It's Going Down(PART ONE)

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"Pazzz" Gavi yells from across the hall. I groan, get out of bed and go in to her room. "what?" I ask when I see her gaping at her computer screen. "Tinashe was caught kissing and 'canoodling' with up and coming music artist Daniel Hill" she reads. "We are going to get her back bae dont worry" I assure her. She nods but I can tell she is completely unsure. "Ashlynn. Here now" I yell loudly.

"So basically we kick her as-butt?" Gavi asks after we finish going over everything. "Yeah pretty much" I agree smirking. "You ready?" Zeke asks from the hallway. "Hell yeah" Gavi exclaims. We were on our way to Tinashe's party that she was throwing. "You look hot" Luke says smirking when we get in to Zeke's car. I was wearing something unsual from what I usually wear but we had to fit in with the crowd. I was wearing a short black dress with black tights and black combat boots. "Thanks" I respond winking. 

"There she is" Gavi whispers. "I see her" I respond rolling my eyes. "Alright she's on her way over to Luke now" Gavi reads from her phone. I look up and see Tinashe(who happens to be wearing a butt high dress and what most people would classify as 'break your neck' heels) saunterring over to MY boyfriend. I know this is part of the plan but it's pretty scary when an extremely gorgeous girl dressed like a slut is about to hit on your boyfriend. "Now" Gavi whispers in my ear. I nod and we both walk over to Tinashe and Luke. "So you think you can hit on every guy? And kiss tem?" I snap angrily. "Pretty much" she responds touching Luke. "Back up" I say gritting my teeth. "Or what?" she asks rubbing her body against Luke. I swing my fist and  connect with her jaw. "Thats it" she screams.

TO BE CONTINUED...................................

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