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Remus knelt there with nervousness and anxiety. A droplet of sweat rolled down the back of his neck and it felt kind of awkward kneeling down in front of her, holding a little box. Dora was smiling. Laughing, even. Her chocolate eyes twinkled in the light. She slowly began to nod.

"Yes..." she laughed, "A billion times yes!"

She pulled him to his feet, laughing and grinning. A clap of thunder shook the sky and drops of rain began to fall. They laughed and giggled like children, not adults, for once, dancing in the evening rain. Then she pressed her lips against his. Their faces were wet and hair stuck to their faces, but Remus knew she never looked more beautiful.

They danced in the rain, not caring how wet they became. He heard music from radios in other houses play loudly, and they danced to the beat of it. Their steps and twirls resulted in splashes on the sidewalk. Rain fell quickly and coldly, splashed echoing from the ground. He laughed, pulling her closer to him and kissing her once more.

Deciding to go back and drink their now cold tea, Remus took her by the hand to lead her inside the house. They were soaking wet, and he only laughed at that. Dora's clothes hugged her thin figure and her hair was still messy and pink. Drops of water ran down her face and arms.

"Do you have some extra clothes?" she asked, grinning.
"Uhh..." Remus' eyes widened, "I don't think so?"

She chuckled, and gestured for him to follow her. Dora pulled open a few cabinets and dug through them for clothes. He studied a few pictures on the wall. Some from her years at Hogwarts. Many of her parents. A few from the Order and gathering with the Weasleys. A smaller set of pictures hung. Pictures of her... and him. He smiled, then turned back to look at her.

Then promptly got hit in the face with a red shirt of some sort.

Remus only saw red for a few moments, then saw his fiancée giggling at him and she saw crosslegged on the floor, her left hand covering her mouth. The little ring sparkled as she laughed.

He was so glad to have her in his life. He smiled sillily. A pair of blue jeans also hit him. This attack was less comfortable than the first. She handed him the rest of the clothes and a towel that he needed.

"They're my dad's whenever he and Mum come over for a little while. He forgot about the, so you might as well use them." she added with a shrug.
Remus kissed her cheek with his arms full of clothes, "Thank you. You're the bestest woman ever and I love you." he said in a rush, forgetting his grammar.

Remus quickly dried off and changed in the guest room while Dora left to take a shower. Five or so minutes, he emerged and sat down on the living room sofa and decided to drink the extreme cold tea.

Was this really the right decision though? What if he couldn't leave on the night of the full moon? What if he ended up hurting her? Yes, he did love her to pieces, but he felt so selfish at the same time. Everyone he loved and cared for were in danger, he couldn't live with himself if she were targeted (by the ministry or otherwise) because of him.

If only his friends were here to settle his doubts. He thought for a moment, then wished otherwise. He wished Lily was here to settle his doubts. James and Sirius did care, but wouldn't know how exactly to handle it. He sipped the tea. 

She always looked so happy. He couldn't ruin that, could he? He couldn't stand seeing her sick looking and pale, like earlier this year. Molly and Arthur said that she had barely even eaten at their house.

Suddenly, the evening air coming through the windows felt chilly to him, and it was July. He wished the tea was warmer.

"Hi," the voice shocked him for a moment, then he looked up to see Dora smiling at him with a towel wrapped around the top of her head in a cone, "enjoying your tea?" she chuckled, fully knowing it was cold.

He raised an eyebrow at her, noting her smirk. Remus sighed and scooted over to make room. He leaned against her shoulder and she also sipped the cold tea.

"We never finished that book." she said bluntly, looking at the cup of tea in her hands, "Or would you rather watch the movie?"
"The book is always better." Remus stated, knowing that this would earn him some more time with her. But the book was always better than the movie.
"Let me go get it, Remus." she pursed her lips, almost frowning at him as he tightened his arms around her waist. Understanding that he probably wasn't going to let go, she smiled.

They just sat there, enjoying the other's company. Remus felt her become stiff and rigid for a moment. He glanced up at her, her face tight with concentration and thought. She was thinking about something that bothered her.

"What are you think about?" he asked, brushing strands of hair away from her face after she pulled the off towel from her head.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." she answered curtly, obviously lying.

He sighed and pulled her closer to him, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She leaned against him before speaking.

"This war... what's going to happen if we don't succeed. Every muggle, muggleborn, and half blood would be enslaved by the pure blooded, so to speak. We'd all be executed. And.... I wouldn't be able stand to losing you."
"You wont lose me. I'll be right here, next to you. Always." He spoke sincerely, kissing the top of her hair lightly.
"Promise?" she pleaded.

It was silent for a few delicate moments. Rain hitting the windows. Wind whistling outside. Their soft breaths.

"Well, we have Bill and Fleur's wedding to look forward to." he spoke, "Most importantly, our own."

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all are excited for the wedding. Which will be coming up in the next chapter and the one after. But I would love to hear your ideas for it. Don't forget to comment and vote on my story!

Thanks to all of you,

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