Payback..It Doesn't Come Easy

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Luke's POV

Daniel was going to pay for what he did to Gavi. No matter if Tinashe kissed him he still let it happen and that is not okay. "Zeke tell Justin to get Jacob over here as soon as possible" I say as I look through my phone. "Okay" he responds calling Justin.

"You wanted us here?" Jacob asks confused. "You all know how Gavi and Paz got in to that fight right?" I ask. They nod. "Well it's because Tinashe kissed me and then she was caught kissing Daniel" I explain. "And we want payback on Daniel because he hurt Gavi?" Justin finishes. "Thats thhe plan" Zeke agrees. "How are we going to get to him? Isn't he in Miami?" Jacob asks shifting from one foot to the other. "Nope. Him and James got a place rigt up the road" I inform him. "Let's do it then" Justin nods. "Is Anna going to be okay with this?" Justin asks Jacob. "Nope not at all" he responds shrugging. "You okay with it though?" Zeke asks. "hell yeah. Paybacks a bitch" he responds smirking. 

"Oh hey guys" Daniel greets weakly. "Oh hey" Jacob says rolling his eyes. "So you guys wanna t-" Before Daniel can finish Jacob's fist connects with his jaw. "Dude what the hell?" Daniel screams. "You messed with the wrong people" I say gritting my teeth. "Back up" James announces. "Or what?" I threaten. "I'll call the police. Leave now and no one will ever know you were here" he responds loudly. I take one more swing at Daniel and then we all leave. 

Jacob's POV

"What happened to your hand?" Anna asks concerned. "I punched someone" I respond taking Rose out of her crib. "Jacob!" she says smacking me. "It was Daniel. He deserved it" I say tossing Rose in the air. "I know I just dont want you getting in trouble" she mumbles hugging me. "I know" I say kissing her softly. "Dah-dah" Rose says. "Yes!" I exclaim tickling her. "Lucky bastard" Anna mumbles jokingly. "I told you she would say dad first" I laugh smiling. "Shh" she says laughing. "Want another one?" I ask softly. "Really?" she asks. I nod and put Rose down in her crib. "then c'mon" she says leading me in to our room. 

AN: Hey hope u liked it :3 

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