Miss Movin' On

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"Hey gorgeous" Payte greets smiling like an idiot. "Hey" I respond wrapping my arms around him in a big hug. Basically, after eveything with Luke happened, I ran in to Payte while I was leaving the studio one night and now we are like best friends. "So you guys are going out?" Gavi asks walking in to the room with Daniel trailing behind her. "Yeah" Payte answers taking my hand in his. Ashlynn winks at Payte before leaving. "What was that all about?" I ask when we walk outside. "What was what about?" he replies swinging our hands back and forth. "You know" I urge playfully smacking him. "You'll see" he smirks squeezing my hand.

"Paz I love you" Payte says looking in to my eyes. "Are you serious?" I beam. He nods and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too Payte" I say biting my lip. He smiles at me and leans in slowly. When his lips touch mine I feel sparks. "Paz Rose Rivera, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks once we break apart. I nod and plant my lips on his cheek. "I've gotta get home Payte. I'm recording a cover tonight" I say standing up. He nods and takes his hand in mine.

"Great job" mom states hugging me. "Ma Payte and I are together now" I say carefully. "Thats wonderful" she beams rushing out of the room. "3 2 1" I mumble. Soon all the moms come pouring in with Ashlynn and Gavi trailing behind them. "Details" the demand. I smile and fill them in on everything. "How cuteeeeee" mom gushes when I finish talking. I roll my eyes and feel my phone vibrate. I look down and see a text from Anna. 

AnnaBabe: two. two boys xx

Me: AHHHHHHHHHH Congrats babe xx

"Anna's having twin boys!" I exclaim. "Aw" everyone gushes. 

"This just in Luke Collins and Tinashe were spotted in a club late last night. Sources close to Tinashe say the two have had some issues and just wanted to get out. In other news, Paz Rivera seems to have moved on and found herself a new man. She posted a picture of her and her new bo captioned 'I am so lucky to have someone like you in my life. You can make any day a good day. thank you payte xx' Now we are not sure who this Payte fella is but we are sure we will find out soon" Ashlynn reads looking at the computer. "Wow" I say. "Luke's home" Zeke says kissing Ashlynn's forehead. "Great" I mumble running my fingers through my hair. "Look it'll be just fine baby girl" Ashlynn says squeezing my shoulder. "Thanks I'm tired. Do you guys mind?" I reply. They shake their heads and leave the room. "Can we talk?" Luke asks from the doorway. "I'm exahusted" I mutter. "Great" he announces turning on the light. "What?" I snap. "I just wanted to say congrats on your new relationship" he defends. "Thanks. Goodnight" I say throwing a pillow at him. He curses under his breath, turns the light off and slams the door behind him. I decide to go on twitter for a while so I open up the app. 

'I love you guys so much. My new song ft. Pitbull comes out at midnight. make sure you get it xx' 

'Hope you guys enjoyed my new mixtape I posted. just cuz i'm signed doesnt mean i'm leaving youtube' 

'@payteparker is bae' 

I close out of twitter and lock my phone and close my eyes. Shortly after Payte texts me. 

PayteBae: I love you goodnight babeyyy

Me: i love you toooo night

A/N ENJOYYYYYY pic on side of Paz and Payte. Payte is the actually Payte Parker(If you dont know him please look him up) 

love you guysssssssssssssssssssssssss <3 xx

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