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"Paz what are you doing?" Ashlynn asks grabbing my phone out of my hand. "Nothing!" I yell taking my phone back. "Why are you texting him?" Ashlynn asks angrily. "What?" I ask annoyed. "You and Jacob are texting again?" she yells. "Yeah" I mutter. "Move On!" Justin yells. "I'm so done with you guys. I am moving on. Thats the whole point of texting him. To know that its okay to move on" I snap annoyed. "Shut up you guys we're going to get another noise complaint" Gavi yells. "Of course its okay to move on. He knocked someone up. He doesnt want you. He never cared" Justin snaps. Instantly tears start streaming down my face. "Paz-" "Leave her alone Justin" Luke interupts taking my hand and leading me in to the hallway. "What?" I ask looking down. "Dont listen to Justin. You and I both know Jacob cared about you" Luke says softly.  "Dont you get it? Its not about Jacob anymore with Justin. He told me he liked me Luke. He has a girlfriend. Now that I told him I dont like him that way, he's going to hate me forever" I say slowly. "Paz, he isnt going to hate you forever. You're Paz the good luck charm" Luke whispers. "Thanks" I say hugging him. "I'm here for you" he responds hugging me tightly. 

Luke's POV

"Justin why the hell would you talk to Paz like that?" i ask angrily. "Bro back off" Justin responds. "Dont tell me what to do. Just because Paz doesnt want to date you doesnt mean you can treat her like that. For Gods sake you have a girlfriend!" I yell loudly. "You dont know anything" he snaps gritting his teeth. "I know a lot more than you think and if you hurt her I swear we are going to have a problem" I say loudly. "What are you her protector?" Justin asks. Thats it. I swing at him and hit him right in the jaw. Justin swings and hits me in the eye. We continue fighting until Zeke comes outside and sees us. "What are you two thinking?" he yells pulling me off of Justin. "I was thinking I am sick of seeing Justin treat girls like they're a toy" I snap. 

Paz's POV

"Do you know where the guys are?" Paige asks plopping on my bed. "No why?" I respond. "Mom wanted to talk to Just about his girlfriend and she hasnt been able to get a hold of him" she says. "Oh my god Luke!" I exclaim when he walks in the hotel room. "What happened?" I ask running over to him. "Justin?" Paige gasps. "Wait why were you two fighting?" Ashlynn asks coming in to the doorway. "No reason" Justin snaps going in to his room. "Let me help clean you up" I say to Luke leading him in to the bathroom. 

"Thanks" Luke mumbles. "What happened?" I ask. "Nothing. Its fine" Luke responds muttering. "Whatever" I respond. "Paz im sorry. Im just really mad. You wouldnt understand" he mutters. "Im here for you" I say hugging him. "Thats why you're my favorite" he says hugging me back tightly. 

A/N pic on side of Luke Zeke & Justin. Luke is austin mahone. Zeke is Connor Franta. Justin is Caspar Lee. 

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