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"Paz Rose Rivera get out here" my mom yells loudly. I jump out of bed and run in to the kitchen. "Oh hi dad" I say weakly. "Paz I do not want you to be with Luke" my dad says. "Dad I know that. But honestly dont you want me to be happy?" I ask sitting down on the stool. "I dont see what this has to do with you being happy!" my dad exclaims. "Lets see my first boyfriend completely broke my heart on my 15th birthday by telling me he had a kid and my life is a nightmare!" I yell running in to my room. I lay under my covers until I hear someone walk in. "You okay?" Luke asks softly. "Nope" I respond sitting up in my bed. "Look I know that everything may seem extremely suckish but please stay strong" Luke mumbles kissing my forehead. "I've been clean for two months" I say confidently. "I'm so proud of you" he answers taking my hand in his. "Paz?" my dad asks knocking on my door. "What do you want?" I snap annoyed. "Can I talk to you?" he asks. "Come in" I say under my breath. "Oh Luke" my dad says when he opens the door. "Paz I dont understand why he makes you happy or how but I do want you to be happy so you two can be together" my dad says quickly. "Thank you!" Luke and I exclaim hugging him tightly. 

"I really wanna dye my hair" Gavi gushes flipping through a magazine. "So lets do it" Ashlynn exclaims jumping up. "I'm in" I say shrugging. "Great" Gavi smiles. "Mother can you take us to the hair salon?" I ask when she opens my bedroom door. "I guess" she responds. "Thank you" we yell in unison following her out the room. "Where y'all going?" Luke asks opening his bedroom door. "Hair salon" Gavi answers putting on a hoodie. "Can I come?" he asks my mom. "No Luke. Be a boy do boy things. Hang out with Zeke" my mom responds laughing. "Whatever" he pouts walking back in to his and Zeke's room. 

"Wow you girls look amazing!" Allie exclaims when we walk back in the house later on. "Thanks" we respond in unison. "You guys I wanna do something" I say breaking the silence in my bedroom. "What?" Gavi asks. "I wanna do a cover video of a song" I answer sitting up. "You like to sing?" Ashlynn asks her jaw dropping. "Yeah" I respond blushing. "Omg let us here you!" Gavi exclaim. "What song?" I ask. "Lighters!" Ashlynn exclaims. "Ugh okay" I respond. I begin singing and rapping the words. "Oh My God!" Ashlynn shrieks when I finished. "What the hell happened?" my mom asks barging in to my room. "Your daughter needs to film a cover music video ASAP!" Gavi screams in response. "You two didnt know she was talented?" my mom asks laughing. "No!" Gavi and Ashlynn respond yelling. "Well I guess Crawford could lend us some cameras and we can record a video" my mom says. "I'm in" Crawford yells from the living room. "Let's do this!" Gavi yells taking me in to the studio. 

When I finish singing I see everyones mouths are wide open. "Now we film the video!" Crawford exclaims. "Lets do this!" I yell smiling. 


Crawford finishes editing the video right when I finish starting my channel. "And now we press the little upload button!" Luke yells clicking the button. "Your such an idiot" Gavi laughs. "Gee thanks" he mumbles. "No problem" she responds laughing. "Its been a long night I'm going to bed" I say. "Okay goodnight" everyone responds. I have officially posted my first YouTube video. I change in to pajamas and lay down under the covers.

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