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Remus stood under an archway, the ministry official... er priest, glancing at him with an amused smile. The official (or priest, he still wasn't sure at this point) was kind and did not discriminate between blood and breed. His name was Andrew Williams, an older man with light that streaks with gray. Crinkles around his blue-gray eyes. Remus wasn't exactly sure how the whole wedding and ministry official thing worked, but he trusted his new future in laws.

How he wished the other members of the Order could see this day. How he wished his best friends could see this day. Sirius or James would have been his best man. Lily might've been a bridesmaid. Harry would have been here too. He would have loved to have Molly and Arthur to see this day. Two people who'd given him a push that he seemed to have needed.

Oh, his parents! He glanced at the rings in the small priest/official's hands. His parents were with them today, watching. He glanced up at the now evening sky. The sky had no moon in the sea of blackness. Only stars and galaxies filled the sky. There wasn't much light, only a few lanterns to light their way. Meaning Remus could see everything. Every single star. Every little constellation.

There were only about twelve or so chairs, six on each side of the isle. Close friends of Andromeda and Ted who lived in that area (and were not Death Eaters) sat in them. Some other local witnesses from the village and its shops sat in those chairs. He spotted his future mother in law smiling at him with a wave. Andromeda mouthed to him that she was on her way.

Remus's throat was dry. There were absolutely no words in the English dictionary to describe her. Beautiful, lovely, or amazing didn't even begin to describe the beauty in front of him. A gift from heaven and nature. She was truly extraordinary. Both in personality and appearance. He fell himself falling in love with her once more. The new, thrilling sensation. Butterflies flittering in his stomach. The heat rising to his cheeks. The smile beaming around his face. He could hear and see everything around him. He heard the gasps of the crowd. His future in laws chuckling at his amazement.

Ted was walking his daughter down the aisle, the brightest smile on his face. Remus could tell that Ted knew his daughter clearly outshone him in that moment. Remus' heart began to race as they made their way down the cobblestone aisle.

Pink ringlets falling a bit past her shoulders. A veil covered her face, but her could see the beauty under the lacy veil. It might not have been the best idea to trust Nymphadora Tonks with heels on cobblestone, but she walked beautifully and gracefully nonetheless. She wore a delicate flowing dress the trailed in her wake. Little stars glimmered and gleamed from her little crown, necklace, and bracelets. He could see her twinkling brown eyes looking up at him from beneath the veil. It was only a matter of time before she reached the archway.

Remus' senses heightened. His could feel the calm evening breeze. He felt aware of the stars shining brightly in the sky. It was as if everything around him had become more full of color and life.

And the ceremony began. Ted handed his daughter over to Remus with a knowing grin. Dora quickly grasped his hands. Her palms were sweaty and clammy, and he realized that she was as nervous as he was. He gave her hands a light squeeze and smiled. She smiled back at him. The official (Remus gave up and began calling the man next to him 'the official') told the young couple everything they needed to say. But Remus couldn't stop admiring his beautiful his soon to be wife was. Remus began saying his vows.

"Do you, Remus Lupin, take Nymphadora Tonks to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you swear this company that you will love, honor, cherish, respect, and comfort her, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to share your joys and sorrows, help her when she needs help and turn to her first when you need help, and forsaking all others, to be faithful to her alone?"
Remus smiled at Dora, "I do."

He felt her give his hand a thick squeeze and didn't let go for a moment. The official turned to his future wife.

"And do you, Nymphadora, take Remus to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you swear before this company that you will love, honor, cherish, respect, and comfort him, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to share your joys and sorrows, help him when he needs help and turn to him first when you need help, and forsaking all others, to be faithful to him alone?"

Remus quickly took the ring from the official, "With this ring, I thee wed, and my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and health. In poverty or wealth. Til death do us part." he slipped the ring onto her finger. They exchanged loving smiles.

She also took her ring, "With this ring, I thee wed, and my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and health. In poverty or wealth. Til death do us part." Dora slid the silver ring onto his finger.

They stood there, in the silence, for a moment, just enjoying the other's presence. He sent her a worried look of anxiety and nervousness. Her face softened, with a geeky expression as if saying 'I know, I know," comforting him. The official before speaking, as if he was going to be saying his favorite words.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." he stepped backward, as of away from the newlywed couple.

Dora and Remus just look at each other for half a second. His hands reached the end of her veil and he slowly lifted it up above her head, then dropped his arms to her waist. Her brown eyes were twinkling, a smile played on her pink lips. Roses blossomed in her cheeks. Her hands moved to his neck and he pulled her close to him. Without thinking, he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips, tasting her pink lipstick briefly, and ignoring the small crowd whistling and cheering behind them. Remus wished that moment could last forever.

Hey everybody and welcome back! I hope you liked this chapter, seeing as it took a while a to write. I had intended to draw some fan art to show how they looked like, but my stylus for drawing on my iPad is broken and I've got work to do before school starts.

I've also been thinking about writing a Modern Harry Potter AU (alternate universe) story. It kinda centers around the Marauders running a coffee shop. I'm not sure if people actually write Modern Harry Potter AUs but let me know if you want to know more!

Anyway, comment your favorite Harry Potter book!
Mine's Deathly Hallows (though it should not be my favorite because everyone dies).

Hugs and kisses to all,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now