He What?

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"Paz wake up" Paige exclaims hitting me with a pillow. "I'm up" I mumble. "Luke wants to talk to you" She says. "His room?" I ask. She nods and I quickly throw on a pair of pants. I knock on the door and I am greeted by a shirtless Luke. "Hey" He says letting me in. "You wanted to talk to me?" I ask laying on his bed. "Yeah. There is something I need to get off my chest" he responds sitting next to me. "Paz, I am in love with you" he whispers. "I realized I was when you and Jacob started dating and I realized I was completely and utterly jealous" he adds looking down at his hands. "I-I love you too" I mumble. "ReallY?" he asks hope filling in his eyes. "Yes. When I was dating Jacob I thought a piece of me was missing. I realized that piece was you" I respond honestly. He doesnt respond, instead he kisses me. "Hey guuys- OMG" Gavi squeals. I instantly feel my face blush. "LAZ IS REALY!" Ashlynn squeals jumping up and down. "Finally he grew some balls!" Paige exclaims. "LaZ?" I ask. "You two" Justin explains looking p-off. "Oh?" I respond confused. "Come here" Luke says leading me in to the hallway. "Will you, Paz Rose Rivera be my girlfriend?" he asks smiling. "Of course" I respond going on my tip-toes to plant a kiss on his lips. "Thank god" he laughs swinging me in a circle. "I love you" he says putting me down. "I love you too" I respond wrapping my arms around his torso. 

A/N Yes this is a short chapter. Its a filler. Anyway its Gavi's late birthday present :3 Anywayyyyy hope you guys wanted Luke and Paz together cuz they're together :) 

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