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Remus knew in his heart the peace wouldn't last for long. But he prayed it would.

Simplicity is a beautiful thing, he thought. The smallest moments could meet so much to a person. But then there are the other moments. He never regretted the Battle of Astronomy Tower (as it was nicknamed, they all knew it wasn't going to be the last battle), but the Order was making him regret it. Of course, you've got the Order smirking and giggling behind his back, (Sirius would have joined them, no doubt about it) Molly and Arthur (along with the kids) smoothly sliding into seats nearby asking when the wedding was, and Mad-Eye and Kingsley threatening him (Kingsley, being the man he was, was not as harsh with his threats as Moody. Dora is his favorite.)

He groaned as he heard about the next Order meeting. But then grinned as he remembered he had another excuse to see his girlfriend again.

Wait... was she really his girlfriend? He never asked her. Should he ask her? Remus was beginning to pray that kisses and visits would be enough for the time being so he could work up a better way of asking her to be his girlfriend. He ran his hands through his hair as he sipped his tea in the living room. (Yes, he was drinking tea in the hot summer.)

Maybe he could go to her house and ask her? Plan a date? But where? Remus barely had enough money to get by. Oh God, this was going to be so much more complicated and confusing.

Paying her a visit would be fun. They didn't necessarily had to go anywhere right? Ugh, romance was a complicated subject. He loved her unconditionally but had no clue how to show it.

Apparition didn't help matters. It only made his anxiety worse. He landed at the sidewalk a few minutes away from her house so to throw off any Death Eaters that might be watching. (One of Mad-Eye's new rules. Remus didn't see how it helped. They'd watch him enter a house regardless of where he landed.)

Before  apparating, Remus had bought a small bouquet of flowers and tucked a few drawings he made and chocolates into the bouquet. Tucking it behind his back, he knocked on the door.

He heard a muffled voice yelling at him, "I'm on my way, just wait a moment."

She swung open the door, her eyes lighting up as she saw him, "Remus!"
"Hi," he kissed her cheek, "For you, milady."

Remus decided to be over dramatic (and a huge dork at the moment, but he wasn't going to admit that to himself) and do exactly what James did for Lily. Well, what he tried to do. She end up hitting him with the bouquet of flowers on Valentines Day in fifth year. And still kept the bouquet. James never lived it down. Remus was hoping he'd be more successful.

He bowed deeply and held out the flowers out in front of him. After standing Dora took the flowers and ruffled his hair.

"Come on inside." she grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside.

Dora came back into the room holding two little mugs of tea. Remus was personally hoping for green tea, but it didn't really matter after awhile and he wasn't going to bother asking her. The dark circles under her eyes and disheveled appearance told him everything.

"It's been a hard week." she plopped down on the couch next to him, "The ministry enforcing these new anti muggleborn rules and trash. And I thought prejudice against glad breeds were bad." she glanced at him apologetically, "Sorry."
"It's alright," he grinned and wrapped an arm around her, "You need to talk to about anything else?"

He sipped his tea, somehow managing to hold the cup in one hand and drink it. Dora looked at him in amazement. He wasn't shocked. Remus knew exactly how clumsy she could be.

"Worst part is that there's this new guy at work," she stirred her tea with a spoon, "and he thinks I'm still single."
"Oh?" Remus asked, smirking, "I guess he thinks you're as beautiful as you are to me."
"You smooth piece of trash." Dora frowned, sipping her tea while looking at him.
"I'm sorry." he laughed.

He could sit there all day just listening to her. Dora yawned after a short storytelling. She laid her head on his shoulder. Remus set his empty mug down.


Music started playing from the kitchen. Dora jumped up and grabbed his hands.

"Dance with me!"
"Dora, I don't dan—"

Remus gave up as she stepped to the music. He decided to just let her enjoy this moment, as they didn't know how long they had together. Remus tried to step in time with her as he put a hand on her waist and she stepped on several of his toes. He could only laugh and smile at her. Twirling her dramatically, Dora managed to somehow slip on the kitchen floor (he had no clue how, she was wearing those socks with the weird little grips). Remus followed his instincts and caught her in his crook of his right arm.

"I didn't fall." she said, completely astonished.
Remus chuckled, smiling, "You didn't fall."

They stood there, smiling. He began admiring her beautiful eyes. Chocolate brown with a twinkle. He smirked and pulled her back to her feet, spun her out then back into his arms and kissed her.

"I'm deciding whether I hate you for being so smooth or I love you for it."
"I take after Sirius and James."
"No, you don't. Sirius wasn't this cool." Remus shot her a quizzical look, smirking and silently laughing at one of his friends, "Mum told me stories."

They laughed, wishing this moment could last forever. A smile appeared, seemingly etched into their faces. He could stand there forever.

Is this what love is like? Butterflies in your stomach, a warm feeling blooming in your chest? Heat rising to you cheeks, making them pink. And a hopeful longing to see that person and be with them forever.

In an instant, scaring the young couple, the windows of Dora's house exploded.

Hello friends! What do you think of the story so far? Comment your ideas and thoughts! Love you all.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now