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Thank you to everyone who supported this story from the beginning and my friends who helped give me ideas when I was stuck.


You all hold a special place in my heart, alongside this story. As it's my first Harry Potter one and now my most popular one.


As a present—sort of—I have a little one shot written after this. I hope you like it!

Also check out my new Remadora story, Hearing Not Required! It'd mean a lot to me, thanks!


"You like because, but you love despite..."

It was a funny little saying, wasn't it? So vague, yet so telling. Strange enough, there were so many things working against their relationship from internal arguments to a full blown war.

Despite all that, love was in the air, drawing people close together, never to be pulled apart.

They always said they married their best friend. He swore he'd always be there to catch her. She promised that she'd always be there waiting for him. They left so much behind, yet gained so much.

Remus liked Dora for her ability to make him and many others laugh, and her joking smile that teased him to no end. He liked the way she smiled, and the facial expressions she made whenever she was peeved with him. He liked her absolute and unconditional kindness, the way she'd heal his cuts and treat his injuries after every full moon, regardless of how screwed up he looked, and the way she always looked on the bright side, grinning at him and getting him to dance with her.

He loved her despite her absolute stubbornness in which he could never avoid the dance floor. He loved her despite the fact she worked in the Ministry, alongside the people that hated him the most. He loved her despite her clumsiness, making her trip and fall over every little thing. He loved her despite the fact that they were almost as different as night and day. He loved her despite the constant pranks she pulled on him, not all of them funny. He loved her despite her messiness, her fiery anger, the fact that she couldn't cook at all, and stole all the blankets at night. He loved her despite her impulsiveness that made her jump into things too fast. And he loved her unconditionally.

All of this ran through Remus's mind as he watched his wife playing with their three week old son. Dora was laughing, the brightest smile on her face, as Teddy changed his hair color in tufts. He heard her loud laugh as he sat in the kitchen, the found himself standing to be nearer to them. Remus sat down on the couch and Dora placed Teddy in his lap. She slowly placed her head against his shoulder, and he soon heard her gentle snores. His life was so perfect now, feeling completely relieved that wasn't ruining his little family because of who he was.

He recalled the way he'd blush and stutter like an idiot every time their hands met, or how he always heard her mumbling to herself about not tripping and keeping herself steady, while he'd softly laugh and promise he'd be there to catch her when she fell. He remembered the annoying looks and comments Sirius would give him, teasing him about the way he acted around his future wife and the way his heart raced and the astonishment that shot through him when she told him she loved him, and when he said it back. He recalled the way that she was the only thing that could cheer him up over Sirius's death, and vise versa. He remembered always bringing her flowers and chocolate, which they'd share happily. He remembered kissing her for the first time, sending sparks and fireworks through him.

Remus finally found himself, no longer wandering or lost, in his family, and how promised to be there for them. He found himself in the way he cared for his wife and son. And most of all, he found himself in the unconditional and everlasting friendship, compassion, and love for the young woman, asleep on his shoulder. And he had to admit it, but he was always falling in love with his wife, over and over again.

"You like because, but you love despite..."

Dora liked Remus for his gentle sweetness, and soft smile. She liked the way his eyes lit up upon meeting hers. She liked his respectfulness, the way he paused before kissing her, making sure it was okay, and the way he gave her freedom instead of demanding that she was a China doll needing to be protected. And most of all, she liked how he always caught her and helped her back to her feet whenever she slipped, metaphorically and literally, loving her unconditionally.

But she loved him despite the fact many in the wizarding world hated him because he was a werewolf. She loved him despite his self hatred and that she constantly needed to reassure him that she loved him with all her heart. She loved him despite the fact that they were almost as different as night and day. She loved him despite the fact he snored too loudly when they went to bed, and the fact that he often burnt the cookies they baked. She loved him despite that he hated himself for something that wasn't his fault, and that he constantly thought he wasn't good enough for her. But she loved him unconditionally.

All this ran through Dora's head as she watched Remus read a short story from Tales or Beetle the Bard to their three week old son. Remus looked happy and content with his life, and Teddy seemed utterly intrigued by the story then began to look around. She giggled before sitting down next to them. Remus looked up at her, then pointed out to Teddy that Mummy was right next to them, who reached up for her. Dora complied eagerly and took him from her husband, who slipped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him and leaned against him, relishing in his warmth. Dora never felt happier, and this life seemed to be so unreal, as it f it were a dream she never wanted to wake from.

She recalled the first time she'd seen Remus at an Order meeting, and way she asked too many questions and must've seemed annoying. She remembered Sirius's smug looks as he caught her looking at Remus. She recalled way he always asked if he could kiss her before kissing her and the evening he'd proposed (it was raining). She remembered how she kept track of every full moon and stayed up until he returned so she'd be able to heal his wounds and bandage his cuts. She remembered making him smile, a smile that she ended up falling for. She recalled the way she'd point out the stars and Remus would tell her about them, although she did well in Astronomy. She recalled the rest of the Order gleefully trading currency, betting on their wedding. ("Finally." "You waited too long, Remus." "Damn it." she remembered hearing from everyone.) She remembered their wedding and the evening of gentle love and compassion that took place afterward.

Dora found herself in the way she fell in love with a man who hated himself who he was and was able to convince him that he was worth so much more. She found herself in a happy family that she didn't expect, one that came to her in a whirlwind, but for which she was thankful for. Most of all, the way she had her husband loved each other with a complete understanding and their unconditional love for their young son. She found herself always falling in love with her husband, over and over again.

He realized he was more than enough for her and that he meant something to someone. She realized that life never turns out the way one would expect it to and that love would overcome every challenge. In ways more than one, they were perfect for each other.

And Remus and Tonks were so damn glad they took that one last chance.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now