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Christmas lights hung delicately around the tree. One or two gifts sat under it. Dora and Remus had invited most of the Order members to celebrate at their house. Remus knew it would make his wife happy to see everyone, so he made it a surprise.

He watched as his wife would always grinned wildly. He knew that at this point, she'd be able, to feel the baby moving around. They still hadn't decided on names. They'd both often had conversations with the baby, jokingly asking what his or her name should be. All they got in response was a few kicks.

It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and Dora's mother had popped in for a visit. His wife's face lit up the moment he opened the door. She'd seemed so eager to share all the news about what was happening with her and the baby.

Andromeda had left soon afterward, stating that she'd felt tried and hated to be burden on her daughter and son in law. Remus theorized that she was still a bit wary of him. But of how he'd left her so many times...he heart ached at the thought of it. How stupid and moronic he must've been at the time! Or the past him was overly cautious and didn't understand the concept of love and compassion. Or the amazing woman he'd fallen head over heels for. Both, he deducted.

Kingsley had come by that evening, making both his and his wife's day. Remus had decided to open the door, so Dora could rest and have her cookies. Ones they'd spent quite a while making. They'd accidentally made a large batch that the two of them would never be able to finished. But, long ago, Remus realized never to underestimate his hungry wife's eating habits.

"Kingsley!" Dora shouted happily as she threw open the door to let him in. Remus stood nearby, sighing and smiling.
"Hey Tonks! Remus!" he greeted cheerfully, obviously in the holiday mood, "How's the baby doing?"
"Wonderful. It's a strange feeling, but we're doing fine." she waved a hand in the air.
"Well, I hope you know who to name him or her after." Kingsley answered, laughing and winking jokingly.
"Kingsley, I do hope you're not flirting with my wife." Remus raised an eyebrow.

The three of them laughed as a group of friends, not members of the Order, who sat around a table anxiously and fought for their lives. They laughed as children, full of delicate and innocent wonder. In just that one moment, they'd forgotten. Remus had forgotten that they would all have to fight of their lives and the lives of others soon. They simply just didn't know when.

They'd been fighting for so long... when would it all end? When could they all be finally happy? When could the peace and ability to sleep peacefully at night be present in the both of them? When would they be able to live in safety, knowing the ones they loved were safe. Dora hadn't been able to stop waking up in the middle of the night, tears constantly streaming down her overly pale face. Remus made sure never to run out of tea or hot cocoa.

He hated not being able to fully comfort her. Her thoughts would live forever in the back of his wife's mind, as did his. They laid there, haunting his every motion, every choice. He knew there were things unspoken between he and his wife, but were never doubted or denied. It was as if they could read the other's mind, knowing everything what they doubted, what they enjoyed, and what they feared most of all. He hadn't realized for years that she understood him quite perfectly. As much as they could have argued during these past few months, it was understanding and compassion that had kept both the souls alive and together.

Dora had sat down next to him, begging him to get the tray of cookies and being them to the living room. He complied as she laughed, her smile brightening the room. He offered Kingsley some, and he took two or three.

Kingsley told them about what was happening at the Ministry. He seemed to be enjoying spending time with the two of them, even though they spoke about such a serious and upsetting topic.

"Oh, Molly invited us all to the Burrow." he added, "She figured that we'd all rather spend the holidays there instead of being at home."
"That'd be wonderful." Remus spoke, waving around a chocolate chip cookie in his hand, "But it wouldn't be a burden to her?"
"Of course not. She told me to tell you both since I mentioned I'd be visiting you guys today." Kingsley sighed dismissively, "Unfortunately, I'll have to be there in the evening, it almost time to leave for work. Good luck and I'll see you there?"
"Obviously." Dora answered with a grin, "We're not passing up the opportunity for some of Molly's Christmas porridge."

Kingsley left after taking another cookie. Remus sighed, setting the tray down on the coffee table and sitting down next to Dora. For the strangest reason, his wife decided on a delicate looking red dress instead of her usual jeans and shirt. But he didn't feel the need to question it because she looked absolutely stunning. A few Christmas carols began to play from the radio.

Dora quite literally leaped to her feet, reaching for his hands. Now, Remus knew how tired she was on most days and didn't really force her to do anything.He found this a bit odd, seeing as she often complained of back pains and tired feet.

"Dance with me. For old time's sake." she smiled as he stood from the couch, holding her hands delicately.

Remus was certainly not going to dip her like he used to, in a careless and free manner. He managed to twirl her gently so his wife wouldn't fall. He used to be such a stiff dancer, but his footsteps were a little softer and more graceful now that his wife had helped him work on it. With every step and spin, a laugh or giggle spaced their lips.

As soon as the song ended, they broke down into laughter. They sat down on the couch and Dora yawned, suddenly seeming to be tired.

"Think Molly'll mind if we're a little late? I want to take a nap." she yawned sleepily. Remus found it adorable and smirked, "No, I don't think so. I'll just send her a message."
"Alright," she sighed frustrated, "can I just sleep on the couch. I don't really want to get up."
"Okay then," a smirk tugged at his lips, "wait just a moment."

He seemingly effortlessly picked her up bridal style and heard a small gasp of surprise, which turned into laughter. They both laughed happily, even though Remus knew that they seemed much too mature for such antics. (Alright, maybe not.) He set her down on the bed gently.

"Better?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.
Dora laughed again, "Much better." she sat up to kiss him, "Thank you."

Hey sorry guys I've been in a bit of a rush and haven't published these chapters with greetings! Anyway, what do you think so far?
I've got no question of the chapter today cause I've got to go to school.
All my love,

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now