Taking Over Miami

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"Paz lets go hurry up!" Ashlynn yells. "Geez hold up" I exclaim putting on my hollister sweatshirt. Then I quickly pull on Ashlynn's converse and run downstairs. "Gavi Ashlynn Paz Luke Zeke Justin Damian Daniel Sean and Paige" my mom says making sure everyone is here. Paige is Justin's sister. "Lets goo" my dad exclaims once everyone is in the car. 

"Dont forget to call as soon as you land" Allie gushes. She's been pretty emotionaly lately. Maybe she is prego. "We will. Promise mom" Gavi says kissing her moms cheek. "Have fun everyone" my mom says. "Flight 101B to Miami boarding now" the announcer says. "Bye mom. Bye dad" I say hugging and kissing both of them on the cheek. "Love you" all the adults call. "Love you too" we say turning around to board the plane.  

*Skip Plane Ride*

"Oh my god its beautfiul" Paige gushes when we get outside. "Paz thanks for inviting me. Although I am devastated I had to bring that along" Justin jokes pointing to Paige. "Its fine" I laugh. We got on a bus that would take us to our hotel. I cant help but wonder what made our parents think sending us ten kids to Miami for a whole summer. "Paz have you talked to Jacob at all?" Gavi asks cuddling up to Daniel. "No. I think I'm going to suprise him" I respond putting my feet on Justin's lap. "You sure he'll like that?" Ashlynn asks out of no where. "Why wouldnt he?" I ask confused. "I dunno. Guys dont seem to like suprises" Ashlynn shrugs. Somethings up with her. 

"Yeah mom we're fine" I say in to the phone. "Good I'm glad love you" she responds. "Love you too" I say hanging up the phone. "Your mom worried?" Zeke asks. "What? Oh no shes not. Just checking in" I respond. I decide to text Jacob.

Me: hey babe water u doodin?

Jacob<3: im @ walmart and its sick cuz there's a taco bell here

Me: awesome. ttyl love you

Jacob<3: love you too

"I'm going to suprise Jacob. See you guys later" I say getting up. "You sure you wanna go alone? You've never been here before" Ashlynn asks. "Dude I'm fine" I respond slipping on my shoes. "Be home in an hour. We are going to an all ages club tonight" Daniel exclaims. "Haha okay" I reply closing the door. 

After ten minutes I finally reached a walmart with a Taco Bell. I walk inside and look over at the taco bell station. There I see Jacob sitting there with his brother. I walk around behind Jacob and Frank looks at me. I put my finger to my lips signaling him to be quiet so he looks away. "Hey babe can I get your number?" I whisper. "Sorry I have a--" Jacob starts but cuts off when he sees me. "Oh my god Paz what are you doing here?" he asks hugging me. Yes it does hurt my cuts but I'm used to it now. "I'm here for the whole summer with nine other freaks" I respond. "Thats amazing!" he exclaims kissing my cheek. Frank looks at him. "Hey but uh we gotta go so I'll call you later okay babe?" he says. "Yeah sure" I say confused. "I love you" he says kissing me. "yeah" I mumble letting go of him. "Paz wait-" "No go its all good" I say cutting him off. He looks at me with guilt in his eyes. 

"Ready to party?" Ashlynn asks finishing my makeup. "Definately" I respond putting on my heels. Usually I dont dress like this but at midnight, it will be my fifteenth birthday so why not try something new. All of us girls chose extremely amazing dresses while the guys dressed their normal ways. (Pic of girls dresses on side: Paige #1 Gavi #2 Paz #3 and Ashlynn #4) "You look amazing" Luke mumbles. "Thanks" I respond. "What happens at this club, stays at this club" Zeke jokes. "Oh yes" Ashlynn says smiling. "Lets go then" Daniel says taking Gavi's hand in his. "You're going to be 15 Paz" Justin says. "Yea I know" I respond. "You're going to be so old" Justin jokes. "You turn 17 in two months" I retaliate. "Stopp" Justin whines. "Ha" I say smirking. "Basically Justin is the oldest, then Zeke, Ashlynn,Luke, Paz, Gavi, then me" Paige explains. "Pretty much" Luke agrees. (A/N yes I realize Luke should be younger then Paz based on the other book but oh well) "We are going to have so much fun" Gavi gushes. "I hope soo" I say. "Wow this place is amazing" I gush looking around. "Lets find me a bae" Ashlynn exclaims dragging me in to the club. "Dont do anything you'll regret" Gavi jokes. This is going to be one helluva night. 

Jacob's POV

"So she just showed up?" Jaden asks. "Yea. I guess shes staying here the whole summer" I say in disbelief. "Dude did you talk to Anna?" Franks asks. "Yeah. DNA testing being done tomorrow" I respond taking a joint. "Dude this is insane. What are you going to do if it is your kid?" Jaden asks. "Raise em" I respond. "You think you're capable of raising a kid with Anna?" Franks asks. "If I have to its what I'm going to do. I'm not a douche who knocks a girl up then leaves" I say finishing the joint. "Mom and Dad will be so mad bro" Frank says. "They dont care about me anyway" I snap. "Bro lets go to the all ages club. Get your mind off of everything. "Aight sounds cool" I respond getting in to his car. As we were on the way there my phone vibrates and I see a text from Anna.

Anna: hey I need to talk to you asap

me: whats wrong?

Anna: the DNA place said they cant do the test tomorrow. we have to do it tonight

Me: when?

Anna: 5:45

Me: I'lll be there

"Turn around. Appointments rescheduled for 5:45 tonight" I say. Frank stops and turns at the green light. "This is insane" Jaden says. "I couldnt agree more" I respond. "No matter what bro we are here for you" Frank says just before I go in to the doctors. "Thanks bro" I say walking in. "Jacob?" a familiar voice asks. "Anna?" I question. She runs up to me and hugs me. "I missed you so much" she whispers. "I missed you too" I respond. I'm not lying. Anna was the best thing that ever happened to me. We were dating since we were 14 but 10 months ago she moved here to Miami so we broke up. So when she moved she was 4 months pregnant. "How old is she?" I ask her. "She's two months old" she responds not letting go of me. "If she's mine I am so sorry" I cry hugging her again. "Her names Rose" she stiffles. Rose. Makes me think of Paz. What am I going to say to her? "Where is she?" I ask sitting down. "Shes getting her DNA tested" Anna says sitting next to me. "Here she is" the doctor says handing Anna Rose. "Can you hold her while I go?" Anna asks. "Yeah of course" I say taking Rose in my hand. When I look at her my eyes begin to water. The fact that she looks like Anna and I scares me. 'She's yours' my brain says. "Here your up" Anna says taking my eyes off of Anna. I carefully hand her Rose and go in to the room. 

"And the results are?" Anna asks impatient. "Perfect DNA match" the doctor says. I'm a father. I'm 16. I'm a 16 year old father. "Thats great" I gulp. "Give me a minute ok?" I say to Anna kissing her cheek. "Yeah" she responds. I quickly text Paz.

Me: im so sorry I have to do this. I have no other choice

Paz:P: what?

Me: I have a two month old daughter. I'm so sorry Paz. I need to be with her mother

I waited and waited for a response but never got one.

Paz's POV

I broke down instantly. "How?" I thought. I ran in to the bathroom and cried. How could this happen? And I find out 20 minutes before my birthday. Best birthday ever.(Please note the sarcasm) I freshen up and walk back to everyone. When the clock strikes midnight everyone sings me happy birthday. "Thanks" I mumble happily. 

Me: thanks for a great bday suprise

Jacob: im so sorry

I turn my phone off and pretend nothing is wrong. I'm used to pretending.

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