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Dora smiled as she hung the fake cobwebs for Halloween. It was more of a muggle holiday, but they'd celebrate it anyway, since both of them were half bloods. They had a feast at Hogwarts, but after graduating, she and her family would just decorate.

Dora looked for something to wear for a costume, though they didn't plan on going out. It was the day before Halloween, a day she and her husband jokingly called Halloween Eve. She grinned, knowing that if they all survived the war, the three of them would celebrate Halloween every year. She patted her growing tummy, grinning and remembering that this was all real.

Remus was decorating on the outside of the house, putting up cauldrons and candles to give it an eerie look. Dora had searched her closet, and found a set of red robes with a hood. She smirked, knowing exactly what to be.

The next evening, she heard people knocking at the door. She'd begged Remus to let muggles through the shield earlier that day so children could go treat or tricking. And they had a seemingly endless supply of candy, it was time they give some of it away. To entertain the trick or treaters, she'd worn a red riding hood costume, which consisted of red hooded robes on top of a loose white shirt and plaid light blue skirt. Remus stubbornly refused to wear something entertaining, claiming that he had nothing to wear.

She had fixed his hair to make him look presentable as she sat down on the porch, handing out candy to smiling children, several were dressed as superheroes. Others were dressed as royals. Other costumes were more creative, like plants or foods. She grinned every time children walked up to her with baskets shaking in their hands.

"Dora, you don't have to do that." Remus said, leaning against the doorframe with a cup of coffee in his hands, "I'd rather not have our house be completely exposed on Halloween. We could get attacked."
"By children? And giving out candy is nice." she retorted as she placed a handful of candy into a child'a basket, "and a tradition."

He only sighed and raised an eyebrow, struggling to look mad at his wife. She gave in.

"Alright fine, I'll stop after this small crowd." she smiled as she greeted the next round of kids and their families. She was pleased to see a few teenagers also trick or treating. She began to wonder if the Weasleys did something like this.

She stepped back inside after handing out candy to the last group. As she as sitting on the porch, she'd gotten sweet smiles from moms and dads, alike. Teenagers and children grinned happily. A few younger ones looked confused upon seeing her round stomach, and she heard them asking their parents what it meant. She chuckled quietly. Remus sat down next to her when they'd heard a girl, around the age of four, ask her mum why her tummy was large.

"It's because she's going to have a baby." the mother of the three year old answered sweetly, smiling at Dora and Remus, who held hands.
"A baby?" the girl asked in surprise, "Like me?"
"Mm hm." the father also smiled, "And he or she will be as wonderful as you."

The father bopped his finger on his daughter's nose, who giggled in response. The girl beamed at Dora. She smiled and waved back. She could feel her husband chuckling beside her.

"Think the baby will be like her?" Remus asked, laying his head in her shoulder.
"Oh, Rem, can we stop calling him or her 'the baby'? We should really start thinking about names."
"Alright, girl or boy."
"Boy, definitely." she raised an eyebrow.
Remus laughed, "I'm going to disagree and say that she'll be a girl as lovely as her mother."

Dora knew that it was going to be a boy, she could feel it. They laughed and headed inside, closing the door behind them. Dora slipped off her wizarding robes, leaving her shirt and skirt. Remus sat down on the couch.

One Last Chance: A Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now