Run In

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"Paz I have something to tell you" Gavi says at school. "Whats wrong?" I ask closing my locker. "Jacob is back" she states simply. "Okay thats fine" I respond shrugging. "I hope you know I'm talking about the Jacob that had a kid and left you on your birthday" Gavi says under her breath. "You think I dont know that! Gavi I forgave him and I moved on" I answer pushing past her to get to my class.

"Hey babe" Luke says kissing my cheek. "Hey" I respond wrapping his arms around his torso. My dad was at work so Luke and I were hanging out in the living room. "Do you think that we could go on our first date today?" Luke asks smiling. "Is that how you ask a girl out now?" I respond laughing. "Yes or No Rivera?" He responds glaring at me. "I mean I guess" I answer smiling. "Alright c'mon lets get some ice cream!" he yells jumping up. "Oh so our date is getting ice cream?" I ask standing up. "Yes lets go Rivera!" he exclaims dragging me out the house. "Watch yourself Collins" I laugh.

"And here is your Peanut Butter chocolate swirl ice cream" Luke says handing me my ice cream cone. "Thank you Collins" I respond taking it from his hand. "Hey Luke" I say. "Yeah?" he asks lifting his head up. I smear some ice cream on the tip of his nose. "Paz!" he shrieks chasing after me. "No!" I scream running faster. "Got you" he says when he tackles me. "Ugh I guess you did" I respond glaring at him. "I'll be right back I have to pee!" Luke squeals standing up. "Wow Collins" I laugh as he walks away. "Hey Paz" Jacob says walking up to me. "Is this Rose?" I ask smiling. "Yeah" an extremely gorgeous girl answers. "Oh I'm Anna by the way!" she adds sticking out her hand. "I'm Paz" I respond shaking her  hand. "How long have y'all been here?" I ask leaning against a gigantic tree. "A few days" Jacob responds. "Hey Paz" Luke says coming up to us. "Jacob" Luke says 'man' hugging him. "Long time no see" Jacob answers. "Luke this is Anna" Jacob introduces. "Nice to meet you" Luke says. "My dad is going to be home in like an hour bye guys" I say taking Luke's hand in mine.

Jacob's POV

Could things have been any more awkward? 

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