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Dora laughed loudly as she watched Teddy play with his father, who seemed slightly confused on how to entertain his son. What Remus didn't know is that Teddy was already entertained by his father's confused and utterly baffled looks. She grinned, then walked into the living room to scoop Teddy into her arms.

Suddenly she was hit with a shocking realization. Dora tapped Remus on the shoulder lightly, and he suddenly jumped up.

"Who's going to be Teddy's godfather?" she asked, a strange worry filling her voice.

Who would be watching their son if they didn't make it? They shared a solemn look of agreement. Dora glanced down fondly at their son. Their baby boy. The light of their lives. They wouldn't make it. And by some miracle they did, who's to say they wouldn't be driven insane.

Dora's shoulders carried the burden of hatred by a thousand relatives, only hidden away and kept safe through her parents, her abilities, the Order and now her husband. Remus' price would be heavier to pay. A werewolf, seen as unclean and dirty by Voldemort's followers. Now, married to her. They'd, in the eyes of the pure blooded families of the wizarding world, had committed a treason worthy of death by dismemberment or poison. By marrying her, the stakes became higher. Remus and Dora were in the seeming most danger possible. She'd married a werewolf into the family, something her aunts and uncles would gladly murder her for.

She'd taken all of that into consideration before and as he proposed. Her choices were reckless, but full of defiant love for her husband.

Now their son. Their innocent child. Teddy never asked for this. She looked away for a moment, knowing that this was a curse. A burden. What if they didn't win? He wouldn't be spared. Or at the very least, be converted into a follower of Voldemort.

She met Remus' amber eyes, which were full of love and the relentless fire of compassion, then finally spoke, saying aloud their silent decision, "Harry. He'll be Teddy's godfather."

They knew they weren't going to make it. If anything, she knew Remus would kill himself if it meant their survival.

"Then we'll have to tell him." Remus finished.
Her stomach dropped, "I agree, but how?"
"Bill told Molly that they were at Shell Cottage. I'll take a quick trip there."
"That's—that's not safe... you know neither of us can duel like we used to."
"It's worth it, is it not?"
"I'll go with you."
"No." Remus sighed, "Teddy needs someone to watch him."
She looked away, realizing that there was no way to win this one, "Fine, just stay safe. And don't die."

She heard him laugh, and a smile tugged at her lips. Teddy giggled, his hands reaching for Remus.

"But in all seriousness, please come back."
"'Course, love. I could never leave you." he gently kissed her nose, making her sneeze.
"Ugh." Dora groaned, "Please don't do that. And pass me a tissue." 

He handed her a clean napkin and she quickly wiped her nose. Teddy was laughing then began to babble, as if he were trying to say something to his parents. Then began to cry. Dora sighed and picked him up. Was he hungry? In need of a diaper change? Tired? Just wanted attention? They made their way to the nursery to set Teddy down.

"When are you leaving?" she asked worriedly.
Remus sighed, leaning against the door frame of the nursery, "Tomorrow. Why, eager to be rid of me?" he teased.
"God no, you know I'd rather not have you leave at all." She rolled her eyes.

Teddy begun to cry again. In the middle of the night. Remus had gotten up to get him while Dora laid on the bed. For some reason, she still felt strained and weary from labor. It hurt to move sometimes. Remus understood that and was always getting up in the middle of night. She felt bad most times, but was extremely grateful for her husband. She didn't feel like sitting up at the moment.

"Please sit up a little, love." he pleaded.

She groaned and did as he asked. Teddy was obviously hungry and she had to nurse him. He placed him in her arms and Teddy soon quieted. They sighed of relief.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.
"Whatever for?"
"You have to go to Shell Cottage tomorrow and I'm depriving you of sleep."
"Well, it's not you, love, who's depriving me of sleep. It's the bundle of joy in your arms. Two, I can leave in the afternoon and sleep in. Three, I enjoy staying awake with you." she felt him lean over and kiss her cheek.
Teddy fell asleep and Dora sighed, "I'll go put him in his crib."
"No, I'll go. Just rest."

Swiftly, Remus took Teddy from her arms and left. He came back a few minutes later, tiptoeing into the room. There was really no use for it, but did it anyway. She felt him slip into bed next to her.

A doubt tugged at the back of her mind. A thought that she'd never wonder again. But it tugged at her mind nonetheless. She turned to lay on her stomach, her face planted into the pillow.

"What are you thinking about?" Remus asked, gently rubbing her back.
"Did—did you ever regret it?" she asked, her voice shaking.
"Regret what?"
"Marrying me."
"Dora, I could never—" a thump sounded in the night, cutting him off. The air chilled.

TEDDY, she nearly screamed. Dora found herself dashing into the nursery. Remus was close on her heels. In the heat of moment, she'd forgotten her wand. Thankfully, her husband had his. She nearly sighed of relief when she reached the crib. The picked up Teddy and clutched him close to her.

"What happened?" she whispered to Remus, who stood protectively in front of them, her voice trembling.
"I don't know."

They didn't hear any laughs or voices other than their own. But suddenly, the air grew chillier. The mood seemed sad and depressing. As if all the light was being sucked out of the world. Frost spread on the windows. It was April. She knew what it was. Dora saw her husband grasp his wand tighter.

"They're not supposed to be here." she hissed.
"I know, I know."
"You think the Ministry had something to with this?"
"Of course they did." Remus spat angrily.

Dora clutched Teddy close, who also seemed to be affected and began to bawl. There might be too many of them, and she was wand-less.

Hey everyone, so sorry about publishing a day later. I'll have to change my updating schedule to give me more time to write each chapter. So I'll probably post every three days or so, maybe less. Sorry my updating schedule a bit wonky and weird. Thank you all for commenting and voting.


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