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After waking up, Remus rushed downstairs to see if Molly or Arthur was awake. Thankfully they were, and looking more awake than last night. Arthur sat at the table, sipping lightly and reading a newspaper. Molly was cooking breakfast.

"Molly, can I see her?" he asked anxiously, gripping the edge of the handrail tightly.
"Yes, of course. She's awake now. Ginny's room." Molly smiled as she made a cup of coffee.

Remus ran back up the stairs and to Ginny's room, somewhere on the second floor.  He nearly burst into it, but didn't for fear of breaking the fragile looking wooden door. He opened it slowly, almost complete silent.

His wife was sitting up in the bed, wearing her band t shirt and jeans from yesterday before he'd left. She seemed exhausted. She must've escaped the attack at their house a bit worse than Kingsley did. Somewhat healed and bandaged cuts littered her arms and face. There were a few bruises and burns on her arms. Her t shirt was singed at the edges along with her jeans. The sleeves were slightly charred. But she looked as beautiful as ever.

"Dora?" he spoke, interrupting the silence.
She looked up beaming widely, "Remus!"

He surged towards her. They hugged tightly, holding her close to him. He didn't want to let her go. She didn't seem to want to either, but they pulled away after a few seconds. He smiled at her.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, beaming.
"Remus, we are married."
"I know," he laughed, "But it's only polite to ask a lady's permission."
"You dork." she ruffled his hair, laughing.

Being a gentleman was something he admired about himself. He couldn't stand to see others mistreat another person because of who they were. And he would only show utmost respect for his wife. Who could quite literally kick his butt if she wanted to.

He kissed her on the lips softly, loving the warm feeling that welcomed him every time he was with her. They pulled away, giggling and at a loss of air.

"How do you feel?" he queried, gripping her hand tightly.
"Better than yesterday, that's for sure." she beamed. He kissed her hand lightly.
"I can't believe I had wanted Bill you fall in love with you when one of the most perfect couples is sitting in front of me." they heard a voice behind them laugh. Molly, "Remus, you didn't eat anything while you were downstairs."

She walked in holding a tray of food and cups. Remus watched as his wife's eyes widen at the sight of food. On the tray sat two plates with toast and butter, with cups of coffee and tea on the side. He suddenly found himself extremely hungry and reached out for a plate, thanking Molly. Dora stumbled with the plate of toast, having nearly crash to the floor, but Remus helped balance it with a smile.

They finished breakfast quickly, eager to head home. Kingsley had also stayed the night and Molly was helping heal cuts and bruises. Dora helped treat the injuries he'd gotten from the full moon, bandaging each sprain softly with a smirk on her lovely face. Molly helped treat his wife's burns and bruises while he helped with the cuts. Remus and Dora begged Molly to check to see if the baby was alright after last night's ordeal. She readily agreed.

It turned out that the baby was fine and happier than ever. Remus sighed of relief, it was a miracle. He gripped his wife's hand tightly, so scared he was shaking. What if Kingsley hadn't been there?

"Maybe you should stay for a bit, darlings. We'll have to help you clean up the house." Molly said, a soft motherly smile on her face.
"Oh it's alright, Molly, we'd hate to be a burden. Thank you, but we can stay with my mother." Dora said, attempting to stand, then suddenly, falling over. Remus caught his wife and rightened her as much as possible. She placed a hand on her stomach, sighing, "On second thought, may we stay another night or so, while the house can be repaired. I don't think I'll do much help at the moment." his wife laughed.

Remus grinned, how she was able to retain her sense of humor after what happened, he didn't know. But he loved her for it. They'd spent the rest of March staying at the Burrow. Occasionally he'd leave to help Arthur, Molly, and Andromeda repair their home and return to his wife straight after.

Dora had told Remus that she enjoyed a few books while being at the Burrow and joked with the twins, after complaining that she had barely anything to do. He only laughed. Remus had to admit that he was a bit rusty at casting spells, other than protection and concealment charms. He hadn't dueled in a long time and had forgotten a few spells. Remus would've practiced but as sure as heck he was fighting his pregnant wife.

Soon, they were able to move back into their old house. They'd thanked the Weasleys graciously, though it never seemed to be a trouble to Molly. She seemed to enjoy the company. Remus was more than happy to be back at home and having a sense of privacy.

They'd visited Andromeda once more, seeing as his mother in law enjoyed her daughter and son in law's company. Andromeda was helping her daughter learn to cook since Dora wasn't so skilled at it, but after a while bit tired and she sat down next to him.

Remus wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him in a comforting embrace. A warm feeling filled him and flooded his senses. He smiled softly as she laid her head against his chest. Andromeda had announced that she had to fetch something and left.

Remus found it amazing that Dora had married him! He wasn't the most desirable person and she could have anyone she wanted, but she'd picked him. How he resisted for so long out of love for her, he didn't understand nor know.

"I-I think my water broke."

Since I'm super annoying and everything, I decided put up another chapter. God bless all of you, how the heck you survived with me for so long. It's a miracle. How I survived to see this part of the book. I never thought I'd get up to it.

Question time: Ever listened to any musicals?
My personal favorites are Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, and Mean Girls. I've got to listen to Les Miserables and Wicked. (Super jealous cause my cousin got to see it.)

Love you all, you all deserve an award for being super amazing readers,

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