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Remus' heart skipped a beat. The air was sucked out of his lungs. The baby was coming right now? He nearly cursed while his wife sat next to him, looking like she'd have a panic attack.

"Andromeda!" Remus called for his mother in law.

His mother in law raced down the stairs, knowing what was going to come. She nodded for him to take Dora to one of the bedrooms. Andromeda must've known that going to St Mungo's was not an option and called for Madam Pomfrey and a midwife.

"We won't be able to go to St Mungo's. The ministry's in charge there." he muttered.
"How—" she gasped, "wonderful." she finished.

He'd been doing a bit of light reading about what was to come, but was still frozen in terror. What if something went wrong?

A fear sat in the back of his mind. What if Dora didn't survive this? If was unlikely, but there was that possibility. The child wouldn't have a mother. A beautiful, loving mother that he or she deserved to know.

Another worry became apparent. What if the baby was born sickly or ill? The baby would have died very soon after that. Or leave them a lifetime or problems. That would not only break his and his wife's heart, but it would weaken them so, so much.

Remus forced himself to push those depressing thoughts to the back of his mind. It took all of his courage to smile at Dora.

He knew about contractions and such, but as a man, ashy sure how to deal with them exactly. Every time he felt a sharp squeeze on his hand, he knew his wife was in pain. She gasped. He leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Who knew what was going to happen? They could only hope for the best.


Dora gasped as each contraction went through her. Her entire body was racked with pain. She groaned loudly, squeezing Remus' hand tighter each time. She saw him wince, but didn't seem to be able to stop. Her breaths were unsteady and heavy. When was her mum going to get back?

She was in too much pain to count how much time took place between each on contraction. She groaned, knowing that this wasn't the worst part. Dora finally stopped her mother coming back inside with Madam Pomfrey (a someone she trusted well and knew had a lot of experience) and a midwife.

The pain was simply unbearable. It was like her body was on fire. And she'd burnt herself before. This felt worse. It felt like she was being hit with the Crucio curse. Of course, maybe she was just exaggerating, but it hurt.

Her mind barely registered the instructions she was given by Madam and the midwife. All she could see her her mother and husband's worried expressions. Suddenly, their expressions changed from worried to encouraging. She felt the warm touch of their hands and a light squeeze from Remus every time they yelled for her to push. Her mother wiped her sweat with a cloth, smiling encouragingly. Her heart raced the entire time.

This was her baby.

She screamed her throat hoarse, probably broke her husband's hand, and was sweating like crazy. She also ended up threatening to kill Remus (a threat she sure wasn't carrying out in her state) after everything was done. She saw her mother glanced up at Remus every time he flinched and looked sad, whispering that she didn't mean it. It was only because of the labor.

But thank the good lord that it didn't last for more than eight hours. Her child seemed to be in no rush to come out, taking eight hours like that. Most of it was contractions and pain and the actual having to push part was more towards the end. So basically, by her standards, she'd lay in a bed groaning and in pain most of the day. Dora he nearly collapsed straight afterward, but a light kiss on the forehead from her husband had kept her awake. A baby's cry pierced the air, making the room happier and more joyful. Dora couldn't help but smile.

"You did wonderful." he whispered and she felt him smile against her ear. But for the moment, she was too tried to register what he'd said and replied with a nod.

She barely heard the midwife yell in excitement across the room, "It's a boy!" and squeal excitedly. But she smiled brightly.

Her son. Her beautiful baby boy.

What had they decided to name him? It was something they'd never really discussed. Nor had time to discuss.

"Oh please, let me hold him!" she begged, as the midwife smiled, handing her the baby.

He was small. His little face was red from tears. Dora rocked him softly, humming, hoping that would calm her son. Her son had little tufts of hair. Remus looked down, beaming. She felt a new energy flow through her. A warm, gentle feeling like when she'd kissed Remus for the first time.

Suddenly, everything seemed in high definition. She could register the the sun rising in the east, bringing them all to a new dawn. The smiling faces of Madam Pomfrey and the midwife. How her son had stopped crying and was just resting against her chest. The little tufts of hair were a brownish color, like hers when she was unhappy or upset. She felt her son's chest moved against hers when he breathed ever so gently.

"He looks so much like you." they said in unison, then looking up and giggling softly, as to not wake the baby.
"He has your lips." Remus said softly.
"He has your nose." Dora answered with a grin. 

They watched as her son woke up again, looking at his parents, eyes wide. They were a quite gorgeous amber color. The same eyes that he captivated her the moment she saw them. He had her husband's sharp nose, her plump lips. Remus' eyes looked up at in wonder and awe.

But both their eyes widened as they watched their son's hair color change from brown to ginger to blond to green then to turquoise. Dora realized that his hair changed in tufts, having several different colors in it. She laughed loudly and heard Remus do the same. Suddenly they quieted, as to not scare the baby.

"Ted." Remus whispered softly, a smile lighting up his face.
"I think Teddy would be better. Considering he was born a few moments ago."
"Right as always love." he sighed happily, "Middle name?"
This was the first time she'd looked away from the baby and up at her husband, "Remus."
"My name?"
"Because everyone deserves to know his wonderful father."
"Edward Remus Lupin." Remus finished softly, a gentle smile on his face.
"But for now, he's our little Teddy."

Heyo what's up nerds! (I'm sorry if you found that offensive.) Whadaya think of the new chapter? Anyway, I've been a bit busy so I don't have a question for today. Thanks to everyone voting and commenting on this story! If there are any more silent readers, I thank you guys too! Love you all!!!

Hugs and kisses,

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