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Tonks was surprisingly enjoying this mission with Remus Lupin. She didn't think it would be that exciting, her being with someone who didn't seem to have a fun sense of humor. They were having fun until the Death Eaters decide to show up and join the party.

Several spelled whirled by her ear. She spun around, facing a small group of Death Eater, all dressed in black capes and hoods. One seemed extremely familiar. Tonks nearly swore out loud. Remus was intelligent enough to quickly cast a patronus and hope for help. Tonks could only hope that they would get here in time.

As a matter of fact, Tonks didn't really want to serious injure or kill one of these Death Eaters. After all, they were still people, and like every other person, deserved a chance to be good. Stunning, confusing, and disarming were two spells she could do that were mostly likely not going to kill whoever she used it on.

She and Remus were back to back, facing at least two wizards on each side. One was extremely familiar. Tonks decided not to stun him or her just yet. She quickly knocked the wand out of pale hands of the cloaked wizards using the disarming spell and stunned him. But the Death Eater has somehow managed to push her without his wand. She fell on her knees, then quickly stood up again, ignoring the blood dripped from her wounds. Tonks turned her attention to the other one.

The Death Eater seemed to see no reason to keep his or her hood on and quickly pulled it down. Standing before her, with a vicious and bloodthirsty grin, was her beloved aunt Bellatrix LeStrange.

"Ah, Nymphadora. I find you at last. My blood traitor sister's only daughter. Your blood is unclean, you know. I find it offensive that my sister married the muggle-born and had the audacity to have a child with him as to break the long line of purebloods. And you choose to conspire with that... filthy animal. Along with our disgraced relative Sirius Black."
"Well, Bellatrix, if you find me offensive, I suggest you stop looking for me."

Tonks kept her cool as long as she could. But what had her aunt meant by 'filthy animal'? She wouldn't be able to think about it at the moment, Tonks could contemplate her aunt's words later.

She quickly shot a stunning spell at Bellatrix, who dodged it easily. In return, she fired the Cruciatus Curse several times. Tonks crumpled to the ground, her vision blurry with tears. The world was tilted and spinning. The pain was almost unbearable. Tonks clutched her stomach and clenched her teeth as shrieked and screamed in pain. Her ragged breathing was one of the only sounds she could hear. She looked up to see her aunt manically laughing, as if in triumph. Tonks could hear Remus nearby, shouting spells and shield charms. Remus certainly heard her, as she caught him staring at her in shock and utter fear. Bellatrix hadn't defeated her, Tonks thought defiantly, not yet. She mustered up her strength. She would only have the energy for one well timed spell. And she had to make it a good one.

"Stupefy!" she pointed her wand at Bellatrix, who fell to the ground in shock.

Tonks nearly passed out, and knew she wouldn't have the energy to cast another if she was attacked again. Her head hurt from the fall. Tonks had scraped her hands and knees from one of her falls. Tonks was able to somehow sit up and tried to stand. Her feet wouldn't support her for long, but she had to look strong for as long as possible. She stood up facing the Death Eater Remus was fighting and held her wand at ready. Instead of casting a spell at the weak witch before him, he summoned more Death Eaters. This must have escaped Tonks's notice, because for the first few seconds, she didn't understand why Remus was dragging her into a shop.

"Tonks! Come on!" he said hurriedly, quickly shoving her into Flourish and Blotts.
"Wait... why?" she asked, her head still spinning.
"He summoned more Death Eaters! We have to go!"
"R-Remus. I-I don't understand." her head was still spinning from being hit with the Cruciatus Curse several times. The pain was unbearable. (She'd heard a couple had become insane from being tortured with the pain curse way too many times.) Her breathing was heavy and ragged once more.

Tonks's head was beginning to clear a little. Remus began casting shield cast quietly. They ducked behind a shelf of books. Tonks laid her head against the heavy books and breathed deeply to steady herself.

"Tonks, you alright?" Remus asked, concerned for the young Auror.
"Yeah,"she breathed, "I'm fine."
"You sure? Bellatrix hit you with that curse pretty hard."
"Yeah. I'm-I'm good."
"Eat this." he held a small chocolate bar out to her.
"Thanks." Tonks took it gratefully and bit into the creamy sweetness of a chocolate bar. She smiled at him gently, to show she was okay.

Suddenly, the shelf exploded.


Remus nearly screamed. He cast a shielding charm to protect Tonks. He wasn't going to let her get hurt.

"Remus!" she screamed, reaching out to grab him. Her usually pink hair was turning several different colors at the same time, "Don't! Let me help you!"

Remus didn't want to turn his attention away from the Death Eaters standing in front of him, wands blazing.

"Ah the werewolf. I didn't think Dumbledore still affiliated with the likes of you. Monster." one spat. 

Remus didn't have the time to express his anger. But he couldn't help feeling that what the wizard said was true. He was a monster. He didn't deserve any of the wonderful things he received.

"Stupefy!" he shouted, aiming for the Death Eater who'd spoken to him.

He only focused on making sure the Death Eaters wouldn't find out anything from them. Remus refused to back down. He didn't pay any mind to Tonks' grief stricken pleads and cries in the background. She had to be safe. No one was going to risk their lives or their jobs for him. His parents. Dumbledore. The other professors. Sirius. James. Lily. Peter.

Someone cast a spell Remus knew he wouldn't be able to protect himself from. It was coming too quick. Too fast. He wouldn't have the chance to cast the shielding charm. He knew the curse was going to hit him. He relaxed and waited for it to come. He couldn't tell what spell it was, but he would do anything, anything, to protect the rest of the Order.

The spell didn't hit.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now