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"Paz!! Wake up!" Ashlynn yells jumping on top of me. "What?" I groan annoyed. "So your moms brother and his family are coming today!" Ashlynn exclaims. "Are you kidding me?" I ask sitting up in my bed. "Their plane will be here in two hours so we are leaving in thirty minutes" Gavi says opening the door. "Oh my god" I exclaim annoyed. "It'll be okay. Just get ready" Ashlynn says patting me on the back. I quickly get changed in to my gray hoodie and jeans and jordans while Ashlynn gets dressed in her black hoodie jeans and her jordans. I hand her YMCMB beanie and put on mine. Lastly we put our beats around our neck.(Pic of outifts on the side) "Lets go!" my mom yells. "Coming" I respond going downstairs. 

"How much longer are we going to be here? I have plans" Luke asks tapping his feet. "Until they get here" Gavi answers smirking. "Very funny" Luke says.  "They're here they said they are coming out now" my mom says. "Thank god" Luke mumbles. "Luke we are all going out for lunch and dinner. Better reschedule" Madilyn(his mom) says. "But-" "No buts cancel your plans. Its summer you have every other day to do something" his mom interupts.  "Jason Maggie Zeke meet Paz, Luke, Ashlynn and Gavi" my mom says pointing to each of us. "And the adults are Christian, we call him Chris, Madilyn, Monique, Allie, Crawford and Dylan" she adds for Zeke to know who is who. "Cool" Zeke says.  "So we'lll stop at the house drop off our stuff and then eat right?" Maggiee asks. "Yes. Thats the plan!' my dad says. "Great" Jason responds. While we are in the car my phone vibrates.

Ashlynn the #1 bae: OMFG Zeke is freaking cute

Me: is it weird that I think that too? He's my adopted cousin

Ashlynn the #1 bae: You cannot date him adopted or not

Me: I know... I have a boyfriend 

Ashlynn the #1 bae: have you talked to him?

Me: he texted me 'cant talk now. I love you' last night

Ashlynn the #1 bae: oooh.. well the adults prob think we're antisocial.. ttyl love you:*

Me: haha think? they know.. love yoouuuu:*

"Food!" I yell when we get to CiCis. "Pizza more importantly!" Ashlynn yells louder. "Yesh!!" Gavi exclaims. "Pizza party!" Zeke chimes in. Ashlynn looks at me and blushes. "Lets gooo" I scream jumping out of the car. "For 14 you are very immature" Zeke jokes. "For 16 you look like a giant" I retaliate. "Oh its on" he threatens jokingly. "Luke why arent you talking? Just invite Abigal here and act like its a coincidence" Gavi exclaims. I shoot her a death glare. "Great idea!" he exclaims. "Kids enjoy. We will be back in two hours" Dylan says after the adults paid.  I was sitting at the table when my phone vibrates. 

Jacob<3: hey im sorry. We are really busy here

Me: its fine

Jacob<3:  I feel like a bad boyfriend. 

me: neverrrrr

Jacob<3: what are you doing beautiful?

me: sitting at CiCis pizza getting stared @ by old people

Jacob<3: fun babe:*

me: definately.

Jacob<3: I gotta go bby.. I love you

Me: love you too

"I'm exahusted" Ashlynn  yaws laying in my bed. "Me too" I respond floping next to her. "Did you talk to Jacob?" she asks. "Yeah" I respond showing her the texts. "Thats all?" she asks. "Yeah I know" I say. "Girls are you awake? We have a suprise for you kids" my dad says knocking on the door. "Coming" we say getting out of bed. "Whats the suprise?" Luke asks. "You guys are going to Miami for the summer. You can all bring one friend other than in this house because you're all already going" Jason exclaims. "No way!" everyone cheers except me. "Go get inviting and packing. You leave tomorrow. Last minute decision" Allie says. "My 15th birthday with only friends" I say packing my bag. "Its better that way" Gavi says. "Who are you guys inviting?" Ashlynn asks. "I'm inviting Dustin" she adds. "I invited Justin he said he'll be here at six tomorrow" I respond. "I'm bringing Daniel" Gavi gushes. "Luke who are you bringing?" I ask when Zeke and Luke walk in. "I was going to invit Justin but somone beat me to it" Luke says. "Oops?" I respond. "I'm inviting Sean" he says looking at his phone. "How bout you Zeke?" Ashlynn asks. "Im inviting my friend Damian" Zeke chimes in. "So all these guys and us three girls? I like it" Ashlynn exclaims. "You guys your friends have to be here before 6:15" Jason says. "And you guys have to be up at 4 to get everything situated" Maggie adds. "Okay everyone can just stay in here since they're already in here"  I say. "Good theres enough room here?" Maggie asks. "Yeah" I say opening the extra door in my room that has an extra bed and sofa. "Okay. goodnight" the adults all say. "Night" we yell. "Night guys" I say. "Night" they respond. Ashlynn jumps on to my bed just as I lay down. "God Ash" I whisper. "Love youu" she responds. "Love you too" I mumble falling asleep.

Zeke's POV: 

I think I like my cousins best friend. Ashlynn is just so beautiful. I heard she recently got out of a 11 month relationship. Is she looking for a new boyfriend?

Jacob's POV

"Jacob c'mon its not that bad" my brother says reassuringly. "Gimme one" I say putting my hand out. My brothers friend hands me a joint. "See?" my brother says. "So why are you bugging?" my brothers friend Jaden asks. "My ex girlfiriend called me when we got here" I start. "You and Paz broke up?" my brother Frank asks. "Nah. Remeber Anna from a year ago?" I ask. "That crazy psycho?Yes" Frank responds. "She wasnt a psycho. Anyway she called me and told me she has a kid" I say. "And?" Franks asks. "Does she think its yours?" Jaden asks. "She said shes sure its mine. What am I supposed to do?" I respond. "Get a DNA test. Dont tell Paz" Jaden says. "What if it is my kid? What will I do about Paz? You do realize she turns fifteen next week. I cant be her boyfriend who didnt know about his own kid" I exclaim. "I'm sure Paz will understand" Frank says taking a hit again. "Dude I'm 16. She's almost 15. If I have a kid you really expect her to stay with me?" I ask taking a hit. "It'll be okay bro. Just call Anna and get a DNA test done" Frank says. "Thanks bro" I say continuing to smoke the joint. 

Ashlynn's POV

Jacob accidnetly called me without noticing. I cannot believe him. How can he not tell Paz?

Jacob: I called you didnt I?

Me: Figured u'd be too high to notice

Jacob: please dont tell Paz.. I'll tell her

Me: whatever

Why am I doing this for him?

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