Good Luck Charm

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"Paz Rose Rivera get out of bed" Gavi yells smacking me with a pillow. "Damn I'm up" I grumble throwing my blankets off the bed. "Paz watch your mouth" Dylan, her dad, my dads bestfriend, says sternly. "Whatever" I mumble picking out my outfit for the day. "Paz hurry" Luke mumbles banging on the door. "Hold on for God's sake" I mutter. "Paz you're going to be late" my mom yells. Sighing I grab my phone and walk out of the bathroom. "Happy?" I ask going down  the stairs. "Eat your breakfast. You guys are running late" Allie(Gavi's mom) says handing us all an apple. "Thanks" I say with a hint of sarcasm. 

"Luke" I whine. "What?" he asks opening his locker. "I'm hungry" I whine. "You're an idiot" Luke laughs. "Thank you" I say laughing. "We are going to lunch next don't worry" Luke says going to his class. Sighing I open my locker and get out everything I need for the afternoon. "Oh look its the geek who thinks she has a chance with Luke" Abigal taunts. "I dont want to date him" I snap angrily. "Ooh dont mess with the big dogs" Abigal says getting in my face. "Ms. Grouts please leave Paz alone" the principal says. I smirk and push past them to go to my class. "She said that to you?" Ashlynn(Crawford's daughter) asks when we are working on our classwork. "Yeah. She must think I'm in to him" I reply writing down the answers. "Why would she think that? Your dad would kill Luke anyway" Ashlynn says. "Why would he kill him? My dad likes him and I'm pretty sure Chris would stop my dad from killing him" I respond stating the obvious. "But why would she worry about you and Luke?" Ash asks. "I dunno. I dont know why shes threatned by me. She has a better chance with any guy at this school than I ever will" I respond completing the work. "Thats not true. If I was a guy I would choose you over her" Ashlynn says turning in our papers. "You're saying that becuse you have to as my best firend" I respond starting to pack up my books. "Thats not true" Ashlynn says. She then goes over to Justin Blake and brings him over to us. "Sup Paz" he says. "Hey" I respond smiling. "Okay so Paz thinks she cant get a guy, would you ever consider dating her?" Ashlynn says causing me to glare at her. "Of course. Paz you're smokin hot. Every guy thinks your the second hottest girl in school" Justin responds. "Who's the hottest?" I ask interested. "Ashlynn" Justin responds. "Ha told you!" I say to her. "How am I the hottest? Since everyone crowds around Abigal" Ashlynn shrugs. "Abigal and her friends think they are the hottest but acting the way she acts isnt hot" Justin responds just as the bell rings. 

"So what are you doing after school?" Justin asks me. "Oh I was planning on staying in my room and writing" I answer half joking. "You and Ashlynn should come to the football game and then the after party" Justin says leaning against my locker. "I'll see if she's okay with it" I say smiling. "Alright text me if you plan on coming" he says handing me his number. "Sure" I respond taking the piece of paper. "You really think Justin likes you?" Abigal asks coming out of no where. "Could you please just leave me alone?" I ask annoyed. "See you at the game" she responds smirking. 

"Hey you ready?" I ask Ashlynn going in to her room. "Yeah. Lets go!" she responds happily. "You guys want a ride?" Justin asks having his brother  stop next to us. "Sure" we respond getting in the back seat. "Thanks for the ride" we say getting out of the car. "No problem you girls have a ride home?" Justin asks. "Yeah. My dad's coming to pick us up" Ashlynn responds. "Alright see you two after the game" Justin says leaving us. "Lets find some seats" Ashlynn suggests and I nod and follow her. We decide to stand just behind the gate so we can see the game clearly. "Hey" Luke says behind me making me jump. "Dammit Luke you scared me" I mutter. "Sorry" he laughs hugging me. 

"Great game Justin" I say when he walks over towards us. "This was the first game we won. I think you are our good luck charm Paz" Jacob(another player) announces. "Yeah you should totally come to all the games to make sure we win" Justin pipes in. "I think I could do that" I answer. "Paz your dad's here" Luke calls. "See you guys" I say waving goodbye to them. "See yah Good Luck Charm" Jacob calls out causing me to laugh. "Have fun?" my dad asks us. "Yup" we respond. "Great" my dad says turning up the music. 

"Wait he called you 'Good luck charm'?" Gavi asks. "Yup. I'm their good luck charm so I cant miss a game" I respond rolling around in my bed. "Lights out kids" Allie calls. "Night" we all yell. "Night" they all yell in response. 

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