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Dora was on her way out of the office when a hand grabbed her shoulder. It had been a long, boring day of sorting papers and labeling criminals. She turned around to see Rufus Scrimgeour looking at her intensely, his hair a wild mane of red.

"Yes, minister?" she asked tentatively, hoping to leave.
"And where might you be going, Miss Tonks?"
"Home, minister. My mother's coming over early in the morning tomorrow, and I have to prepare. Along with getting rest."

Dora held her breath. She knew Scrimgeour was suspicious of her because one, she was exceedingly clumsy, and two, she always seemed to be leaving for no reason. Of course, most of the times she left were to spy or guard for the Order or attend a little gathering hosted by Molly.

"Very well, wish your mother a hello from myself." he did not smile.
"Of course, minister." And she turned around and tried to hurry out of the building, clutching a stack of paper to her chest.

She huffed as she headed towards the exit. Wizards could be so annoying at times. Some were occasional. Others were the constant annoyances in her life. Such as a coworker who made an attempt to get a date with her every time she stayed behind to fix papers.

"Speak of the devil," Dora muttered angrily.
"Tonks! Lovely you see you." he greeted her at the exit, leaning against the wall in a Auror's uniform.
"Austin Smith. I'm charmed." she answered, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Look, I don't have time for your antics at the moment." Dora tried to shove her way past him.
"I didn't think I'd be seeing you here today." he added, blocking her exit.
"I work here, Smith. I don't see why I wouldn't be here."

She rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to harm a fellow Auror. The papers dug into the palms of her hands. Fine, she decided, I'll go another way, and made her way to another exit, her boots clacking against the floor.

"Busy?" he asked, following her.
"Yes." Dora answered coldly, refusing to look behind her.
"Can't you put it off just this once and go out for a drink with me?"
"No." she began speed walking, and prayed she wouldn't trip over her own feet and play right into Smith's hands.

Every. Single. Week. This was getting old. She sighed and stopped to fix the papers she clutched. He slipped an arm around her. Okay, no, she thought, he's dead. Dora unceremoniously managed to free one of her hands, and slapped his arm away. Hard.

"Is it clear yet," she glared, "that I may not be single or want to go out with you." She huffed once more and stomped off.
"You're not single. So it's true." he laughed, smirking evilly, "You're dating the werewolf. I didn't think you were that naive."

Dora stopped dead in her tracks. She knew she was ready to put up with this trash the moment she fell in love with Remus. And she wasn't taking it from a coworker who also refused to respect her personal space.

"Don't you dare say anything against him." she slapped him again, this time, across the face, "And learn to respect a lady boundaries."

Dora left in a hurry, hoping to outrun Smith once he came out of shock. She arrived at the surface through the floo network and apparated to her parents house from there. It was a warm evening. The cool breeze comforted her. Upon arriving at her parents' doorstep, her mum opened the door and embraced her.

"Dora! Remus was telling us about your living room. He's also busy at the moment, helping your father with something and you said you wanted to fix it tonight." her mum spoke, a smile wide on her face, "And we know you're terrible at household spells."
"Thanks for the support, mum." she said, responding to her mum's comment on her magical abilities.

Dora was extremely grateful for her mother's help. It took her mind off of her judgmental coworker and let her spend more time with her mum.Her mother was shocked at the state of her house, but helped fix it nonetheless. The windows were repaired, the dirt scraped off the floor. Shelves and furniture fixed. All with a wave of their wands. It wasn't surprising, though, when Dora dropped a plate or two when she lost focus. Her mum only laughed and repaired them.

"Thanks mum." she hugged her mother, "for everything."
Her mother only smiled and kissed her forehead,"You're welcome, darling." A knock on the door sounded. Her mother grinned and cheerfully added, "Oh, that's them!"
"What?" Dora felt confused as her mother rushed to open the door.

Her father walked inside, followed by Remus. She smiled and rushed to embrace them both. She gave Remus a quick kiss on the cheek that was hopefully not caught by her parents.

"Anyway," her father began, "Your mum and I'll be leaving now. We just wanted to see how you did with the house."
"Alright, bye dad." she hugged her father and smiled. Remus waved timidly while her parents smirked.

Dora sat down on the newly repaired couch. Remus was next to her. She offered to get them tea and he accepted, looking nervous and much unlike himself when he was offered tea. She nearly dropped the mugs when she returned to the living room.

Remus took her hands and pulled her outside. Then sky was gray and dark purple with bits of sky and clouds. Stars twinkled above. Her parents were long gone now, leaving just the two of them. The evening air was calm and gentle on her senses. It was beautiful.

Remus blushed pink to the tips of his ears and fiddling with something behind his back. He was rubbing his neck more than he should have been. Dora was curious and suspicious of his motions.

Remus sent her a weak smile, his eyes shining with love, "Dora... I... I really don't know how to ask you this. And I love you with all my heart and I just want you to be happy. I'm really sorry if I'm rushing into this," he spoke fast, and it took a few seconds to comprehend what he was saying, "I really want to spend the rest of my life with you and hope you feel the same."

Remus dropped to one knee and pulled out whatever he was fiddling with earlier. An open ring box containing a small silver ring. Dora's eyes were wide with shock and surprise. Her hands somehow found their way to her lips, covering then. She couldn't believe it. He looked down for a second, then glanced up to meet her eyes. His amber eyes shone with tears of joy, "Would... would you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

Hi everyone! I sincerely hope you're all enjoying the story so far! Comment your ideas for the wedding and your favorite character. I think you know mine.

Hugs and kisses to all,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now