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Tonks was so tired of feeling utterly useless. She had nearly fallen asleep at the last Order meeting as Snape was talking. (Not that she would have minded it, she so would have preferred to sleep through Snape's report.) The missions were boring and uneventful. She didn't have many partners who would at least try to make her laugh.

She desperately wished Remus would return from his death-defying mission of invasion and deception. That made it seem more important than it actually was. It wasn't hard to figure out that the werewolves would work for Voldemort. Tonks had predicted that earlier on, and of course, like every single man she had ever met, didn't listen or refused to believe her. She needed better company.

The Burrow would be a lovely place to visit, but she didn't think the Weasleys would appreciate her entering their home without permission. What was she thinking, Molly and Arthur would definitely let her in. But bothering them with nothing? Ah well, she sighed, alone again. The next meeting wasn't until next week. She didn't want to leave her home and visit her parents for the fear of attracting the Death Eaters to them.

After making herself a cup of hot chocolate, she sat down on the couch to read a book. Something her hadn't read in a while. But her focus refused to stay on the black and white pages. Her eyelids began to feel heavy. Sleep would be nice, wouldn't it? And relaxing.

After changing into pajamas, which consisted of a loose sleeveless shirt and shorts, Tonks climbed into her bed and pulled the covers up snuggly around her body. She fell prisoner to sleep and her eyelids drifted closed.

Approximately twenty minutes later, there was a loud pounding at her door. Tonks moaned and rolled on her side, looking utterly disheveled. She blew strands of light brown hair (with the tips a very dark pink) as she stood, still in her loose pajamas.

Another round of loud knocking.

"I'm coming!" she yelled somewhat sleepily and rushed to the door.

She swung open the door and saw the figure of a bloodied and dirt covered man. The man's hair was clearly filled with leaves and twigs from the forest and his clothes were covered in bits of mud and dried blood.

The name left her lips before she realized it, "Remus."

Remus looked at Tonks pleadingly. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. The poor man was tired and exhausted. She heart went out to him, her stomach twisting and turning.

"Tonks..." he collapsed and she managed to catch him before he hit the floor and drag him into her house.
"What—what happened?"

She watched him attempt to choke out his story, but stopped suddenly, his eyes bulging. Oh my God, she thought. She dragged him to the couch to lay down. Remus coughed, droplets of blood flew to his ripped shirt.

Her eyes welled with tears at the sight of such a broken man. She started to address his wounds, but he turned away.

"Let me help you..." she said, tearing a piece of her shirt to wrap the injury on his arm. Her hand came back bloody and red.
"Aren't you frightened of me? Repulsed? Disgusted?" he questioned in outrage, finding the courage to speak.


Scott's words rung in Remus's ears. Don't you realize that we are monsters? She will never love you back? We are hated by all of society, Remus. Can't you see why we allied ourselves with the Dark Lord? Tonks looked at him with such pity in her eyes. She seemed so broken and hurt by what he said. Did she think that he assumed she was a terrible person?

"I just want to help you!" she yelled, "Is that what you think of me? A foolish girl who can't handle a bit of blood? I'm a bloody Auror for God's sake."

Her words rang for a moment. Remus relented and let her help him. She addressed his wounds smoothly and quickly, using healing spells and bandages (mostly band-aids).

"I-I" Remus coughed, "I guess I owe you again."
"For what?" she questioned, healing a cut on his leg.
A small smile crossed his face, "For helping me. And for just being there."
"I'm doing what anyone else would have done."

She smiled at him, radiant as always. Little stars twinkled in her eyes. She was beautiful and kind. Fierce and protective. Caring and compassionate. Her seemingly simple view on how she helped him meant so much more to Remus. She wasn't judging on what he was or how he appeared, but who he really was. He loved her for that.

"It was—" Remus began his story, "Alexander Scott. A close friend of Greyback. He had somehow figured out who I was and ... had the a few members of the pack attack me. I ran through the woods. Your house was the closest..."
Tonks shook her head softly, a laugh escaping her pink lips, "I told you didn't I? But of course, you didn't listen to me." 

They just sat there, thinking for a few moments. He enjoyed this time with her. Tonks ran to the kitchen of make a cup of tea for herself and Remus. She came back with two warm mugs of Earl Grey in her hands. Remus sat up and took one.

Remus began to feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. When she smiled at him, the feeling only grew. She sat down next to him, snuggling into his sweater. Then she suddenly jumped up.

"I forgot to fix your clothes!"
"Tonks, it's okay."
"Lemme just grab one of my dad's or Sirius's old shirts. They're here somewhere."

He watched as she left the room and dashed into another. Remus sipped his tea quietly, the subtle taste warming his lips. It wasn't too hot, nor too cold. Tonks really knew how to make tea (if that was even a thing, knowing how to make tea differently than others).

She walked back into with a set of a simple black shirt, brown leather jacket, and blue jeans. She seemed unwilling to part with it, but held it in front of Remus. The clothes faintly smelled of cigarettes and motor gas.

"It was Sirius'," she paused, cradling the jacket once more, "And I think he'd want you to have it."

I apologize for any confusion this chapter had made. I was watching the movies yesterday and had forgotten that the Burrow burned down and that they were there (as I may or may not have mentioned earlier, I don't have copies of the books). Anyway, I'm kind of just using harrypotter.wikia.com and the movies as information sources. If there is any that is in the moves that is not in the books here, I would really appreciate it if you pointed it out to me.

Hugs and kisses to all,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now