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"Paz are you excited to go home?" Luke asks kissing my cheek. "Definately" I answer smiling. "Hey babe" I hear Zeke call out to Ashlynn. Thats right, the two made it official about three weeks ago after Luke asked me out. "I cant believe how fast these three months have gone" Justin exclaims as he finishes packing his bags. "Yeah me either" Paige agrees putting her hair in to a bun. "Where are Gavi and Daniel?" Damian wonders aloud. "I dunno" I respond shrugging. "Sorry we were down by the pool. Daniel is getting signed to a record label along with James" Gavi exclaims sitting on the bed to pull on a pair of converse. "Thats so cool! Congrats bro" Luke says. "The bad thing is he's going to have to stay here for a few months" Gavi mumbles softly. "Aw Gav" Ashlynn says hugging her tightly. "But I'm not going to hold Daniel back" Gavi says smiling weakly. "Best girlfriend ever" Daniel says kissing her. "Ew" I gag.


"Paz it's so great to have you back" my dad exclaims hugging me tightly. "Hey dad" I laugh hugging him back. "Paz" my mom exclaims hugging me. "Hi Mom" I mumble in to her ear. 

"How was Miami?" Allie asks eagerly. "Great" Gavi mumbles. "It'll be okay" Ashlynn reassures her rubbing her leg. "Is it about Daniel?" Dylan asks. "Yeah he got signed so he will be in Miami for a while" I explain as I give Gavi a hug. "Did Justin Paige and Damian have fun?" Madilyn asks sitting down next to Chris(Christian) and Luke. "Yeah they seemed to enjoy themselves" Zeke answers sending a smile at Ashlynn. "Well the moms and I want to have some girl time so you boys can go out and do manly stuff" Madilyn says to the guys. "Okay" they agree nodidng.

"Lynn are you dating Zeke?" Maggie asks sitting in my swivel chair. Ashlynn's face instantly turns red, "How cute" my mom gushes. "Paz has a new boyfriend too!" Ashlynn squeeks quickly covering up her mouth. "I'm still ashamed at Jacob but who is your new boo?" my mom asks. Everyones eyes turn to me and I shoot daggers at Ashlynn. If looks could kill. "Paz Rose Rivera who are you dating?"Allieasks. "WellYouSeeLukeAndIAreDatingAndIDontKnowIfYouGuysAreGoingToBeOkayWithIt" I say quickly. "You're dating Luke?" Madilyn(Luke's mom) asks. "How did you understand that?" My mom questions with a puzzled look. "Never mind that, Paz you are dating Luke?" Allie says. "Yes" I mutter in response. "Your dad might not be okay with this hun" my mom says patting my leg. "Trust me, I know" I mumble playing with my fingers. "You two will be okay I promise" my mom reassures me. "Thanks mommy" I say hugging her tightly. 

A few hours later the door was opened and voices filled the air. "Alright girls I think you should hit the hay, school tomorrow" my mom announces. "Okay. Love you" we all say in unison. "Love you too" they respond. "Paz come on we have to talk to your father" my mom whispers me. Hesistantly I follow her. "Brent Paz has something to tell you" my mom starts. "Whats wrong?" Christian asks. "You too" my mom answers. "Whats wrong?" they ask concerned. "Luke come here" my mom says as Luke passes us. He gives me a quuestioning look but then realizes what this is about. "Oh" he mutters coming over to us. "Whats going on?" my dad asks impatiantely. "PazAndIAreDAting" Luke answers quickly. "No" my dad says angrily. "Dad plea-" "No Paz. You are not allowed to date my daughter" my dad snaps interupting me. "But she can date a boy who already had a kid? What is so bad about my son?" Chris asks getting angry. "Boys enough" my mom snaps. "Paz I do not want you seeing Luke and thats final" my dad snaps before going in to his bedroom. "I'll talk to him" my mom whispers. "Thanks"  I mutter feeling tears fall. "Come here" Christian says wrapping his arms around me. "It'll be okay" he whispers kissing the top of my head. "Thanks Chris" I mutter drying my tears. "You guys are perfect for each other" Chris says before going in to his room. "I love your dad" I laugh hugging Luke. "We will get through this get some sleep" Luke says kissing me. "Mm i love you" I say against his lips. "I love you too. Now go before we get caught" he says smacking my butt.. I laugh and run in to my room.

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