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Just a little note: I know there might be a few inaccuracies about the plot and the characters and I pray there aren't many. Anyway, my reasoning behind these mistakes is the fact that I do not have the books at my expense. With this being said, I have/had to skim over parts in the books/movies. I do not own these characters nor the places in the book. I truly hope you enjoy the story.

Order meetings weren't the most enjoyable. Remus found the majority of them not very entertaining. Of course, he'd never pass up the chance for dinner made by Molly Weasley, one of the most talented cooks in the wizarding world.

Of course, he didn't think this meeting would get any more interesting. That was until he met the enthusiastic young Auror, Nymphadora Tonks.

He first spotted her talking to Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. Even though he spotted her, he wouldn't have looked back again if not for her bright pink hair. Remus hadn't seen her before. She seemed almost too young to be even part of this meeting. Her bright eyes, high cheek bones, and wide smile seemed all too familiar to Remus. The same exact smile was worn by none other than Sirius Black.

She introduced herself to him as only Tonks, until Mad-Eye had decided to be a bit more professional (with a frown from Tonks) and called her Nymphadora. He was surprised by her audacity to tell her mentor and her superior not to call her Nymphadora.

The children weren't present at this meeting, even though Remus had suspected they were listening on with their extendable ears. He didn't want to say anything about it. They did deserve to know the danger they were going to be in.

He looked on as the meeting before him progressed. This one was more quiet than the others. Molly and Sirius arguing about Harry and his safety. Arthur sitting on the side, hoping not to attract his wife's wrath. Bill Weasley looking at his mother fearfully. Snape watching with a sour expression. Kingsley looked on worriedly. It was this time that Remus used to really examine the new member of the Order of the Phoenix.

His first thought was about James and Lily, and Peter, before he had betrayed them. All of them. It hurt more than Remus could imagine. He'd grown up having no friends. When he finally found them, he worried they were going to treat him like an outcast once they found out about his condition. (Becoming animagi for him obviously disproved that theory.) He'd lost James and Lily so abruptly. Their only son was the remnant of their once bright and vibrant souls.

He missed the others more than he realized. Remus sighed, looking melancholy and depressed.

"Alright! Molly, Sirius, if you please." Mad-Eye said, looking at them harshly, "I should be giving out the assignments."

Remus would have groaned out loud. The assignments. What wonderful jobs for members of the Order to do. Hopefully he'd get stuck with having to watch Sirius, or Bill, or Kingsley on missions. Maybe Arthur. Now probably wasn't the best time for an assignment. He had just recovered from the full moon. Scars and scrapes still bled. His back ached.

He took a moment to glance around the table. Mad-Eye looked at one side, handing out their assignments as Remus studied the other. Molly and Arthur were talking animatedly about the children. Sirius probably left to cover up the portrait of Mrs. Black, who was screaming ruthlessly about Mudbloods and filthy half-breeds. He glanced at Tonks, who was changing her hair different colors and in different styles to keep Bill entertained. They were good friends from their years in Hogwarts, Remus supposed. By the comfortable way they talked. Not as lovers. Not as enemies. Not as total strangers. But friends. Teasing banters and hidden jokes.

Remus was amused by the young witch's comments and remarks. Each with a sarcastic twist one would only get it if they thought about it. Her other ability, changing her features at will, also put a small smile on his face. He did find her rather funny and smart.

Remus wished Sirius was here to talk to him. Or make silly comments. Or reminisce about the rest of the marauders. Or about all the pranks they pulled that landed all their rear ends in detention. He sighed once more.

"Ah, now for this side of the table." Mad-Eye began.

Remus stopped paying attention until his name was called. He was deeper in thought than he thought he was. The way her hair changed different hues of pink in a matter of moments further impressed him. Her bedazzling smile were also very distracting. Something about her made her shine.

"Remus and Nymphadora."
"Don't call me Nymphadora." Remus heard her mutter, resulting in a snort from half the table.
"You two," Mad-Eye continued, "Will be patrolling Diagon Alley. Enjoy yourselves." he finished sarcastically, like he'd done with every other member.

Remus leaned back into his seat and let out the breath of air he didn't know he was holding. He was hoping to have Kingsley as his partner, not some new witch who seemed way too young to be at this table.

The Order stood and split into their groups. Remus glanced around for the pink haired witch.

"Wotcher partner!" she greeted him with a smile. Remus nearly had a heart attack.
"Hi... Tonks."
"You ready to go?"
"As always." he mused.

And with that, the members departed 12 Grimmauld Place. Remus and Tonks had decided to apparate rather than walk in order to get to their destination quicker. A loud crack booked throughout the mansion.

The world seemed to spin for only a few moments, Remus had landed at Diagon Alley and watched Tonks land approximately two feet away from him. Upon seeing him, she tripped forwards. Maybe she was just clumsy? He attempted to catch her and so he did. The corners of his mouth were upturned with a smile.

"Thanks." Tonks smiled gratefully, "Sorry, I'm really clumsy."
"It's not a problem." Remus grinned, "You remind me of Sirius when we were younger."
Tonks laughed, then softened quickly, "We should probably be doing our job."
"I agree."

The pair of them began walking down the Alley. For the strangest reason, it was quiet instead of its usual loud and bustling noise. Maybe it was because it was nighttime. But Remus had suspected another reason. Mad-Eye wouldn't have sent them here if he (or perhaps Dumbledore) didn't think this place was a hideout for Death Eaters.

"So, you're an Auror," Remus said shocked and impressed.
"I find it shocking that you were able to become one so quickly."
"Moody was my teacher and mentor. And since I could change my appearance at will, that made me great for spying missions. Unfortunately, I'm incredibly clumsy. Not so great for stealth."

At this, Remus laughed. Tonks smiled too. She seemed so nice. He could only hope that she didn't know about his little problem. What if she treated him differently because of it? Remus was utterly impressed by this young metamorphmagus. She also told funny jokes to keep him on his toes.

Her wit amused him. Cracking jokes about every shop. As they passed Flourish and Blotts, all you would hear were sly comments about how first years were expected to carry all these heavy textbooks. 'Thanks Dumbledore, you know, totally not going to break an eleven-year-old's back with those books. One of the most powerful wizards of the age and never figured out that wizarding books could hurt'.

Remus smiled kindly at her. She smirked back at him before turning her hair several different colors and adjusting several other facial features. He laughed loudly, not remembering that there could be Death Eaters hiding.

Remus clutched his stomach as he snickered and chortled. Tonks threw her head back with a grin. Her laughter was infectious, he decided. But the giggles were silenced a moment later, as a spell whizzed past Remus's ear.

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