

Ross: what do you mean?

Laura: well I didn't always live with my uncle it was me, my mum and my dad but one day my parents went out and I was really young I turned the TV on and I saw on the news that my parents died in a car crash so my uncle took me in and after about 2 to 3 years he got drunk a lot and it hurt me so he decided to hurt me even more and that is when it started. I didn't tell anyone, I was scared to go out of the house, I was afraid of guys because of what he did, I didn't want to do anything but stay in my room but my uncle tried everything to get me back to my normal it worked a little but I told him that I was happy I wasn't I lost friends because of all that has happened.

Ross: *hugs her*

Laura: *hugs back*  thanks Ross

Ross: for what?

Laura: helping me when you didn't have to

Ross: I knew something was off when I first met you

Laura: what?

Ross: when I first met you I knew something was wrong and I wanted to help you right there 

Laura: are you always this sweet?

Ross: people say that

Laura: well they are telling the truth 

Ross: *smiles*

Laura: I have a question

Ross: sure ask away

Laura: why did you help me?

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