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In the weeks later on, Remus continued to throw himself into his work. Never caring how it hurt him, as long as it helped the Order. He was going to make this world better to avenge his friends. James. Lily. The Order. The children. They needed a new and better world. Remus was going to make sure they would live in that world.

The Order sat at a long table, Mad-Eye at its head. He was beginning to give out new assignments.

"Nymphadora and Remus..."

Tonks didn't even frown. Remus knew that something was wrong. Maybe she had fallen in love with Sirius along the way. But that's silly. They're blood related. But, of course, the whole pureblood thing. Remus was having a silent argument with himself. Debating whether Tonks had fallen for one his best friends or not.

It's better she fall in love, he thought to himself, she wouldn't love you and you wouldn't be putting her in danger. Remus sighed, waiting to hear the mission at hand for the pair of them.

"Rudolphus LeStrange's home. That is where you two will be hiding out." he raised an eyebrow at them with a slight frown.

Remus was excited. A mission for the first time in forever. The full moon wouldn't be for another few weeks, for which he was thankful for. He could have grinned, if not for the solemn air of the meeting. He slumped in his seat, knowing Tonks wouldn't look at him. 

The meeting quickly fished and Remus stood to greet his partner for the night. Surprisingly, she looked up and smiled at him. Smiled? He spotted the little tips of her hair turning lighter and pinker. He could only grin back. They said nothing, only exchanged looks of happiness and pleasure as they walked outside.

Remus followed the young Auror. He didn't exactly pay anymore attention to Mad-Eye after he'd declared the missions. And Remus had absolutely no idea where the heck Rudolphus LeStrange's home was. He'd guessed it was a large house, seeing as the couple both came from wealthy, pureblood, families.

Remus wondered if they could apparate to the house's grounds, but he figured it wouldn't work. There would be some sensors or protective spells. The LeStranges were rich and powerful. They figured it wasn't too far from Grimmauld Place, seeing as the Blacks and LeStranges were distantly related by blood and by marriage.

Remus ran a shaky hand through his hair. Tonks glanced up at him sadly.

"You don't have to apologize." she began, looking at her boots, "I read the note."

Remus felt as if the stunning curse had hit him and he would have fallen to the ground. She actually read the note he left for her? He sighed, releasing a warm breath of air into the cold atmosphere.

Remus and Tonks found themselves standing in front of the mansion. The home didn't see, like a home at all. Dark. Dreary. Cold. Unforgiving. Endless words to describe the LeStrange mansion, none of them being good. The home was at least two stories. The dark gray concrete blocks making up the home were crumbling. The statues of magical creatures haunted him and sent chilling shivers down his spine. Tonks seemed to notice, but stayed silent.

Remus glanced up the midnight sky. Then back at the young and lovely pink haired Auror beside him.

"Here goes nothing." he sighed, her hazel eyes meeting his.


They hid under a bush in the yard. Wasn't the most comfortable nor innocent looking position. Tonks sighed, knowing Remus was unhappy and sad. His backstory only made her sadder.

Remus had left her note that caused her heart to wrench out of pity and love. He'd told her everything. Every little secret. And he trusted her to keep them. That he was a werewolf. That even he feared the moon. That he told lower of himself. He needed a hug. A warm, enveloping hug of hope and love.

Spying on the manor was utterly useless. It was too quiet. Nothing has happened for the past half hour. The night air was beginning to chill her skin. She shivered nad huddled closer to Remus for warmth.

"Sorry." she began, "It's kinda cold out here."
"It's quite alright," he smiled, "I feel the same."

The pair of two looked for a sigh of something happening. Still quiet. Small talk seemed to be the only option. Tonks made a few comments about the appearances of fellow Order members. Of how handsome Sirius was, after years of torture. She didn't find it strange, seeing as they were second cousins and could do stuff like that al the time. It was never awkward to called you family pretty or handsome for her.

Remus seemed to resent that. He replied with a snide remark, showing a bit of anger and bitterness. Of how they were popular. How they were attractive.

"He would always get the girls." he said bitterly, seeming to glare at something in the distance.

Could he really resent that  about his best friends? Couldn't he see a bit of worth in himself? Tonks thought him an idiot in that moment. He may have been a bright wizard in spells and potions, but he surely knew nothing of feelings and self-esteem.  She wanted to slap him.

Why didn't he realize she loved him? Was he really that stupid? That oblivious? Tonks nearly punched him. Remus John Lupin had to be smarter than this.

But soon, words of love, hope, and a bit of frustration left her lips. She couldn't stop herself. She knew that he needed help. But she needed to express her frustration.

"You know who I've fallen for, but you're too bloody ignorant to realize it!" she scolded him.

A small smile crossed his face. But suddenly flitted away, as if it was never there. She felt her heart reach out to him. Tonks smiled, her color changing hair nearly giving away their cover.

Maybe he realized she loved him? She could only hope so. Tonks' heart lifted and went out to him. Remus was always so melancholy and sad. She needed to be the one to bring happiness in his life. She was the one who needed to make him smile.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now