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It was soon getting late for the two of them. Dora had forced herself to follow her husband's instructions and set Teddy down in his crib. Dora sang him softly to sleep, hoping that she was right and Teddy wasn't a werewolf. She kissed the top of his forehead lightly and left the room, locking the door behind her.

She gripped the key tightly in her palm, leaving a mark. She spied on him through a rpeephole in the door, watching intensely.

The night moved on, and it was time the full moon rose high into the starry sky. Teddy seemed utterly normal up to this point. But then woke and began to bawl. She felt a tingling sense in her chest. He's hungry, she thought sadly.

Remus made her promise not to open the door no matter what. But her heart yearned to open it. Teddy's tears tore at her heart. She couldn't stand it. He must've hungry. So, so hungry. Her stomach twisted and turned, giving her a sinking feeling in her chest. The tingling feeling wouldn't stop, and this time she was sure he was hungry.

She fought the urge to pull out her wand and blast the door open. No, she told herself sternly, wait until morning. Until he gets back. She sighed, wanting to cover her ears as an attempted to keep her willpower strong.

The cries and frustration finally got to her. She couldn't take it anymore! Dora shoved the key into the nearly damaging it. Her cheeks burned in frustration. Her heart raced as she struggled to open the damn door. Finally giving up, she took out her wand.


The door swung open, and she raced in hold her son. His cries were quieter now, but they were cries nonetheless. Dora nursed him as she apologized, feeling terrible about trying to ignore his tears. She looked out the window, dawn wasn't even close to approaching. She saw the faintest hint of light in the sky, but that was all.

Soon the sun came up, and she realized she hadn't slept at all. But she couldn't be filled with more energy. She beamed down at Teddy, who babbled in her arms. She lifted him to her shoulder to burp him.

"Oh, Daddy's going to be so happy!" she giggled.

She moved to the living room with Teddy in her arms, and continued to burp him. The door swing open swiftly, a bruised and cut up figure standing in its doorway.


Remus was exhausted from running. He couldn't apparate after full moons because of the amount of energy it would take. He smiled as he saw his wife and child playing on the couch, like they always did.

He surged towards them, holding Dora's wrist gently.

"What happened?" he asked worriedly, his heart racing.
She smiled at him before answering, "Absolutely nothing."

A relief and happiness had surged through him, the warm feeling flooding his soul. He leaned in to kiss his wife. He hadn't changed anything. He hadn't forced his son into a painful and terrible transformation every month. Nor had he caused pain for his wife. Remus wanted to laugh.

Maybe he could finally give her something that she wanted. A family. Remus knew Dora often dreamed of having a family. Christmases with the Weasleys and rest of the Order. Dressing up as a group on Halloweens. Seeing each of the them go off to Hogwarts.

She deserved so much more than he could give her. But he could give her something.

Teddy looked up at him in wonder, amber eyes wide. He laughed and picked up his son. Only then did his wife seem to notice his cuts and bruises.

"You're hurt!" she ran a hand through his hair, "I didn't notice... I'm sorry."
"Dora, I'm fine."
"No, you're not. Sit there, hold Teddy and don't move."

He sat helplessly as his wife rushed to the bathroom to grab what he presumed was a first aid kit. And he was right, seeing as she came back with one and a bottle of water.

She smiled weakly at him. The bags under her eyes were dark and more apparent than ever. She seemed to sway as she walked, looking clumsier than usual. Of course, she looked as beautiful as ever to Remus, but at the same time, sickly and tired.

"Dora, love, did you sleep at all last night?"
"I don't think so. What does it matter, I'll help you then maybe take a quick rest."

Remus held Teddy gently, only about over a week old. They had to be very careful with him.

"Why don't we put him down in the crib?" he suggested to his drowsy wife.
She nodded, almost listlessly, "Mm hm, you go do that."

Remus stood shakily, as his ankle was killing him, and walked to the nursery with Teddy in his arms. He mustn't have slept either, because his son was falling asleep in his arms. He pushed a strand of hair away from Teddy's sleeping face. He smiled, then made his way back to the living room.

Dora was weary looking, as much as he was. The first aid kit lay open on the couch, while she was sleeping. He chuckled and leaned down to pick up the first aid kit. Her eyes flashed open and she looked at him for a second.

"Dora, why don't you get to bed now?"
"Oh, no. I'm okay. I said I'd help you."
"Yes, but you look like you're going to fall if you stood up."
"Nonsense." her eyelids were fluttering.
Remus sighed, wanting not to give in, but he realized she'd fall asleep in a moment or two, then he could carry her to the bed, "Have it your way, love."

He winced as she attempted to bandage his throbbing ankle in her drowsy state, but put up with it. Remus wrapped the cut on his ankle. He heard Dora mutter something about wishing she could use magic. He must've looked sheepish, since he knew this would be very hard to cure with magic. And he didn't want her using her wand nearly falling asleep. He waved his wand over a bruise on his cheek and a small cut on his forehead.

He glanced down at Dora. Her head hung and her eyes were closed. He smiled, knowing he was right. Remus finished bandaging his twisted on sprained ankle (he didn't know which at this point, he'd have to ask Dora in the morning).

This was going to be difficult, he thought, sighing. He skillfully picked his wife up bridal style. She turned on her side in his arms. Remus' eyes widened in fear of dropping her on the wooden floor. His ankle burned, throbbing every few seconds and making it harder for him to make sure he didn't drop her. He somewhat gently kicked the door open, thankful it wasn't locked or completely closed.

Remus gently set his sleeping wife down on the bed, tucking her in under the covers. He heard her mumble something in her sleep, something along the lines of 'stay' as he stood to close the door. He laid down next to her, pulling the blankets on top of both them. His eyes fluttered, and he soon fell asleep.



All my love,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now