Gavi's Bday

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"Gavi wake up we have a huge suprise for you!" I yell jumping up and down on  her. "What?" she mumbles. "We are going to have a besties day and then we are going somewhere secret!" Ashlynn exclaims smiling. "Ugh whatever" she mutters getting out of bed. "We leave in 20" I call as she goes in to the bathroom. 

"Where to next?" Ashlynn asks swinging her 10 or more bags from the mall. "I say we hit up the state fair!" I suggest smiling. "Alright" Gavi agrees smiling. "To the fair" we all yell in unsion running out the mall like idiots. 

"OMG It's Paz!" someone screams causing me to get scared. "Omg I love you!" the same voice squeals smiling. "Thank you" I respond shyly. "When are you getting signed?" another person asks. "Guys I'm kinda spending the day with one of my best friends because its her birthday" I say. "Oh okay well see you around Paz! You are so sweet" the girls say waving as they walk away. "Paz has wittle fans!" Ashlynn gushes. "Two people" I respond laughing. "C'mon lets go on the rides!" Gavi exclaims.

"Gavi I got you something for tonight" Daniel says smiling. He hands her a box that. Inside is a pink and black dress that we helped him pick out. "aw thank you!" she gushes giving him a kiss. "Lets go get ready!" Ashlynn exclaims pushing us in to the bedroom. "Paz you look amazing!"  Gavi gushes. I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a dress with like a black corset top thing and a flowy white skirt. "Thanks" I say blushing. "Luke's gonna get it tonight!" Ashlynn jokes. "Shut up!" I exclaim pushing her. "Cute dress babe" Gavi says to Ashlynn. Ashlynn's dress is all pink. Not really my color.  

"Can you please take this blindfold off?" Gavi whines. "Yes" I exclaim taking it off. When she sees the people standing in front of her her jaw drops open. "Your Conceited! And Tinashe! And WolfTyla!" she stumbles. "Yea and you must be the birthday girl!" Tinashe exclaims hugging her. "You guys are the best friends in the whole world!" Gavi exclaims hugging all of us. "Happy 15th babe" we respond. 

"Oh my god!" Gavi exclaims when Conceited hugs her. "Haha big fan?" he asks smiling. "Very big" she responds. "We are the best friends in the world" Ashlynn says high fiving me. "Dude back off" I hear Luke say from the hallway. Ashlynn and I follow the voice and see Tinashe kissing Luke. Luke was trying to get her off of him. "Excuse me why are you kissing my boyfriend?" I snap causing her to look at me. "Honey he doesnt want you" she responds looking me up and down. "Dont talk to her like that" Ashlynn snaps annoyed. She was about to lose it. So was I. "C'mon hon what are you? A little 15 year old girl? Why the hell would a guys like him want you?" Tinashe taunts. Well that did it. Without hesitation I swung and hit her in the jaw. "You did not just do that!" she screams slapping me. "Stop!" Ashlynn screams but I am already punching Tinashe. After a few seconds Luke pulls me off of her and holds me tightly. 

"Thanks for the awesome birthday!" Gavi squeals sitting on Daniels lap. She has no idea what happened. Its better that way. "No problem. I'm going to bed. Night" I say going in to my room. "Hey babe" Luke says laying down next to me. "That bi-" "Its cool babe dont worry. I like your bad girl side" he says smirking. "Oh really?" I question kissing him. "Mmm yeah" he replies kissing back. After a few minutes of a short make out sesion I roll over and close my eyes.

A/N No hate towards Tinashe!!

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