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They landed about half a block away from the Burrow, and walked the rest arm in arm. Molly greeted them at the door. She embraced them with a smile.

"Remus! Tonks! It's lovely to see you both, the children've missed you." Molly's eyes left their faces and went to their hands, "And congratulations!"
"It's wonderful to see you, Molly." Remus smiled gently, "And thank you."
"And please tell me you have something to eat," Dora admitted abashedly, "I spilled my coffee before we left."

Molly only laughed and gestured for them to follow her inside. As they entered the building hold hands, Dora could see a few other members discreetly slide each other coins. She began to wonder what they were betting on.

Molly passed out cups of coffee as Dora and Remus sat down. She leaned towards Mad-Eye.

"Who else are we waiting for?" she asked, taking a sip from the mug lightly. Remus was right. Molly's coffee was sweeter.
"No one." her former trainer huffed, "We were about to discuss how we were going to bring Harry here before you walked in."
"And what exactly were you all betting on."
"How long it took for the two of you to marry."
"I see." she said, nearly laughing.

Molly slid into a chair next to Dora and Remus. The meeting droned on. Mad-Eye listed the pairs of the people who would be accompanying the Harry lookalike. Dora smiled, she'd be going with Ron. Remus was with George. They were all to stop at safe houses. Hagrid and Harry (the real one) would be at her parents'. Then each pair would head to the Burrow, where Molly and Ginny would be waiting. She glanced at her husband for a moment and grinned. He raised an eyebrow. Dora sipped her coffee.

It felt like three hours before the meeting ended. She spotted Remus glaring at Snape for a moment, then he looked at her.

"Thank god,"she sighed, "I never thought it would end." Dora pressed her head against his shoulder. Remus only laughed.
"I need to talk to Kingsley and Arthur for a moment, you'll be alright?"
"Of course, I need to see Molly anyway."

Dora made her way over to the ginger lady, who was wiping the table. Dora decided to give her a hand. Molly smiled.

"Thank you, darling."
"It's not a problem. And can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, sweetheart. What is it you need?" Molly asked, standing up straight with a towel in her hands.

Dora told her all about her situation. Feeling sick every morning for the past week and a half. Being hungry (more then usual). Molly only smirked, the grin plain on her face.

"Tonks... I know you've thinking the same thing I am. And you're right." she winked, then left put the dishes in the sink.

Her eyes widened in surprise. Molly's instincts were hardly ever wrong. Maybe... just maybe, she was right.

Another week had passed. Another week of throwing up and leaning over the toilet. It was the night of the full moon. The first one of July. Dora sighed knowing her husband would have to leave soon. The night was warm, seeing as it was a summer evening. She sat down on the couch with a cup of tea in her quivering hands.

Remus had been shaking and shivering all day. He seemed to have a headache along with sunken eyes. But they didn't lose the gentle sparkle it showed whenever he looked her way.

She couldn't tell him today. Not with the full moon. If she told him the news, he'd be sure to be throwing up next to her. Other than being sick each morning, she felt like she was positively glowing once finding out the news after talking to Molly and seeing Madam Pomfrey. 

Remus went on a few other missions for the Order. She took the opportunity to see Madam Pomfrey. But she worried about how she was going to break the news. Dora was utterly and completely aware about how Remus felt about having a family with her. His fears about passing his condition weren't well hidden.

Dora didn't know how she was going to tell him? Subtly or a glad gesture? He going to love the news right? He wasn't going to hate her or himself for it, right?

Dora helped him slide on his coat and he sent her a sad look. She knew how much he hated full moons. She would have wanted to accompany him as far as the entrance to the woods, but he refused to let her. 

"Please come back to me," she sighed, standing on her tippy toes and kissing his lips gently for just a moment. She wanted to say more, but the words caught in her throat.
"I will, I promise." 

He kissed her one last time, pulling her close to him by holding her by the waist. His arms enveloped her lithe body, giving his warmth and comfort.

"I love you." he mumbled into the kiss.
They pulled away, she ran a hand through his hair, "I love you too."

He left, leaving her standing in the doorway sadly and alone. The first time she'd be sleeping alone in two weeks. She waited a few minutes before closing the door, watching the running figure of her husband in the rising moonlight. She glanced up at the moon and trees, knowing her beloved husband was looking at the same one.

The moon was so beautiful sometimes. She hated the way Remus was cursed so he could never appreciate its beauty. She glanced at the rings on her finger. She was so happy with how everything turned out. Her heart raced every single moment she was with him. She loved seeing everyone in the Order, even though it was a dangerous time. She always knew some people wished the war wasn't going to happen, but she didn't regret a single moment.

Her tea was cold now. She glanced at the moon once more. He has to come back. He's going to come back, she assured herself, he promised he was going to come back for her.

Hi everyone! So the question of the chapter is which Deathly Hallows would you choose? The Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, or the Resurrection Stone?

My answer: The Invisibility Cloak.

See you all next time,

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