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"Paz just talk to him already"  Gavi urges. "Yes please for the sake of all of us!" Ashlynn adds stretching across my bed. "Whatever" I respond. They both jump up screaming Luke's name. "You've wanted to speak to me?" I ask sitting up in my bed. "Pa I am really sorry. I didnt mean any of it. I do need you. And I'm sorry I didnt tell you about Abby and I" he responds sitting across from me. "I just dont get why you would keep something like that from me" I say quietly. "It was extremely difficult but Abby said you would cause something out of it" he mumbles. "Yeah" I mutter in response. "What happened between you guys?" he asks. "Its a long story" I mutter. "i'm listening" he responds. 


"Paz what kind of freak has that kind of name?" Abigal taunted. "My mom heard your mom talking about how you were completely unexpected and that your dad and her didnt even want you" she added. "Just leave me alone Abigal" I yelled angrily. "Dont get mad becuase you were a mistake" she said  pushing me. "Get off of me" I screamed. "Shut up or I will make you pay" she warned grabbing me by the neck. "Im not scared of you" I said as firmly as I could. Smack. Right across the face. "Keep it up" Abigal said. "Just let me go!" I yelled. "Go cut yourself" she yelled angrily letting me go. 

End of Flashback

"You didnt cut yourself did you?" Luke asks worringly after I finished explaining. "I wish I hadnt" I mumble wiping away tears. I lift up the side of my shirt and show him the cuts on my waist. "Paz theres fresh ones" he says running his finger across my waist. "Yeah" I say pulling my shirt down. "Paz why?" he asks. "You think Abigal has stopped? Luke I may seem strong but I am not" I respond. "Who knows about this?" he asks. "No one. Luke you have to promise not to tell anyone. I'm getting help" I say firmly. "Paz-" "Please Luke" I interupt. "Okay" he says relucantly. "Can I have a hug?" I ask. "Of course" he responds hugging me softly. He kisses my forehead and then leaves the room. I lay down under the covers and fall asleep within minutes. 

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