Unforgettable Interview

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"Alright you ready cutie?" Luke asks smiling. "Yes" I respond giving him a hug. "Good Luck" he says kissing my cheek. "We're ready for you Paz" a man says. I nod and follow him to where the interviewer is. 

"Hello Paz" a lady around 25 says. "Hi" I respond sitting in the chair across from her. "I'm just going to ask you a few questions okay?" she asks. I nod and she begins asking.

"How old are you?"


"Are you single?"

"Currently no"

"Are you excited for your new career to take off?


"Have you ever been bullied in school at all?"



"They had nothing better to do"

"Have you ever been depressed?

"What does this have to do with the interview" 

She looks taken back at that. "I'm sorry" she says. I get up and leave without saying another word. "What happened?" my mom asks when I start wiping tears away. "I dont know why the fu-frick she's asking about depression. What the hell does that have to do with my music career?" I ask to no one in particular. "Calm down" Luke says engulfing me. "I dont want to do this" I say pushing him off me. "Paz wait" Luke calls following me. "Hey its okay" he assures me hugging me. "Luke we go back to school tomorrow. I am not excited to be near Abigal and her possee again" I mumble softly. "She didnt bother you last year did she?" he replies. "Thats cuz you were dating her" I remind him. "Ask your mom if you can do online schooling" he suggests. "You're a genius" I say smiling. "Well" he jokes.

"So are you okay now?" my mom asks. "I was wondering if I can do online schooling " I say biting in to a peanut butter chocolate fudge cake. "If you want go ahead" she responds. "Thank you" I reply finishing my cake. "You eat so much" my mom laughs. "Real Girls Eat Cake" I respond smirking. "What?" she asks. 

"Hey girl,

I see you made an effort with your lipstick,

But you got some on your teeth

You fucking dipshit,

You're like a hot mess and I like it (yeah, yeah, yeah).

Let's go,

When we go out we make a great team,

You eat like a dude and lick your plate clean,

You're my kind of girl and I like it (yeah, yeah, yeah).

I'll be the first to take you to the prom at our school,

I get a stiffy from all your awkward dance moves. (I'm hard!)

I even wrote a stupid song because I like you

(it's really stupid, this song).

I don't need a girl to worry about a thigh gap,

I like the fact that you don't give a shit about that,

You're still sexy if you eat more than salad on a date oh whoa,

'Cause real girls eat cake.

To me you're prettier than Adriana Lima,

The way you work it when you're looking in the mirror.

When you're with me you can be who you are for fuck sake oh whoa,

'Cause real girls eat cake.

I really really like the way your face is (it's beautiful),

Even when there's food stuck in your braces (yummy),

But I still snog you 'cause I like it (yeah, yeah, yeah).

Let me have a word with your mum 'cause she's sexy (she's sexy)

It must run in your genes if you get me,

I gotta admit that I like her (yeah, yeah, yeah).

I'll be the first to take you to the prom at our school,

I get a stiffy from all your awkward dance moves.

I even wrote a stupid song because I like you

(I like you).

I don't need a girl to worry about a thigh gap,

I like the fact that you don't give a shit about that,

You're still sexy if you eat more than salad on a date oh whoa,

'Cause real girls eat cake.

To me you're prettier than Adriana Lima,

The way you work it when you're looking in the mirror.

When you're with me you can be who you are for fuck sake oh whoa,

'Cause real girls eat cake.


Real girls, real girls,

Real girls eat cake

To me you're prettier than Adriana Lima,

The way you work it when you're looking in the mirror.

When you're with me you can be who you are for fuck sake oh whoa,

'Cause real girls eat cake.

Chocolate, strawberry, banana,

And vanilla cake that would be nice

And ice whipped cream cake.

And chocolate cake cream cake also with a little lemon

And herb cake.

And some fat cake over there

Tomato sauce cake over there.

Vegemite cake oh what other cakes can we have?

Fucking Jacob Fultons mmm fucking cake"

When I finish singing I realize that Ashlynn and Gavi had joined in. "You girls are ridiculous" my mom laughs. "I'm tired" I groan running in to my room and then face planting on to my bed. "Night" I yell. I hear a chorous of "Nights" and "Its so early freak". I chuckle and close my eyes. Not long after I fall fast asleep. 

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