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It's been several weeks since Tonks woke up. Remus was utterly relived that the young witch was fine. His heart nearly stopped after the two days she hadn't been awake. But for some strange reason, he found himself wanting another mission with the pink haired metamorphmagus. And he waited in anticipation as Moody gave out more assignments.

He glanced at Sirius for a moment, who winked at him for some strange reason. Sirius' eyes flitted across the table to look at ... Tonks. Why had he winked at him? Sirius acted as if he knew something about Remus that he didn't. Why wouldn't he know something about himself. It wasn't like he was repressing any feelings for a young witch ... stop it Remus, he scolded himself.

She was so different to him. So much kinder and funnier than the someone he expected her to be. Her gentle laughter amused him. So did her willingness for an assignment. And her grin. Her skills in magic impressed him greatly. Remus was finding himself looking forward to this week's assignments.

"Remus and Nymphadora." Moody began, Remus silently cheered, a wide smile showed on his face. "You'll be visiting the Malfoys' house."

Remus was shocked to find that his heart didn't sink at the thought of seeing Lucius's white peacocks. Thank goodness the children weren't going to be around to follow the rest of the Order and demand that they have a mission too. Or at least not listen in with their Extendable Ears.

He glanced at his new partner. Tonks grinned wickedly and didn't even comment on Moody addressing her by her full name. He joints still ached from the full moon a little while ago. He preferred not to go into much detail about it, but it involved quite a few new scars.

"Well partner," Tonks said cheerfully, grinning widely as she strutted up to him, "You ready?"

Remus nearly paused for so long before answering. He was beginning to find her very attractive. Not that she wasn't before! It was just that he never noticed the little, adorable, and sweet things about her. Same smirk she wore greeting him and Sirius. The twinkle of laughter in her brown eyes. The corners of her plump lips turning up at the sight of him and his best friend. The little bits in her hair that were yellow, to show her Hufflepuff pride,  Remus guessed. Her long eyelashes. Her prankster reminded him so much of Sirius and James. He could even see the same kindness and humor Lily had. But she was so much different than them. Unique and beautiful in her own way.

"Ready for anything, partner!" he gleefully exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

She beamed, putting her elbow on his shoulder. She was shockingly tall. Not as tall as him, but she was only a head shorter. Remus was surprisingly excited for this mission. He could almost feel the pain and angst from yesterday slipping away.

Remus felt usually giddy. He had absolutely no idea why. A grin spread on his face as they made their way to the Malfoy Mansion. Using their preferred method of apparation, they reached the lavish home in no time. Remus wanted to relax in the grass and just have a private talk with Tonks. He didn't know much about her, but she seemed so new to him. So vivacious and vibrant. So young and whole.

He didn't notice how much time passed. Remus wanted to strike up a conversation.

"So, what do you do in your free time?" he asked.
"This isn't the best time to strike up a conversation, Remus." she raised an eyebrow playfully.
"Well, if we're going to be partners for a mission, we should get to know each other." he retorted with a grin.

Remus found himself laughing at the little stories and witty jokes Tonks told him. He didn't notice the time passing so quickly. This was one of the first times in his life he'd felt truly happy since James and Lily were killed. He felt so free.

He was learning that she love to dance. That she enjoyed her fair share of pranks during her years at Hogwarts. That her favorite class was either Defense Against the Dark Arts or Transfiguration. That she was a half-blood. So was he. At first, Remus didn't think they had anything in common. But he learned that they could be more than just partners on a mission. Maybe friends.

They spent a lot of their time at the Malfoy's house laughing and chortling.

Out of nowhere, the silver form of a weasel appeared to them, speaking in Arthur Weasley's voice.

"It's time to pick up Harry from his home. Meet us at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging."

Remus and Tonks nodded and looked at each other, a serious and solemn expression plain on their faces. This could be dangerous and their would be no room for error. If any of them were spotted, Remus didn't want to think what would happen. They quickly apprated.


Picking up Harry was actually pretty simple, Tonks thought. She raised an eyebrow at Remus when he called her Nymphadora. She had thought he learned that she hated her name.

Tonks has to love the little things about her. The bits of green in his hazel eyes. Ruffled and wavy light brown hair. The corners of his lips upturning at the sight of chocolate. Or when she made a comment during the meetings. The way his fingers drummed on the table or his fuzzy wool or cotton sweaters. She didn't think she'd find herself falling head over heels for Remus Lupin. But she didn't know what attracted him to her. The way he smiled? His humble posture? The kind habit he had of giving people chocolate when they seemed sad.

Tonks found herself grinning at the thought of him. Sirius glanced at her from across the room and raised an eyebrow. How she wished she could tell Remus her feelings! But he'd only shrug her off. He must have only seen her as a friend. Nothing more. She pursed her lips, the ghost of a smile left on her face.

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