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Remus nearly dropped her. The world seemed to spin under him. His heart raced wildly, as if trying to get the most beats per second. His eyes widened and his breathing was heavy. He thought he was going to faint. A lump in his throat formed. He could badly croak out the word "What?"

Suddenly, the celebration grew darker. A silver lynx appeared. The minister... dead. The Ministry was now under the control of Death Eaters. And they'd becoming soon.

Now wasn't the time to be worrying about this, he scolded himself. His wife had the right idea. She waved her wand wordlessly, mouthing the spells. She casted protective shields and enchantments over the guests and home. He soon joined her in casting. Death Eaters began to apparate into the crowd. Wedding guests apparated away from the scene. Other members of the Order began their protective enchantments.

Remus' mind drifted to wonder where the children were. Ginny was still with them, casting spells. Fred and George began their enchantments. Bill and Fleur stayed behind, waving their wands alongside them. Molly was here, too. Harry, Ron and Hermione must've left and headed for safety.

The whole wizarding world was in grave danger. No one was safe.

He quickly noticed someone other than a wedding guest moving inside the forcefield. He glanced behind him. A few Death Eaters must've made it inside before they casted the charms. Remus turned around and shot a stunning spell at one. Most of the protective charms must be up by now.

Thank goodness his magic wasn't sloppy. Dora noticed that he stopped casting charms and glanced at him, urging him to get some help from someone. Her part of the shield was still a bit weak and she had to finish it.

Ginny fired a curse into the small crowd of Death Eaters. Her protective shield was being taken over by her mother. Molly preferred that Ginny stay inside the house, but she'd refused. Remus fired off another stunning spell. Jets of green light whizzed last his arm. Then casted a temporary shielding spell to protect his wife. Another Death Eater had his wand pointed at her back. He stunned that one too.

Other members turned around at some points to cast a temporary shield for another and fired a stunning or disarming spell at the crowd of Death Eaters.

With Ginny's help, and a few occasional spells few from the others, a group of Death Eaters lay on the floor, stunned and unmoving. The protective enchantments were finished.

Now, how were they going to deal with the group of Death Eaters laying stunned at their feet. Remus figured they could obliviate them. Killing Death Eaters in the cold blood wouldn't make them any better than them. Dora turned around, as did the rest of the Order.

What were they going to do? Molly decided to obliviate them. She'd casted the charm. When they woke up, they wouldn't remember a thing. Remus grabbed Dora's wrists and apparated them outside her mother's home, where he promised that they could go afterward.

"Dora, what you mean you're-you're pregnant?" he asked worriedly, running a sharp hand through his hair, "There's a baby inside of you?"
"That's the definition of pregnancy, yes Remus." she smiled. But upon seeing his worry stricken face, the smile faded, "You're going to be happy, right?"
"How long have you known?"
"A-a month or so."

The sick feeling from earlier came again. His head began to hurt. His heart wouldn't stop racing. Remus felt like he was going to throw up. A child. A precious and wonderful child. Would be born in a time of warring and fighting. Deaths and murders. How could they bring a child into a world like this? Even worse, the child would've inherited his genes. Or at least half of them.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now