ATW Tour

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"Wake up chica we leave today" Gavi yells happily skipping around my room. I groan and toss a giant pillow at her. "Paz!!" Ashlynn squeals jumping on me. "You guys suck" I groan pushing Ashlynn off of me. "Ow" she grumbles brushing her pants off. "First show is Miami!" Gavi shrieks before going in her room to get dressed. "Bye Ash" I announce pushing her out of the room.  When she leaves I pull on my black crop top and white shorts. I tie my hair in to a messy bun and pull on my converse. "Let's go" Mom yells loudly. I open my door and run up to her. "I'm so proud" my mom gushes hugging me tightly. "I know" I whisper kissing her cheek.

"Bye baby girl" my dad says hugging me. "Bye dadfy" I whisper letting go. "Bye Jacobb" I exclaim hugging him tightly. "Bye Spaz" he jokes kissing my forehead. "Annnaa" I squeal wiping the tears from her eyes. "Bye Rosie" I whisper kissing her cheek. I said goodbye to everyone except Payte. When I got to him I felt tears prickling in my eyes. "It'll be okay" he promises wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Come to my shows?" I ask smiling. "We'll see" he states making me laugh. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I respond letting go off him. "Ready to go?" Gavi asks. I nod and follow her and Ashlynn to the tour bus. As I get on I turn around and wave goodbye to them one last time. Not five minutes after we leave my phone vibrates. 

PayteParkerr: I miss you already

Me: I miss you more payte

PayteParkerr: no way. I'll ttyl i love you

Me: I love you too xx

"Everything okay?" Gavi asks. "Mhhm" I hum plugging in my headphones. 


"Miami show tonight!!" Ashlynn shrieks. "Yesh I know" I reply laughing. We got to Miami three days ago and now we have our first show. "Alright you guys we're going to go out there and kill it!" James and Daniel announce. Yes we are going on tour with them along with Jake Miller, Devin Hayes and Kenny Holland. (A/N yeah I know that's not the real ATW tour but just go with it (; ) "Yeah" we all yell in response. "Give it up for Daniel and James!" the announcer screams. "And the last performance of the night is Paz Rivera!" 

"That was amazing!" Ashlynn says hugging me tightly. "You guys were amazing!" Someone yells from outside. I look at the girls and they all nod at me. For the next three hours we were outside taking pictures with fans, talking to them and just having fun. 

I could get used to this......

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