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Remus and Dora needed to start casting protection spells around the house. Their house became another safe house for members of the Order and Muggle-horns that were being persecuted by the Ministry. Dora had lost her job, and Remus felt absolutely terrible.

It was because of him. His wife had lost the most wonderful job she'd ever had. It was all his fault. It was because she'd married him. She seemed so upset. Dora spent hours trying to convince him that it wasn't his fault. That it was the corruption in the Ministry.

Remus found it hard to believe. They were both thankful that their vault at Gringotts had money in it, or they never would've survived. Thankfully, it was only the two of them and Remus was a good cook.

Today was the day they were going to pick up Harry from his home on Privet Drive and bring him to the Burrow. Order members were instructed to stop at safe houses that would take them to the Burrow. This was one of the first times they'd be apart since they're wedding. (The full moon was the first.)

It was almost time to leave. He looked at her solemnly. For the first time, she couldn't smile at him. This was the beginning of the war that would determine the lives and wizards and witches for generations. Would they be stuck under pureblood mania, half bloods and muggle horns hunted down and persecuted alike? A reign of tyranny and heartlessness.  Or would they succeed and survive this war? Wizards and witches of all statuses would live in peace. Couples could be happy. Children would be able to play without the fear of death tailing them closely.

He hugged her tightly. They knew they could lose each other tonight. He wiped away a tear that seemed to escape her eye. She smiled weakly at him. On some days she seemed so sick, Remus didn't know how to help her other than comforting her. He only wished he could make her feel better.

"I've got to tell you something and it's kind of important. I'm—" Dora began, blinking profusely. Her eyes drifted to the clock on the wall, "Never mind, it'll have to wait. Mad-Eye would murder us if we weren't on time."
"Are you sure. He won't mind."
"Yeah." she glanced at the wall again, leaving Remus utterly curious about what she was thinking.

He kissed her lips lovingly, knowing that one or both of them could die tonight. But it was a for a better world. A better life for those who'd come after them. He grasped her hand tightly and they apparated to a place far from their home. Privet Drive.


They landed on the lawn in front of Harry's home. Dora blew a strand of pink hair out of her face. She gripped Remus' arm tightly. They were greeted by the smiling faces of the rest of the Order. Although, Mad-Eye wasn't exactly smiling. More like a kind grimace. He also yelled for everyone to hurry up. She waved a hello to Bill and Fleur, who would be getting in married in a matter of days. Bill was a friend from her years at Hogwarts, but wasn't as close to him as she was with Charlie. They in return congratulated her and Remus like everyone else had done.

Mad-Eye raised an eyebrow and huffed a congratulations their way. Arthur and Kingsley smiled. Ron and Hermione were arguing somewhere off to the side and Fred and George were talking in hushed tones. They all stopped to give her a wave and a smile. Hagrid grinned at them as he wiped Sirius' motorbike with a cloth. Remus glanced at it for a second then looked away. She also looked at it sadly, also remembering the fond moments between her and her second cousin. For Remus, it must have been worse.

She greeted everyone there with a smile. They all needed to know that everything would be alright in the end. And they also needed to occasional laugh. There was always a need for laughter.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now