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Today's the day. A sweet and wonderful day of love, peace, and comfort. Or so he hoped. Remus was both ecstatic and worried.

He woke up next to his fiancée, nearly forgetting he had stayed at her house the night before. Her hair tickled his face, and he glanced down at her, laid quietly in his arms. He thought it best not to wake her up. The wedding seemed to just be a thrown together thing, which it was. They were in the middle of a war.

The wedding was going to be a small event, north of Scotland. They didn't want to attract the attention of Death Eaters. How desperately he wanted to invite the Order, but knew he could put them all in danger. Dora had let her mother plan the little event, stressing the need to explain that it was going to be a small event. But they had given poor Andromeda almost no time to do it.

It was a beautiful day. Remus ran a hand through his hair and smiled. He wanted to get out of bed to make breakfast, but didn't dare move because she was laying on him. Ah well, maybe she'd wake up to the smell of cooking food. He slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen, hoping that he didn't disturb her sleep.

Worrying thoughts filled his head. Was he acting selfishly by marrying her? He loved her to pieces, and didn't want to put her in any danger. But what if he did? She'd be targeted even more by her pureblooded relatives. Then his transformations... what if he didn't leave on time and ended up hurting her.

He couldn't believe how much he loved her. Every little quirk and smile. He'd stayed away so long because of it. He put her through two years of unhappiness and extreme discomfort. Could he really do that again. Watch her become someone far from the beautiful and wonderful person she was. Even if it was only for the time being.

Remus began preparing a bit of breakfast. Eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Something he hoped she'd enjoy. After flipping two pancakes and having a plate or two sunny side up eggs ready to be eaten, he heard a yawn from the doorway.

"Morning, love." he said, sliding the pancakes to a plate.
Dora had groaned in response, "Morning."

She wasn't a morning person. He was. The bacon was almost done before she had noticed the food in front of them. He sat down at the table with a plate of bacon and utensils and his hands.

"Remus... when did you get to make this?"
"Earlier this morning, didn't take you'd eat well if you woke up before me."
"Thank you." she said, standing to hug him. Then sitting back down and stabbing a fork into a pancake.

Breakfast was eaten quickly. They also had to shower before heading to her parents' place. He let her go first because one, he was a gentleman, and two, she was going to take longer.

Ted and Andromeda greeted them at the door with open arms, explaining how they had managed to arrange everything. Of course, the guests would be locals would had also witnessed Andromeda and Ted's wedding. It was a small event. A ministry official who was also a priest that had married them agreed to officiate the wedding.

Remus hugged his new parents in law. They, shockingly, hugged him back. He was so utterly happy. Andromeda whisked her daughter away from Remus to help her prepare. Remus was with Ted, who was giving him advice on being a good husband. Along with lending Remus a set of dress robes.

Basing his thoughts on what Ted was saying, Remus wasn't sure if he was completely cut out for this. What if he messed up dramatically? He could fall and just ruin the moment. Or get so nervous he'd end up just running away. Remus became more aware of his breathing. Ted noticed and made him go change into his dress robes. Remus came back, feeling as awkward as ever.

Ted patted him on the back and pulled him into an embrace as Remus sat down, "You're ready for this. Both of you."


Dora was more than happy to see her mum, but she never expected her to fuzz over her daughter's hair. Her mum had begged her to let it be a little longer, just for today. Instead of the pink spikes she usually wore. Dora agreed, but refused to change it to her natural brown color. Her now salmon pink hair fell a bit past her shoulders in ringlets. Her mum smiled and tucked a few curls behind her ears. Her mother took a few strand of her hair and proceeded to tie it back with a white ivory clip of flowers.

Her mum pulled out an old dress that she would be wearing. Flowing and soft with the bottom rimmed with flowery stars. Several layers of this same fabric with varying lengths  were layered on top of the base, which gave the gown the look of ocean waves on the shoreline. A small train would trail her steps. The lace on the bodice was flowery and delicate. The nearly transplant sleeves, rimmed with lace fell an inch below her shoulders, accompanied the sweetheart neckline almost perfectly. The top was a bit more slimming, the bottom was loose and flowing like waves in the sea.

Makeup was minimal and natural. Salmon pink lipgloss. The faintest hint of blush. Light eyeshadow and barely any mascara. Dora had absolutely no clue how to put any of this on, and let her mother take the reins.

Jewelry was also minimal. A simple silver necklace seeming to be made of stars rested on her neck. Bracelets of celestial shapes sat on her wrists.

Dora glanced at the mirror in her parents' room. She had never felt this... pretty before. She'd always been told that her pink spikes seemed unfeminine, but she didn't care most of the time. She looked so different from the punk girl she usually portrayed herself as. Her mother placed a veil with a small flower crown made with sliver and white flowers atop her head. She smiled at her mum and turned around to embrace her.

"Thank you, Mum."
"It's my pleasure, darling. I just want this to be the happiest day of your life."

Dora nearly cried. It was all so beautiful. She couldn't believe today was her day. Today was going to be wonderful. She was finally going to marry the man she loved after such long years of unhappiness and pain and make him finally see he was worth all the happiness in the world.

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, I was at my cousin's house and didn't get to type or publish. Anyway, I hope that this chapter made up for it. Hopefully, the next one will too.

Hugs and kisses to all,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now