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"Where the bloody heck are we?"

They landed in a greenish area. Trees and tall grasses blocking their view of the sky. A cool breeze blew through the field they seemed to be in. Remus sat up. He glanced at her, just laying in the dirt, facing the sky, her dark eyes twinkling.

He watched as she tried to sit up, but suddenly cried out in pain and clutched her arm. Remus pulled her closer to him and studied her wounds.

"Think you can apparate one more time?"
"Maybe... if I— OUCH!"
"I'm sorry," he apologized, "I was hoping to figure out if it was infected or not. Nonetheless, you have to get to St. Mungo's."
Dora grit her teeth to hold back her shouts of pain, "Even if I did go, they wouldn't take care of you."
"I'll be fine."

She looked like she was going to slap him, her face was tight and eyes squinted. But didn't seem to comply with her thoughts. Dora shocked him instead. She pulled the collar of his shirt close to her and kissed him, pressing her lips against his. Remus was surprised for a moment.

"We go together." she spoke after pulling away.
"Until the very end." he confirmed.

He helped her up and off the grass, smiling. Dora lifted her wand and grabbed his wrist once more.


They landed at her parents' cottage, surrounded by others very similar to it. Remus looked the building up and down, and grinned. It was a sweet little house. The building were made of stone and bricks. The roof consisted of maroon tiles. Dora opened the door.

"Hello Mum. Hi Dad." she said cheerfully.
"Dora! How are you, darling?" a kind woman's voice said.

Remus flinched and his hand rushed to the wand in his pocket. Dora's mother looked so similar to Bellatrix LeStrange. The same dark eyes. Curly black hair. A mischievous grin. But he could tell why she was Sirius' favorite cousin. Dora's mother embraced her tightly.

"Oh and you brought a guest!" her face didn't change from a winning grin, "Hello. I'm Andromeda Tonks. I'm sure my daughter has said something about me to you."
"Yes, she has." Remus smiled, recalling the many conversations they'd have over the past few months about their families, "Remus Lupin."
"Remus Lupin, what a pleasure to meet you." Andromeda's hand shook a bit, "You've one of Sirius' friends." she glanced sadly at a picture of him, "I heard the news."

He could tell Andromeda was wary of him hanging around her daughter. He was a werewolf, wasn't he. And the Daily Prophet had made that public. She glanced at him, as clear smile hiding the pain and fear in her eyes. Suddenly, her husband walked in.

"Ted! Our Dora's come to visit! And she's brought a guest." she sang cheerfully.
"A guest?" a middle aged man smiled at him, "Welcome. My name is Ted Tonks. You've met my lovely wife, and you obviously know my wonderful daughter."
"Remus Lupin." Remus said, and shook the hand Ted had held out to him.

Ted gave him sort of a bemused look. Then noticed their bloody appearances and mangled clothing at the same time as his wife.

"Mum, can I borrow the first aid kit?" Dora asked, glancing at her mother, who was dusting the pictures.
"Of course, sweetheart. It's in the bathroom."
"Thanks Mum." she gestured to Remus, "Follow me." Then proceeded to climb up the stairs.

He guessed that they were in her childhood room. Pictures and Hufflepuff related tings covered the walls. Banners. Posters. Scarves. Pictures of friends and her little family were spread across a bulletin board. A tiny dresser had bits of makeup and entertaining toys on it. The bed sat in the corner of the room, right next to a window that let in the afternoon light. The room wasn't exactly small, nor big. It seemed like such a warm and friendly place to live in.

"Welcome to my room." she declared, sighing dramatically.
Remus felt offended, "It's quite a lovely room."
"Yes, but I no longer fit on that bed anymore."

Remus laughed. She seemed to have smiled.

Blood was actually never a problem for Remus. It was trying to get the bandage on the wound that was the situation. He could've sat there, silently laughing at Dora as she struggled to tie the gauze. But no, like the good person he was, decided to help her before she fell off the bed.

"Ugh," she groaned, "I've had to deal with Scrimgeour asking me questions as I try to head home. I've had loads of paperwork to do. And if I'm not careful, I'll lose my position."
"Dora, you'll do absolutely fine." Remus answered to her rant, bandaging up her wounds.
"I can't believe it. I'm a bloody Auror for goodness' sake. I've guarded a prophecy in the Department of Mysteries without fail. Along with keeping up with my workload, guarding for Dumbledore in the time between, and manage to visit the Weasleys celebrations. But I can't put on a bloody bandage!" she ranted, obviously frustrated and upset.
She stopped to smile at him as he tied it. Remus chuckled, "I know how bad you are at household spells."
"Speaking of which, I've got to head back to work tomorrow." she sighed, laying down on her bed, "I'll spend the night here until I can find the heart to repair my own house."
"Better get Molly to help. You'll end up breaking it even more." he teased as Dora kissed him on the cheek.

Remus was elated when Andromeda and Ted had let him stay in the guest house of their home. His house was extremely small and messy, with a singular bedroom, bathroom, and living room/kitchen kind of thing.

Of course, it was high time Remus make it official. By that, he had no clue. Nor if she would agree. Or he'd get so nervous, he'd mess everything up.

"Andromeda, Ted." he smiled kindly, "I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here."
"It's our pleasure, Remus." Andromeda grinned, "Plus, you make our Dora happy."
"And I've never seen her look happier." Ted added, beaming with her arm around his wife.

Remus swallowed the lump in his throat, hoping all the doubts would leave his mind. He couldn't do this. She would never be truly happy with him, would she? He'd make everything so much more miserable and depressing. They'd be running around their whole lives. He'd never be able to make her happy.

But she's made him the most joyful man alive. She convinced him that he wasn't someone who had to hide away from the world. Could he marry her as a selfish act of happiness, or shy away and protect her.

You can't be having these doubts now, Remus silently scolded himself, don't you see how happy she is with you. Don't you believe that you're not a monster. That you're worth life and love. And happiness.

Butterflies flitted around in his stomach, "I-I would like... your permission."
"Whatever for, Remus?" Ted asked, his eyebrows raised.
"I can only hope that you would allow me," he swallowed the growing lump in his throat, "to marry your daughter."

Hey wizards and witches! How are you liking the story so far? Anyway, comment your patronus, if you know it. Mine's a scops owl.

Hugs for all,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now