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Jacob's POV

"Baby you ready?" I ask Anna picking up Rose. "Yeah I'm coming" she answers exiting the bathroom. "You sure this is where we want to raise Rose?" she asks for the millionth time. "Babe trust me. San Antonio is our home" I respond kissing her cheek. "I'm glad we worked this out"  she says grabbing Rose's diaper bag. "Me too" I answer honestly caring Rose out to the car. "I'll go get the rest of the sutff you stay here with Rosey" I say to her once I finish buckling Rose in to her carseat. "Okay babe hurry up so we can get on the road" she calls as she closes the door. I quickly grab the rest of the bags and bring them out to the car. As I close the trunk I hear someone yell my name. "You're Jacob right?" he asks getting in my face. God he looks so familiar. "I asked you a question" he says angrily. "Yes I'm Jacob and you are?" I ask annoyed. "Daniel. Gavi's boyfriend" he snaps. So thats how I know him. "What do you want? I'm leaving" I say getting mad. "I want to know why you can forgive yourself after what you did to Paz" he says shaking his head disaprovingly. "She's clearly fine she moved on. Please leave" I respond trying not to lose my temper. "Yeah I'll go" he says turning around. Instead of leaving he turns around and hits me right in the jaw. "Oh my god!" Anna screams getting out of the car. "This your little girlfriend?" he asks. "Anna get in the car" I yell. She hesitates. "Anna get in the car now!" I yell again. This time she runs back in to the car and locks the doors. "Bro I dont know what you want but leave my family out of this" I say angrily spitting out blood. "I dont think you deserve happiness" he snaps shoving me. "Dont touch me again" I say clenching my jaw. "Whats wrong? Daddy gonna get mad and beat me in front of his daughter?" he taunts laughing. I push past him and get in the car. "Good Luck" he says smirking. He walks away and I look at Anna. "Babe who was that?" she asks worried. "One of Paz's friends boyfriends" I answer starting the car.

"Babe can we stop to get some air? Rose is getting fussy" Anna asks from the back seat. "Yeah of course" I say turning in to a parking spot at 7Eleven. Anna carefully unbuckles Rose and carries her inside with me trailing behind her. "I'll get the drinks you change her. She likes you more" Anna says handing me Rose. "Okay" I respond laughing. "Hi baby girl" I say kissing her cheek causing her to smile. "Ready?" Anna asks when I walk out of the bathroom kissing Rose's forehead. "Yup" I respond following her out the door. "We can stop at a hotel babe" Anna says buckling Rose in. "We have two hours hun. I think we can manage" I respond kising her lightly before geting in the driver seat. "Okay" Anna responds resting her head on Rose's carseat. 

"We're at my mom and dads" I whisper causing Anna to wake up. "Babe you could've woken me up. I would have talked to you the last few hours" Anna says starting to unbuckle Rose. "Aw its okay. You bring Rose in and I'll get the bags" I tell her kissing her cheek before she goes in to the house. "Jacob you need any help?" my dad asks coming out to the car. "Yes please" I respond. "thanks" I say when he finishes carrying the last bag up to my room. "No problem son. You guys going to rest a little?" he asks looking around. "I'm not tired. Plus its already 4:30 I might see if Anna wants to take Rose on a walk" I answer. "Okay dinner is at 7" my dad answers. "It's always been seven" I answer causing him to smile, a real geniune smile. "Hey baby" I call when Anna walks in with Rose. "Hey" she says smiling. "Wanna take Rosey out for a walk?" I ask changing in to basketball shorts. "Yeah sure just let me change" She responds laying Rose down on my bed. "Okay and dont worry we are going crib shopping tomorrow" I say laughing. "Haha good" she responds taking off her shirt and switching in to a sweater. "Lets go" she says placing Rose in her stroller. 

"Jacob?' Justin calls out. "Yo bro hows it going?" I ask 'bro' hugging him. "Its been going fine. Aw is this Rose?" he responds looking down. "Yeah" Anna responds smiling. "She's gorgeous. Just like her mom" Justin says smirking. "Wow Justin still charming as ever" Anna jokes. "You know it An" he laughs. "Well I gotta go. Football practice but we all need to catch up soon" Justin says. "See ya" Anna and I say. "C'mon lets go get some ice cream" I exclaim. "Haha yes at Jericos!" she responds. "Lets do it" I respond. 

"Here's your mint chocolate chip vanilla cone with twizzlers and hersheys caramel" I say handing her her ice cream cone. "Aw thanks babe" she says taking it from my hand. "I think Rose wants some" I say pointing down to her. She was reaching out her hands. "No" Anna says sternly. "But look at her" I whine. "Jacob" she says to me. "Oops" I say when I let Rose lick some of my ice cream. "Jacob!" she yells smacking my arm. "It was an accident" I whine. "Sure" she says licking her cone. Rose starts to cry so I hand Anna my cone and pick her up. "She might wanna go on a walk wanna go home?" Anna asks getting up. "No babe its okay. I'll just walk her to the tree and around that area" I respond kissing her lips. "Mmm" I laugh  licking my lips. "Idiot" she calls as I start walking towards the tree. "Rosey my baby" I say kissing Rose's cheek. "Jacob?" Gavi asks. "Dont talk to me" I mutter turning in a different direction. "Woah what did I do?" she asks following me. "Ask your boyfriend what happend. I'm trying to get her to calm down not make her feel worse" I snap bouncing Rose up and down. "Geez I'm sorry" Gavi defends going back. "Dude" Kyle Morgans(Old Football friend) calls out jogging up behind me.  "Yo Ky. Its been a while" I answer. "Yeah. Your baby is cute af" he says smiling. "Thanks. Wanna meet my girlfriend?" I ask smiling. "Sure thing" he answrs following me. "Anna meet an old friend Kyle. He moved here after you left" I introduce. "Hi I'm Anna" she says shaking his hand. "Well I better get going dinner soon. See you thee around" he calls as he jogs away. "It's 6:45" Anna says. "Alright lets head home. Dinner at 7" I say placing Rose in to her stroller. "I know. I remember" Anna responds smling.

"Goodnight you two" my mom calls. "Night mom" I say walking in to my room quietly because Rose is asleep on my bed. "Night babe" I say kissing Anna's lips. "Night" she says kissing me back. I go around on the other side of my bed and lay down. "Crib shopping tomorrw" I remind her. "I know. I love you" Anna responds. "I love you too" I respond closing my eyes.                                                                                                                                            

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