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It's been three days since they fought the Death Eaters in Diagon Alley, and Tonks still hadn't woken up. Of course, Remus was going to blame himself. He never felt that it was anyone else's fault. Only his own. He could have protected her. Saved her.

He sat on the side as Molly dabbed Tonks' forehead with a wet cloth. The entire Order was frantic with worry. The calmest one there, surprisingly, was Sirius. But even he wasn't that calm. They were both running their hands through their hair or tapping their foot anxiously.

This is all my fault, this is my fault, Remus couldn't help but think. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. He left the room and headed for the reading room, he footsteps the only sound echoing through the house.

Remus sat down on one of the chairs. He intended to take a book out to read, but his thoughts drifted elsewhere. To a certain pink haired Auror. He couldn't help but think about how brave she was. How kind. How funny. Remus was certainly amused. Even impressed.

There must have been someone else in the room, because he heard a snort. He glanced around to see Arthur Weasley, pushing up his glasses and raising an eyebrow at Remus.

"Out of all places, I didn't think you'd be in here, Remus." he said, bluntly.
Remus let out a tired sigh and leaned further into the chair, "I quite like the library, Arthur."
"What's troubling you?"
Remus looked confused, "How can you tell?"
"You've got that silly grin."

Of all things, his grin? Remus was slightly amused by the way Sirius and Arthur could tell his emotions by his smile, but it was a little strange.

"What smile?" Remus tried to sound innocent.
"You fancy someone, don't you?"
"Well, I..." Remus swallowed, "It's not like I can marry anyway."

Arthur sent him a sad smile, but said nothing. Maybe he realized that Remus didn't want to be bothered with love troubles. Finally, the Ministry Worker spoke.

"Do you know what I can get Molly for her birthday. Flowers don't seem to be sufficient."
"Unfortunately, that's not my area of expertise. You should see Sirius, he was very reliable with the ladies."
"Alright then, thank you, Remus."

Arthur left without another word. Remus didn't really think Sirius had great ideas for gifts, but he didn't want to have to talk to someone anymore. He wanted the peace and quiet. Then quickly fell asleep.


Tonks felt herself shiver. Something could touched her forehead. Wait... shiver? Feel herself? Was she awake? Was she really awake?

Tonks couldn't recall what had happened yesterday. Or the day before. Or the day before that. All she could remember was the pain. The spell. The fear and panic. What was happening? Where was she?

Tonks coughed loudly, hoping to catch someone's attention. She didn't want to sit up. Suddenly, a squeal of joy and relief echoed. Molly Weasley was looking down at her, a wide smile clear on her face.

"Oh Tonks!" she cried gleefully and embracing the young witch, "We'd thought we'd lost you!"
"Can I... can I have a glass of water." she asked, her throat suddenly dry.
"Of course, dear."

Molly left the room and Tonks was left to her thoughts. She attempted to sit up and succeeded. Her head was throbbing, and her heart pounded madly. By the several other people who came in once Molly came back with a glass of water, she'd told everyone else that Tonks was awake. She took a few moments to sip her glass of water peacefully, quenching her thirsty throat.

A sudden hug from Sirius surprised her. And did she feel... tears? Tonks wanted to tease him relentlessly, but she didn't have the strength to. Remus was smiling widely from the doorway. The children were crowded in one corner of the room, all talking animatedly and grinning.

In an instant, she felt Sirius let go and another pair of arm engulf her. A lovely and relaxing faint whiff of chocolate reached her nose. The person pulled away, and smiled at her. Tonks found herself looking into the warm and beautiful hazel eyes of none other than Remus Lupin.

"I thought..." he laughed ruefully, "I thought I'd lost you."

The pair was silent. So was the rest of the room. Tonks had guessed that Molly had shooed everyone out, but for some reason, she hadn't pulled Remus away from her. She took in the calm stillness and gentleness.

"I'm... I'm so sorry." he breathed, "This is all my fault."
"I... I don't blame you." she said, only stuttering because of the close proximity between her and Remus Lupin. 

Tonks felt color rising to her cheeks, and her heart racing fast. The moment seemed to stand still. She could have sat there for hours, breathing in the scent of sweet chocolate and the softness of a wool sweater. Butterflies flittered in her stomach. Something new was waking up in her. As if coming back from a long nap. It's been so long since she'd felt like this. This sensation... familiar, but unfamiliar at the same time. She could feel her hair turn different shades of red and pink.

Tonks' heart leaped and skipped beats. Her breaths seemed much louder now. Time seemed to slow down. Or had it stopped. No words could describe her emotions. What was this feeling? Tonks couldn't put her finger on it. Was she ill? Molly could help her. Suddenly, she felt Remus pull away and smile at her. Tonks' heart had nearly stopped at that smile. So warm and gentle. So kind. So loving. Blood and heat rose to her usually pale cheeks. Her shifting eyes twinkled with something new.

When she replayed her feeling to Molly, the older witch only laughed. Tonks couldn't understand why? She felt ill. A heart beating much more quickly than it should. Something fluttering in her stomach. A rising sensation whenever she saw him. More color in her cheeks than there usually was.

"Oh darling,"Molly began, "You're in love!"

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now