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The celebration concluding the wedding was small. Dora and Remus had a dinner at her parents house. Dora couldn't believe what had just happened, and kept glancing at the ring on her finger to make sure it wasn't all a dream.

Her father kept winking at Remus, and her new husband in return blushed a deep red. Her mother was smiling brightly. Thank goodness, she and Remus were allowed to change out of their formalwear. Her mother would never have forgiven her if she stained the dress (or more likely, spilled wine on it, seeing as it was all her parents were serving at the dinner).

Little cheers and speeches from the four people went around at the table. Dora was feeling a bit tipsy herself. Finally, she decided that the should go home, for it was late into the evening. She embraced her parents in goodbye. Her mum hugged her newlywed husband, who seemed embarrassed and awkwardly hugged back. Her father also embraced Remus. Dora smiled. She was happy to see that her husband got along well with her parents.

They apparated a block away from the house, walking the rest of the way.

"Well?" she spoke softly, holding his hand tightly, "How do you feel?" Her hair was back to its usual bright pink, but it hung a little above her shoulders this time in a bob, parts of it still messy and spiky.

"The best I've felt in so long." he answered, kissing the top of her head.
"Sirius would have loved to see this day." she added wistfully, knowing her second cousin would have loved seeing her mother for the first time in years. Sirius always supported their relationship and would have been so happy to see them get married.
"Yeah." he mused, "But we would have had to carry him back to his house."

She laughed, remembering that Sirius loved to party and drink, "True. But he'd be happy. We'd all be happy." She grinned.

Dora wondered how the rest of the Order would feel about their marriage as they approached their house. (They'd agreed on living in her house, seeing as it was nicer and a bit bigger. She hoped to sell Remus' old home, but didn't think it would work, considering the war and prejudice.)

She opened the door and crashed onto the couch, exhausted. Remus sat down next to her, an arm around her waist. They each left to change in pajamas. Dora was lazy threw a big shirt on top of her underwear. She made her way back to the living room, finding her husband waiting for her, already in shorts and a t-shirt. Music from the radio began to play. He stood up and held out a hand, imploring her to take it.

"Dance with me, love?" he asked, amber green eyes shining.
Dora giggled, "Always..."

She laughed. How strange it was to have their first dance as newlyweds in underwear and t-shirts. He led her through a series of dramatic twists, twirls, steps, and dips. He also made sure she didn't stumble and hurt herself.

They laughed and giggling like small children. Dora quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. He tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear.

"It's late, darling. Aren't you tired?" Remus queried, pulling her back up from a low dip.

"You're right, as always." she yawned, stumbling over the coffee table and falling. Too lazy to get up, she laid there, swearing under her breath, "Pick me up." Dora groaned.
"Of course." Remus carried her bridal style, knowing that she could have walked to the bedroom herself.

He plopped her on the bed, not as gently as he picked her up. She laughed, sliding under the covers. Remus slipped in next to her. She kissed him on the lips lovingly.

"I love you." he whispered.
"Love you, too." she answered, running a hand through his sandy hair.


Remus woke up to feeling his young wife's hair tickling his face. She was sleeping calmly and soundly, snuggled under the blanket. Yesterday must've been a dream, he thought . But it wasn't. A wonderful wedding afternoon taking up the afternoon. The evening celebration was just as pleasurable.

She laid against his chest, her breathing soft and gentle. He placed a kiss on her forehead. Dora's eyes flew open. Chocolate eyes seemed to twinkle in the darkness of the room, seeing as no windows were open.

It had been a week since they were married and Remus still never got used to the sensation of waking up next to the woman he loved every single day.

"Morning." she smiled, gorgeous as ever.
"Good morning, my love."
"Yesterday was wonderful." she mused, as if daydreaming.
"We have an Order meeting in twenty five minutes, dearest." he added, wrapping an arm around her body.
"Can't we stay in bed?"
"I wish, Dora."

Sighing loudly, his young wife pulled the blankets up, covering herself, as she reached for her wand on the nightstand. She winked at him and left the room to change into her clothes. He sighed, not believing he married someone as wonderful as she.

Remus quickly threw on a button up shirt, long pants, and wizarding robes. He grabbed his wand from the nightstand. He opened the windows with a flick of his wrist, and watched as the early morning sun filtered into the room.

Remus heard a crash, a string of swears, and the sound of someone being sick come from the other room. He rushed to the bathroom, knowing his wife dropped something or tripped over a chair along the way.

Dora was wearing her black jeans and a t-shirt from a concert by a band he didn't know. She was kneeling down over the toilet, sick and throwing up.

"I hate this!" she screamed, then threw up again, Remus didn't wince before kneeling down next to her and tracing invisible circles on her back.
"Are you sure you're alright, Dora? You've been sick like this for a week now." he paused, "We don't have to go to the meeting if you don't want to."
"No, I'd rather go," her eyes widened and she threw up once more, "I don't want to be useless."

Remus waited patiently until his wife was able to stand on her own two feet. He passed her a towel to wipe her face. By his standards, she still looked sick. She seemed to tremble slightly.

"Okay." she grinned shakily, "We'll go now?"
"Of course, my love." she took his arm and they apparated to the entrance of the Burrow.

Hi everyone and welcome back! Anyway, I hope that you're enjoying the story so far and please comment and vote. Thank you to all those who did. Give me your opinions on the chapters and the story itself. And let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.

Question of the day:
Favorite book series (other than Harry Potter)
In my not so humble opinion 😉😉😉 , I think Percy Jackson has gone my favorite other book series. I also finished the Hunger Games and enjoyed that as well. But ya know, the books a book nerd can read will never be finished.

See ya next time,

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