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This is going to one heck of a broom ride, Dora mused as she and Ron took off. They'd be heading to Ron's Aunt Muriel's house. Dora usually knew where she was going. Usually. Ron followed next to her closely, they looked around every so often to make sure they weren't being followed. Except the fact that they weren't being followed only lasted a few seconds. A loud cackle rang through the skies.

"And there's where my beloved auntie is." she muted under her breath, "Ron, stay close, okay." she whispered. Ron nodded.

Dora had pulled out her wand, as did Ron. They were being tailed by Death Eaters. Mostly Bellatrix. They mastered to complete a series of complicated dives and movements to avoid being hit with curses. She'd managed to fired a few spells, but most of them must've missed. It wasn't exactly easy to fly and cast at the same time.

More laughter. Ah, wonderful, she mused disdainfully. She'd shot a few spells behind her. Ron did the same. She'd managed to stun a few Death Eaters. Ron stunned one who had his wand pointed at her back. Dora quickly thanked him, but didn't have much time for that seeing as they were being pursued by Bellatrix and Rudolphus LeStrange. Their laughs and cackles seemed to shake the sky.

An air of uncertainty and fear surrounded them. Her heart raced madly and her breathing became unsteady. She shot one last spell before spotting the house. Hearing a groan and a gasp of shock from behind them, Dora silently cheered. She glanced behind her and realized she'd hit Rudolphus. Ron and her dove for the house, dodging a few spells from her aunt. Suddenly the spells stopped coming. Thank God, she thought.

They nearly crashed onto the front yard. Dora and Ron grabbed their broom to head inside. Aunt Muriel began fussing over them, checking cuts and bruises and serving tea.

"That was brilliant, Ron." she said, nearly out of breath.
"Thank you." he said sheepishly, "I don't think I did as much as you did."

She smiled softly at him. Her thoughts turned to fear when she'd realized they'd missed their Portkey. How were they going to get to the Burrow now? They had one option—flying. Ron's eyes widened when he realized what she was thinking, but excepted it nonetheless.

As soon as they left, they seemed to fly uninterrupted. The summer air blew calmly and the starts twinkled in the sky. But that all changed when they were be pursed once more. Bellatrix kept casting curses at them. Dora had managed to stop a few of them from hitting her and Ron, and then dove to avoid the others. Dora thought they were going to end up crashing at the Burrow. But they somehow landed smoothly and safely.

She spotted her husband. The fear, hope and uncertainty seemed to leave his eyes the moment he saw her. She rushed towards him, then felt him wrap his arms around her.

"I was so scared." he whispered, his voice cracking a little, "I didn't know what had happened or you. And it took so long for you to get here." He hugged her tighter, "I don't know what I would do without you, Dora."
"I'm here now. We're alive. We're together." she spoke softly, hoping to soothe his nerves. She ran a hand through his graying tan colored hair. Dora noticed that a few of his gray streaks had faded, but others were much more apparent.

They headed inside. She smiled at Ron and Hermione, who'd just pulled away from a hug. Her heart was still racing from the chases and pursuits. She gripped his arm tightly, not
believing they'd lived through it all. 

Remus worriedly asked why she and Ron has taken so long to arrive and Dora quickly relayed how the chase had played out, explaining how she and Ron fought off Bellatrix and Rodolphus. The murderous looks they gave her, it seemed as if they wanted to kill her as much as they wanted to kill Harry.

She glanced at George who was laying on the couch with ear bloody. Thankfully, the wound had clogged and wasn't bleeding as profusely as she assumed it had been when it was first cursed off.

Molly was kneeling near George and Fred decided to talk to his brother. She and Remus stood apart, no wanting to cause a scene of a sort. She knew her husband felt terrible about the events that had come to pass.

Bill and Fleur had arrived shortly after. Their solemn and uttered sad faces shook her, as she was used to seeing them smiling when they were together. What had gone wrong? Remus gripped her hand tightly as they announced that Mad-Eye had died. The breath caught in her throat. Mad-Eye... he always seemed so powerful. So unstoppable. He'd trained her from the start. She'd grown to love him like a father or an uncle. Her heart beat almost slowly.

We'd been betrayed, was the only thought running through her mind. They'd been betrayed. By who? Who'd cause this much pain and sorrow through petty betrayal. Who seemed to be the important question.

Her husband stood, offering to help Bill look for Mad-Eye's body. She painfully glanced him, knowing that he thought this was all his fault. But she needed him right now, with her. She couldn't risk him dying. She just couldn't.

But she let him go.

Yes, she preferred he wait with her. But neither of them wouldn't be happy until they had given her former trainer a proper burial. Mad-Eye seemed almost invincible. Now, he's dead? It was a dream wasn't it. Bill and Fleur had told them what they'd seen, and death was a certainty.

She'd begun to really miss him. Mad-Eye was really like a father or uncle to her when she worked. He didn't often find her humorous and constantly scolded her for her clumsiness. But it was a friendship nonetheless. Her heart didn't stop racing. Dora couldn't swallow the annoying ball of depression and defeat in her throat.

But they came back empty handed. Soft shaking heads. Gentle gasps. Melancholy and deflated looks. She felt Remus brush a hand against her cheek. Dora hadn't realized she was crying.

Hello everybody! How's your day been? I just want to remind every single person that you're beautiful and wonderful just the way you are and should not have to change for anyone. If someone wants you to change for them, they don't deserve you. The people that truly love you won't need you to change and love your flaws as well as you good points.

Question of the chapter:
Do you play Hogwarts Mystery? It's like the SIMs version of HP and you get to be in Tonks and Charlie's year and get to talk to both of them and Bill eventually. Anyway you get to take classes and learn about spells, potions, and creatures. You also can buy special clothes and pets. There's also this part of the game where your trying to open these cursed faults that your brother when missing from when he opened them with the help of friends of course.

Anyway if you do play it, what year are you on?
I'm on year 4.

Hugs and kisses to all,

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