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An hour later, Dora had woken up and they changed into something Christmasy and presentable. She'd contemplated on wearing a winter sweater and jeans or a loose dress. Remus had decided on a warm sweater, so she supposed they could match. Dora's hair was in its usual unruly mess of pink locks and hadn't decided on changing it. She was going to wear her hair the way she wanted, like she always did.

House scarves from their years at Hogwarts kept them warm, along with colorful beanies. Her bright yellow and black scarf contrasted her pink hair, but she wore it well, as Remus had stated in his red and yellow scarf. Dora found it strange that her husband had no trouble dressing like a muggle. Then again, like her, he was a half blood. It was snowing outside and Dora wasn't a fan of the chilly weather. Snow boots and sweaters were worn even inside the house.

They quickly apparated to the Burrow, where they were greeted by the twins instead of their mother.

"George, Fred. Where's your mum?" Remus asked, clearly able to tell the difference between the two of them.
"She's cooking." Fred answered, a smile on his face.
"Finishing up the bits of porridge and stew." George finished.
"Ah, have you heard from Harry, Ron or Hermione?" Dora asked, a hand on her stomach.
"Not at all."

The twins stepped aside to let them in. The house smelled of pine and warm food. Food that was making her hungry. The baby must've sensed something warm and family like, because he or she was kicking up a storm. Dora sighed with happiness, a grin wide on her face. She felt Remus squeeze her hand a little tighter.

Christmas was extremely cheerful that year. Ginny was home from Hogwarts, but see,ed sadder and more upset than usual. When Dora had asked her about it, Ginny seemed on the verge of tears. They'd been awfully close over these past few years. Dora loved Ginny like a little sister, who's mischievous personality was much like her younger self's.

Things had gotten worse at Hogwarts. With Snape as headmaster, the students were in utter danger and facing harsher means of torture and punishment. Dora nearly marched on to Hogwarts in hopes of making a difference after Ginny had told her. The only things stopping her were Remus' calming words and a kick from the baby, who must've sensed his or her mother's frustration.

She enjoyed chatting with the twins on new products they'd wanted to test. Their shop was doing well. But now, she wasn't so sure how long it would last. They'd also teased her about naming the baby after them, to which she raised an eyebrow and calmly said no. A fake pout made her laugh.

Molly had asked how she was doing, and Dora replied as always, fine and happy. She'd often confided into Molly about symptoms she felt from the pregnancy and Molly had helped her deal with them. She also knew her husband was extremely thankful for chats with Arthur, who'd had several years of experience with children. Remus used to seem awfully nervous and anxious whenever she'd wanted to go outside, but was now calm and relaxed. She figured that he'd found the confidence to make sure that she was healthy, even if it meant restraining a few things. Of course, found it annoying at times but loved him for it.

The new year had soon begun. It wasn't a huge thing for her family to celebrate, since it was always just her and her parents. Remus didn't make such a bug deal out of it either. But they'd counted down and toasted with tea like any other family. They'd stayed home that time.

On Valentines Day, she'd requested that they stay at home instead of going out for dinner. As a gift, he'd given her a box of chocolates. Which they both shared because she'd forced him to, knowing they both had a craving for chocolates.

Spring had finally rolled round and Dora was absolutely glad that she was back to wearing light clothing instead of the heavy snow coats and uncomfortable snow boots. It made her feel so free.

Unfortunately, symptoms of being with child didn't help that. She found it extremely hard to stand at this point and was often tired after doing a simple task. Often short of breath, she didn't do as much as she didn't before and sent Remus to fetch the groceries. Dora still craved chocolate and tended to take a few from her husband's not-so-secret storage.

But for the strangest reason ever, she felt the urge to clean.

And she hated cleaning. Her dorm mates found it hilarious that she wasn't a very neat person. Remus was usually extremely neat, but seemed as tired as she was on most days.

They'd both decided to clean since it'd be better for the both of them. Her mother had sent a few baby things for them to use. Dora had no clue as to why her mother still these things, but was grateful none the less. Molly had also given them a few things for the baby's nursery.

They'd taken the guest room and turned it into a nursery with magic. A crib sat in the corner. Facing it was a cabinet and on the left side of the crib was a chair. The room was painted a simple light yellow. She'd dusted a few finishing touches.

"It looks perfect, Remus." she gasped with amazement.
"Just like you." he smiled.

She laughed and kissed him on the cheek. He still blushed whenever she kissed him, which she found adorable. Dora was utterly and completely amazed about how she'd managed to make him see that he was worth something. She'd caught every small smile and every blush that appeared on his face whenever she looked at him.

Sure, maybe in the middle of a war wasn't the best time to get married and have a family, but they could both die, and nows a better time than any.

They'd both understood each other so perfectly. Knowing the feeling of hiding away. Her abilities were amazing, but frightening at the same time and drove away so many people. She'd been viewed as strange and weird by people at her muggle school until her mother demanded that she be homeschooled. She felt Remus grip her hand tightly.

It was easy for her to look past the flaws and find the person he really was underneath the hardship and brokenness. She'd fallen in love with the kind and humble man. But still couldn't believe that he'd loved her back.

Helluuuu people. Happy Sunday for those in the US. And I suppose happy Saturday (am I right) for those outside the US. What do you think of the story so far? Anyway, any Halloween plans? My friends, family and I are going as Harry Potter characters. I'm still deciding who to be.

Thanks for the votes and comments, love you all!

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