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Tonks could only stand there, shocked, as Remus ran. What happened? He seemed to be enjoying himself in the moments past. Salty tears of regret and hurt welled up in her hazel eyes. Was something wrong with her? Was she not fun enough? Kind enough? Pretty enough?

She furiously began wiping her face. It was hopeless, tears blurred her vision and began to fall. Each drop hit the ground with a splash. She cried. Her heart was being broken into pieces, taken out of her chest and stomped on repeatedly. The ground was breaking under her feet, and she was falling through. She shivered, not from the cold, but the regret and pain she felt. It hurt. Everything hurt at the moment. She sat down, sniffling. Each sob was heart wrenching to hear.

What was wrong with her? Why wouldn't Remus love her back? Did he not see how she felt about him? Tears continued to flow, watering the earth throughly. She felt so useless, crying over a boy. Her usually bright pink hair had lost its color in the heat of the moment. It became a dull, dark brown. Her hazel eyes lost its normal sparkle.

She wanted to sit there, grieving in self-pity. But her mind said no, even if she was broken into a million pieces because of one seemingly selfish act of want and desire. Her heart was in shards, laying helplessly on the ground.

She glanced up at the darkening sky. Even the sunset wouldn't be pretty anymore.

Maybe Tonks was taking this a little too far. It was only a man, right? There would be more fish in the sea, as they say. Love has no bounds, doesn't it? But her heart really did feel shattered and smashed. She truly loved him, and he, in return, ran away. What was wrong with her? Another salty droplet made its way down her pale and grief-stricken face.

True love was something she'd never experienced. She had flings with others, obviously. Shared a few sweet kisses, yes. Was cat-called and hit on several times, true. But what hurt her so much about one human. Remus Lupin.

Maybe he was the only man to ever see her for something other than her metamorphmagus abilities. Maybe he was gentle and sweet towards the younger children in the Order. Maybe he showed her utmost respect and kindness. But what about Remus Lupin made her love him?

She began her slow paced walk back to her house, these loving thoughts filling her head. Tonks' tears had stopped, for which she was thankful for. She didn't want to trip over a root or tree branch because she couldn't see. Come to think of it, it was surprising she didn't trip at all.

And... she spoke too soon.

Tonks found herself plummeting to the ground, stumbling over a large tree root. Pain erupted in her right knee and she sat up, glancing down at it to see how bad the wound was. She cursed out loud. Blood was dripping down her legs. She didn't have anything to clean the wound, thankfully, her house was only a short walk anyway.

She reached her fronts steps to find someone she wouldn't expect to see. Wavy tan hair and a scarred complexion. He seemed to be leaving something on her doorstep, but noticed her coming quickly and shoved whatever it was behind him.

"Tonks!" he shouted in surprise, not specifically joy or relief, "What... what happened?" he spoke, glancing at her leg.
"None of your business." she snapped, suddenly regretting snapping at him. Remus's eyes widened in fear.  Tonks quickly opened her door and stepped inside.

As she hurried around for her a first aid kit, she heard the wooden planks cream behind her, meaning Remus had followed her inside. And by the clicking of the lock, she could tell he had the decency to close her door.

"Let me help you." he said, as she walked back into the living room, clutching a first aid kit in her hands. She lifted her chin, studying the pleading man beneath her.

Pain once again erupted in her leg. She wasn't wearing pants this afternoon, but shorts. Meaning the cut would be worse. She sat down on the couch and as she tried to grab the kit, Remus snatched it from her coffee table and opened it on the other side of the table. And she couldn't reach that from her 'leg-on-the-table' position. Tonks sighed, feeling absolutely helpless as Remus bandaged her leg.

He appeared to be studying her wound. She laid there, doing absolutely nothing as he wrapped the gauze around her right knee. He was so gentle with her wounds, always glancing up at her nervously the next time he was going to disinfect it, waiting for a nod from her. He also muttered an apology after every cleaning.

She felt cold and angry towards the man kneeling in front of her. Tonks was done crying. She frowned at him, hoping he would notice. But then felt her heart break into two again after seeing him stare at her, eyes wide, looking hurt and uncomfortable. She stood, as did he.

"What are you doing back at my house." she asked, her voice dripping with tension and harshness.
"I-I..." he seemed to be nervous under her glare, "Came to apologize."
"Apologize, right." she answer came as a statement, harsh and cold.
Tonks's glare pierced his gaze. He looked afraid to look her in the eye. "I-I'm sorry, Tonks."

Rage built up inside her. She wanted to yell at him. Scream. Anything. But nothing came. She hoped to find strength to be angry. She glanced at him, then towards her door.

"Get out of my house." Tonks said, angry and unforgiving.

Remus's wide eyed stare was replaced with a look of shock and sadness. He looked hurt and broken. He made his way to the door, quietly closing it on the way out.

She sighed and sat back down. Then spotted a bouquet of flowers sitting on her dining room table. She made her way over to. A note scribbled on a piece of parchment sat next to it. She immediately knew who the flowers and note were from. Who else was in her house in the last few minutes?


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