The Wrong Way

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"I love your shirt babe" Luke announces winking. As an eleventh month anniversy present he gave me a tank top with his face on it. "Mm thanks" I respond pulling on my shoes. "Where you going?" he whines. "Concert calls babe" I sing slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "Everything is about music to you" he mutters. "What?" I ask. "I said everything is about You! You dont even care about our relationship anymore!" he exclaims loudly. "I honestly do not know what you are talking about Luke!" I yell angrily. "Its music this music that but nothing about our relationship!" he informs me. "Music is what I want to do Luke! Cant you understand that?" I ask. "But what about us?" he yells. "Us is perfect in my eyes" I mumble. "Not to me" he snaps angrily. He picks up the bracelet I gave him and throws it out the door. "We're done" he announces slamming the door in my face. I go in to my room and tear my shirt off. I put on a sweatshirt and leave the house. 

"Hey Paz you ready?" Cody Simpson asks me beaming. Yes. The Cody Simpson. Today we were performing our song 'Wish You Were Here'. "Totally" I respond smiling. "Give it up for Cody Simpson!" the DJ yells in to the microphone. Cody runs out and when its my part I run out and begin doing what I gotta do to make everyone happy. "Eek you did amazing!" Gavi gushes wrapping me in a big hug when I get off the stage. "Thank yah" I respond smiling. "Babe!" Ashlynn announces picking me up off the ground and spinning me in a circle. "Alright guys before I leave can I have Gavi Dauzat on the stage please?" Cody asks. I look over at Ashlynn and see her smirking and I wink. She cautiously goes on stage. When she's seated Daniel comes out. "Gavi I am so sorry for being such an inconsiderate douche bag. Girl I am in love with you and I would do anything to call you mine again" Daniel  exclaims in the microphone. "This dudes got balls" Ashlynn mutters to me causing me to laugh. "Gavi Dauzat I am in love with you and I promise I will never ever hurt you again" Daniel says. "Please take me back" he pleads getting down on his knees. I see Gavi tear up then wrap her arms around Daniel's neck. "Goodnight everybody!" Cody yells. 

"We should quadruple date" Anna suggests smiling. I lift up Rose and begin tickling her stomach. "That would be so much fun!" Ashlynn gushes. "Completely" Gavi agrees. "Paz?" Anna asks. "I don't have a boyfriend" I respond bouncing Rose up and down. "What?" All three of the gasp. "Luke and I broke up. No big deal" I shrug. "No big deal? Your one year anniversary is in two days!" Ashlynn yells. "It wouldve been. Guys please" I answer dryly. "This just in, It seems as though Paz Rivera split from her long time boyfriend Luke Collins because earlier today Tinashe posted a picture of the two snuggled up in bed together" the new anchor informs the whole freaking world. "Paz" Gavi says. "No" I state coldly placing Rose down on the couch and going up in to Anna's guest room. "Are you okay?" Jacob asks from the doorway. I shake my head 'no' and he wraps his arms around me in one of his protective hugs. "Do I need to get Justin and Zeke and kick Luke's ass?" Jacob mumbles softly. "That would be nice" I respond smiling. "I think I can do that" he says winking. "Hey guys" Anna says from the doorway. "Okay you guys I have big news" Anna squeals when we are all seated in the living room. "Up" Rose says lifting her arms at me. "I think she likes you more than us" Anna states getting side tracked. "babe" Jacob laughs. "Oh yeah.. We're having another baby!" Anna squeals in delight. "Thats wonderful" Gavi exclaims happily. "Boy or girll?" Ashlynn asks smiling. "We don't know yet. We're only three months" Anna informs us. "I'm happy for you guys" I say just as Rose starts to rub her eyes. "I'll lay her down" I announce standing up. "Night baby girl" Jacob says kissing Rose's head. "Ni-night" Anna announces rubbing her head. "Be back in a sec" I say going to Rose's room. "Not gonna be an only child anymore huh?" I say soflty rocking her. "I know what its like. I live with so many people, I lost count" I mumble kissing her head softly. "It kinda sucks. Always having to compete with them for attention" I say laying her down in her crib. "You think you have to compete with us?" Ashlynn asks softly from the doorway. "Oh hey" I squeak. "Paz c'mon" Ashlynn deadpans. "No" I mumble taking out my phone. "Hey mom can you pick me up?" I say in to my phone. "Be there in five" she responds. "Thanks I love you mommy" I reply. "I love you to honey" she answers hanging up.

"What happened baby girl?" Allie asks sitting on the edge of my bed. "Nothing we broke up" I deadpan. "I love you hun" she says leaving my room. "Talk" my mom demands closing the door behind her. "You dont need someone who doesnt support you anyway" mom states when I finish telling her the whole thing. "You're right" I agree smiling. "I love you" she sings leaving my room. "I love you too" I sing picking up a stuffed panda bear that my dad won for my mom. They were best friends so they mixed their names together and ended up naming him 'Arent'. Arent was given to me on my first birthday. (A/N guess who's back back back again Arents back back.. no ok:3) I snuggle up to Arent and take a picture of myself with it. I post it captioned: Who needs someone who doesnt support you when you've got netflix food and a stuffed panda? I smile and turn on 'The Secret Life of the American Teenager'. 

A/N Collage on the side made by(again lol) the amazing Gaviiiii(@GaviGaviota) make sure you go and check out her stories(she's really good) 

Video on side of Becky G (Paz) performing with Cody Simpson >>>

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